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Current Issue of The Guardian

October 18, 2017 - click here for index of articles.

Privatising Medicare

There are around 40,000 private health policies bombarding the “market” as private health insurance companies seek customers and governments cry poor while billions of dollars are siphoned off to subsidise private hospitals through the private health insurance rebate. Without the more than $6 billion a year in federal government taxpayer subsidies the private hospital system receives, it would collapse, virtually overnight.  more ...

Editorial – Get the “Korea Crisis” straight

The “Korean Crisis” has been manufactured by the United States which has engaged in provocations against the DPRK (North Korea) for decades (ever since the end of WW2, in fact). It almost destroyed the country in the Korean War, part of the USA’s attempt to “roll back Communism” in the 1950s, and has subjected North Korea to a diplomatic and economic blockade ever since.  more ...

Roll out of the police state

The Bali bombing on October 12, 2002, was opportunistically used by the government to defend its pursuit of anti-democratic ASIO and terrorism laws. The government warned Australians that they were at risk of a terrorist attack, and spent millions of dollars on a fear campaign, running television commercials and distributing an anti-terrorism kit (with the infamous fridge magnets) to all households. Just five months later the Howard government committed Australia to the illegal war on Iraq in collaboration with the US and Britain.  more ...

Concerns over costs of NDIS

More than a year after the roll out of the trial National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on Palm Island, the local community is still bearing the costs of caring for people with disability. According to Palm Island Community Company (PICC) chief executive Rachel Atkinson, the “hidden costs” of establishing the NDIS have “not been accounted for by the government.”  more ...

NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies

1940: In England Prime Minister Winston Churchill creates the secret stay-behind army Special Operations Executive (SOE) to set Europe ablaze by assisting resistance movements and carrying out subversive operations in enemy held territory. After the end of World War Two the stay-behind armies are created on the experiences and strategies of SOE with the involvement of former SOE officers.  more ...

Culture & Life – Graft, corruption and business opportunities

For many bourgeois politicians, government is merely an extension of business, an opportunity to use public funds to make private profits. Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull certainly fall into this group, but the pollie who most embodies the phenomenon is US President Donald Trump.  more ...

Quote of the Week

All land shall become the property of the whole people,
and pass into the use of those who cultivate it.

Russia – “Decree on Land”, November 1917

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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