Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

September 26, 2017

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 5:55 pm

Star of horror movie

Director of horrid documentary


December 26, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 2:00 am


August 29, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 12:01 am

Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 7.56.50 PMSteven Avery, accused serial murderer reported on in the New Yorker

Tariq Ali, propagandist for Bashar al-Assad, serial killer of countless Syrians

August 24, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 10:11 pm

Tobey Maguire, in performance as Spiderman

gregor samsa copy

Ben Norton, master of political metamorphosis, in performance as Gregor Samsa in Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”

August 12, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 11:13 am

Tyrell Wellick, evil corporate character from E Corp on the USA Network series “Mr. Robot”


Donald Trump Jr., evil corporate character


June 21, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 10:38 am

Dumb and dumber


June 19, 2016

Hairdos separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 4:35 pm

Peter Sellars, brilliant opera director

Kim Jong-un, bizarre Confucian/Stalinist president for life of North Korea

February 14, 2016

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 4:32 pm

Sydney Lassick: actor who played mental patient in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

Anthony Scalia: mental patient who played a Supreme Court judge until yesterday

January 30, 2016

Separated at birth?

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 6:30 pm

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German tree-hugger featured in NY Times article

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Louis Proyect, American tree-hugger and bon vivant

November 17, 2015

Separated at birth

Filed under: separated at birth? — louisproyect @ 1:37 pm

Pope Francis: Marxist cleric

Rick Wolff: Marxist professor emeritus

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