Weekend Action Diary

2 06 2016

There’s a lot going on this weekend for Antifascists. Here, we’ve rounded up the main demonstrations, and what’s going on.


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Dover – Solidarity and Kettled Nazis

2 04 2016

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who decended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.


The pathetic fascist turnout.

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It’s That Time of the Year Again…

8 11 2015

It’s getting towards the end of the year, and fascist activity is beginning to round up (they don’t seem to like the cold). It looks like the final AFN callout of the year will be in Bradford on the 14th November, against the EDL. Check out that callout here. It’s been a busy autumn though, with antifascist demonstrations across the country over the last few weeks.

Graffiti Spotted in Brighton.

Graffiti Spotted in Brighton Recently.

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EVF in Croydon Sat 27th July

27 07 2013

Anti-fascists gave the racists grief from 11am – 7pm, Croydon to Westminster, ensuring wherever they went, they were told to fuck off.


Croydon demonstration update

16 07 2013

Following up on our previous call for people to join us in opposing the racist EVF in Croydon on the 27th July:

The EVF have changed the time of their demonstration from 1330 to 1200 to enable them to go off to join another equally racist right wing demonstration at 1430 marching from Woolwich to Westminster.

We will be meeting outside Lunar House at 11:00 on the 27th
Lunar House is at 40 Wellesley Rd, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY
(10min walk from East Croydon station)

map: http://goo.gl/maps/2jiTD

Join us on the 27th to say no to racism, Islamophobia and migrant scapegoating

Brighton Anti-Fascists


Oppose the racist EVF demonstration in Croydon – stick up for migrants

13 07 2013

Sat 27th July, East Croydon – Keep the date in your diary!

On Saturday 27th July a splinter group of the EDL called the English Volunteer Force have called a demonstration outside Lunar House in Croydon, which is the main asylum seeker processing centre in the UK, where asylum seekers and migrants are obliged to come by the Home Office. The EVF are more openly and virulently racist that the EDL and will be supported by a number of other far-right splinter groups.

Their aim is to scapegoat migrants for many of the problems of society and to stoke up anti-Muslim hatred. They aim to capitalise upon anti-immigrant feeling connected with the rise of UKIP and on the recent surge in Islamophobia since the killing of Lee Rigby in Woolwich in May.

Lunar House will be operating on the day and migrants, many of whom are vulnerable people having fled torture and abuse, will have to queue outside suffering abuse from fascists.

The EVF are being opposed by a broad coalition of local residents and the local Trades Council, South London Anti-Fascists, the local Green Party, UAF, One Croydon, Croydon SolFed, the Anti-Fascist Network and others.

Say no to racism, Islamophobia and migrant scapegoating – Join us on the 27th to stand together against the hatred of the EVF and to defend people’s right to seek asylum.

The EVF have announced their demonstration for 12 noon. More information will be made available nearer the time about precise time and location of our counter mobilisation.

Brighton Anti-Fascists


Woolwich Strong and the EDL

22 06 2013

Since the murder of Lee Rigby, various chancers have attempted to use the tragedy as a bandwagon for their own financial and political gain. The EDL leaped at the chance to exploit the murder, setting up Facebook fronts and organised memorial marches in order to expose more people to their anti-Muslim propaganda. Now they’re saying they will march from Westminster to Woolwich in order to get on TV again. Help For Heroes have rejected their sponsorship money so Tommy & Kev will be pocketing it instead.

The far right aren’t the only ones cashing in. Joshua Bonehill, a UKIP supporter and former Tory hopeful has stolen an idea from the US and has appointed himself the Chairman of Woolwich Strong. The Strong movement is set up to appeal to ordinary people who want to pay their respects to Lee Rigby but has, unsurprisingly, attracted the vultures of the far right as well. Nottingham Strong was shut down after it was revealed to have been run by the EDL and Strong events in Doncaster, Manchester, Exeter, Brighton and Mansfield have all been shown to have involvement with known fascist activists.

One of the main aims of Bonehill’s Strong movement is selling branded T-shirts. Lee Rigby’s family, who have spoken out against attempts to capitalise on his death, have not been contacted about where the proceeds are going.

This Sunday, the Strong groups are organising local marches up and down the country. The fascist activists involved will be trying to infiltrate these events to spread their poisonous propaganda and anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. Anti-fascists will be monitoring these events and exposing fascist involvement in them. There is no place for fascism in our local communities.

Brighton Anti-fascists, who exposed the fact that the Brighton & Hove Strong group was set up by the local EDL division, have these questions for the Strong movement:

‘What really is extremism?’ And: ‘Why isn’t “Strong” concerned about the rise of the right wing extremism of EDL?’

East Midlands Anti-fascists exposed the fact that Mansfield’s EDL organiser was involved in organising Mansfield Strong and that a number of local far right activists were planning to travel to the event on Sunday:

We ask the other organisers of Mansfield Strong to resist attempts by the EDL to infiltrate their event. We hope that they make it clear that the EDL and other far right groups are not welcome.

The Antifascist Network will be mobilising to oppose the EDL’s further cynical attempts to cash in on this tragedy. Keep an eye on this blog and join your local anti-fascist group to keep up to date.