Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

September 29, 2010

War Don Don reminder

Filed under: Africa,Film — louisproyect @ 1:45 pm

I reviewed this powerful documentary about a deeply flawed war crimes tribunal of a Sierra Leone militia leader in late August:


It airs tonight on HBO at 8pm and should not be missed.


  1. I actually just watched “The Empire in Africa” and was left completely stunned. From a leftist perspective, one could not help but feel sympathy for the RUF’s goals but disgust at some of it’s methods (not that the “good guys” were any less brutal). Maybe this film will exonerate some previously demonized individuals who’s only crime was wanting the wealth of one of the most resource rich countries in the world shared more equitably amongst it’s people.

    Comment by Rob — September 29, 2010 @ 3:43 pm

  2. Yeah. You don’t go cutting off the hands of children. I’m now reading Lansana Gberie’s A Dirty War in West Africa after finishing Ahmadou Kourouma’s black-comic novel All is Not Obliged. Both authors are explicit: there is no possible ideological justification for the use of these tactics. Period.

    Comment by Sean — November 23, 2010 @ 4:37 am

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