Volume 30
Number 10



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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






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October 2017




The alt-right is self-named. The alt-right also invented the term “alt-left” as a term with no specific meaning other than to label whoever the alt-right considers an enemy


The fact is that the U.S. Government has borrowed some $3 Trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund, money now owed by Uncle Sam to millions of working Americans. Social Security is only broke if Uncle Sam defaults on its debts to us. The debt to Social Security is less than 20 percent of the total U.S. Government’s debt.


If we truly want to challenge racism, oppression, and inequality, we should turn our attention away from the few hundred marchers in Charlottesville and towards the real sources and enforcers of our unjust global order. They are not hard to find.


In a recent New York Times survey only 36 percent of U.S. adults could correctly locate North Korea on an unlabelled map. Yet according to a recent poll (Chicago Council on Global Affairs) 75 percent of Americans believe that North Korea’s nuclear program is a critical threat to the United States.


As early as 1998, Cedice Libertad, Atlas’s flagship think tank in Caracas, Venezuela’s capital, received regular financial support from the Center for International Private Enterprise. In one grant letter, NED funds marked for Cedice are listed to help advocate ‘a change in government.’


A blatant double standard can be seen when we compare coverage of Kagame and leaders who have been defiant of the West such as the late Muammar Qaddafi of Libya, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Several years back, I led a team of authors drafting articles of impeachment against then-President George W. Bush for then-Congressperson Dennis Kucinich. We drafted over 60 and settled on the best 35. Had Congress moved forward, it would not have passed all 35 or convicted on them. But we felt it was important to establish the record and present the options


Effectively, this “executive order” served-up a wish list that would have been compiled by any real estate mogul who doesn’t want any government agency or public group to come between him, his building, and his bottom line. In the name of building more useful infrastructure executive order is designed to let developers skirt environmental regulations, and most likely, labor, health, and safety regulations as well. The Executive Order will make it a lot easier to build more Trump towers in flood plains, but do little or nothing for the country’s true infrastructure needs.


Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, has been reduced to rubble. It has been finally conquered, snatched back from the notorious group, Daesh, after months of merciless bombardment by the U.S.-led war coalition, and a massive ground war. But “victory” can hardly be the term assigned to this moment. Mosul, once Iraq’s cultural jewel and model of co-existence, is now a “city of corpses


Afghanistan is evidence of the never-ending policy of full spectrum dominance sought by the U.S. empire


The most reliable guide to understanding neoliberalism is Jack Rasmus’s book, Central Bankers on the Ropes, which examines the fundamental role of central banks in our current savage global economy.


The vicious assault on counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia by a volatile amalgam of Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Alt-Right and other white nationalist forces was one of the most horrific acts of domestic terrorism in American history


Trump's administration is contributing to social calm and order by setting out to give local police more military weapons, from armored troop carriers to grenade launchers.


Studies have shown that doctors who have received payments from pharmaceutical companies are more likely to prescribe those companies’ medications. But pharmaceutical companies go far beyond wining and dining doctors, or paying them speaking fees. They organize “patient advocacy” groups that pretend to be grassroots organizations


PepsiCo is the world’s second-largest snacks producer. It makes Frito-Lay, Quaker Oats, Gatorade and Tropicana products in more than 200 countries, and holds at 84 on Forbes’s World’s Largest Public Companies, right behind Amazon. In 2016, it had a market value of $159.4 billion and employed an estimated 264,000 workers. It should come as no surprise that when PepsiCo shut down on June 20, the workers held an assembly and voted to resist.


Leaders of the United States know that they bear significant responsibility for the violence in Mexico


Events and other items of interest to progressives

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FREEDOM SCHOOL - The Youth Organizing Institute of North Carolina will be holding their 5th Annual Freedom School, July 8-25. They are currently fundraising.

Contact: http://empoweryouthnc.org/.

RESTORATIVE PRACTICES - The International Institute for Restorative Practicies (IIRP) will host a participatory symposium about implementing restorative practices in a variety of settings. July 7-9 in Toronto, Ontario; and July 21-23 in Bethlehem, PA. IIRP’s 17th World Conference will be held October 27-29, in Bethlehem, PA.

Contact: 610-807-9221; registrar@iirp.edu; http://www.iirp.edu/.

NATIVE MEDIA - The Native American Journalists Association will co-host the National Native Media Conference  July 10-13, in Santa Clara, CA. Other co-hosts include Native Public Media and Vision Maker Media.

Contact: NAJA, OU-Gaylord College, 395 W. Lindsey St., Norman, OK 73019-4201; 405-325-1649; http://www.naja.com.

PEACESTOCK - On July 12, the 12th Annual Peacestock: A Gathering for Peace, will take place in Hager City, WI. The event is a mixture of music, speakers and community for peace. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace.

Contact: Bill Habedank, 1913 Grandview Ave., Red Wing, MN 55066; 651-388-7733; billhabedank@yahoo.com; http://www.peacestockvfp.org.

IWW - The North American Work People’s College will take place July 12-16 at Mesaba Co-op Park in northern Minnesota. The event will bring together Wobblies from branches across the continent to learn new skills and build One Big Union.

Contact: http://workpeoplescollege.org/.

NETROOTS - The 9th annual Netroots Nation conference will take place July 17-20, in Detroit, with writers, social justice advocates, labor and organizational leaders, grassroots organizers and online activists.

Contact: Netroots Nation, 1559B Sloat Blvd #316, San Francisco,CA 94132; http://www.netrootsnation.org.

LA RAZA - The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 19-22 in Los Angeles, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions.

Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-785-1670; www.nclr.org.

VETERANS - Veterans for Peace is holding the 29th annual convention July 23-27 at the University of NC at Asheville. This year’s theme is, Peace or Perish Abolish War on Planet and Poor.

Contact: http://www.vfpnationalconvention.org/.

OCCUPY - The Occupy National Gathering will be held in Sacramento, CA, July 31-August 3.

Contact: http://interoccupy.net/natgat2014/.

WOMEN/INEQUALITY - The 2014 Urban Bush Women Summer Leadership Institute will be held July 25-August 3, in New Orleans, under the theme: The Free Southern Theater Model: Addressing inequality by claiming our places, our legacy, our stories.

Contact: 718-398-4783; sli@urbanbushwomen.org; https://www.urbanbushwomen.org.

CAPITALISM - The Center for Global Justice will host an international conference on the topic Moving Beyond Capitalism, July 29-August 5, in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Presenters include Gal Alperovitz, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese.

Contact: 5802 Bob Bullock Loop, Suite C1 #84-1A, Laredo, TX 78041; 347-983-5084; admin@globaljusticecenter.org; http://www.globaljusticecenter.org.

ACTIVIST CAMP - Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and MA. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.

Contact: info@yeacamp.org; http://yeacamp.org/.

FOLK FESTIVAL - The Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held August 1-3, in the Berkshires, NY.

Contact: http://www.falconridgefolk.com/; falcridge@aol.com.

INDIE PUBLISHING - The Rhode Island Independent Publishing Expo (RIPExpo) will be held August 2-3, at the Providence Public Library.

Contact: ripepvd@gmail.com; http://ripexpo.tumblr.com/.

MEDIA - Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) will host a joint conference in Philadelphia, August 6-8.

Contact: http://www.allcommunitymedia.org/annual-conference.

VETERANS - Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will host: 10 Years of IVAW: National Convention, August 8-10, in Sedalia, CO.

Contact: PO Box 3565, New York, 10008-3565; 646-723-0989; http://www.ivaw.org/.

DISSIDENT ARTS - The Dissident Arts Festival will take place August 16, in New York City. The Dissident Arts Festival is the annual showcase of radical arts and activism, where revolutionary New Music meets Topical Song and Free Jazz cavorts with Dissident Poetry, Theater and Film.

Contact: John Pietaro, 646-599-0060; leftmus@earthlink.net; http://www.dissidentarts.com/.

SEXUAL ASSAULT - The National Sexual Assault Conference, held August 20-22 in Pittsburg, PA, is an advocacy-based conference providing advanced training opportunities and information regarding sexual violence intervention and prevention.

Contact: National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 123 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025; 717-909-0710; http://www.nsvrc.org.

SOCIAL FORUM - The 2014 Canadian Social Forum, a grassroots Peoples’ Social Forum, will be held in Ottawa-Gatineau, August 21-24.

Contact: http://www.peoplessocialforum.org/.

COMMUNITY CONFERENCE - The 20th annual Twin Oaks Community Conference will be held August 29-September 1. The conference is committed to equality, participatory government, ecology, and non-violence.

Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894-5126; twinoaks@ic.org; http://www.twinoakscommunity.org/.

LABOR DAY - The 30th annual Bread and Roses Festival, a celebration of the ethnic diversity and labor history of Lawrence, MA, will be held September 1, in honor of the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike. There will be music, dance, poetry, drama, ethnic food, historical demonstrations, walking & trolley tours.

Contact: Bread & Roses Heritage, PO Box 1137, Lawrence, MA 01842; 978-794-1655; info@breadandrosesheritage.org; http://www.breadandrosesheritage.org/.

VEGETARIAN - The 30th Annual Vegetarian Food Festival will take place September 5-7, in Toronto.

Contact: 17 Baldwin Street, 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1L1; http://festival.veg.ca/.

GALLERY - ArtRage Gallery will host a juried exhibition September 6-October 18, showing progressive art that inspires resistance and promotes social awareness.

Contact: ArtRage Gallery, 505 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, NY 13203; 315-218-5711; http://artragegallery.org/.

OCCUPY WALL STREET - September 17 is the three-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Events are planned in New York City and worldwide.

Contact: http://www.nycga.net/.

CLIMATE - The People’s Climate March will be held September 20-21, in New York City, to coincide with a UN summit on climate change.

Contact: http://peoplesclimatemarch.org/.

RAZA - El Centro de la Raza will host the Building the Beloved Community Gala, September 27, in Seattle.

Contact: 2524 16th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144; 206-957-4649; http://www.elcentrodelaraza.org/.

LGBTQ - The 27th annual Out On Film Festival will take place October 2-9, in Atlanta.

Contact: info@outonfilm.org; http://outonfilm.org/.

HOMELESSNESS - October 10 is World Homeless Day. Events are planned worldwide.

Contact: http://www.worldhomelessday.org/.

SDS - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will be holding its 9th National Convention, October 10-12, at University of Minnesota.

Contact: UMN SDS, 1930 Elliot Ave S #3, Minneapolis, MN 55404; http://www.newsds.org/.

COLUMBUS - October 13 is Columbus Day. Many groups around the country, including the Transform Columbus Day Alliance, work to challenge traditional ethnocentric views of Columbus the sole discoverer of America, as well as challenging the celebration of invasion, cruelty, oppression and cultural imperialism.

Contact: http://www.transformcolumbusday.org.

TEACHERS - The 14th Annual Conference, “Teaching for Social Justice: The Roots of Resistance,” will be held October 11 in San Francisco, CA. The free event features workshops, resources, and free childcare.

Contact: 415-676-7844; teachers4socialjustice @yahoo.com; http://www.t4sj.org/.

HISTORY/WWI - Georgian Court University and the Peace History Society will hold a conference on the theme: World War I: Dissent, Activism, & Transformation, October 17-18.

Contact: Georgian Court University, 900 Lakewood Ave., Lakewood, NJ 08701; 800-458-8422; bennetts@georgian.edu; http://www.georgian.edu/WWIconference.htm.

ENVIRONMENT - The APIEL (Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law) Conference 2014 will be held October 17-19, at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville. The conference brings together hundreds of eco-minded and socially conscious activists, attorneys, students, scientists and citizens in the interest of social justice.

Contact: PO Box 20363, Knoxville, TN 37920; apiel.info@gmail.com; http://www.apiel.org/.

POLICE BRUTALITY - October 22 is National Day Against Police Brutality. The Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) is currently campaigning towards the day.

Contact: http://www.october22.org/; SMIN, PO Box 941 Knickerbocker Station, New York, NY 10002-0900; 347-979-7646; stopmassincarceration@gmail.com; http://www.stopmassincarceration.net/.

WWI CENTENARY - Stop the War, No Glory, and a range of peace organizations are organizing meetings, debates, and cultural events to mark the First World War centenary, opposing attempts to use the centenary to “celebrate” a slaughter that killed 15 million people as a “just” and “noble” cause.

Contact: 020-7561-4830; office@stopwar.org.uk; http://stopwar.org.uk.

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