04:03 GMT +316 September 2017
    Hard Facts

    The Problems With the Amnesty International Report

    Hard Facts
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    John Wight

    The release of the - at face value - damning report by Amnesty International on human rights abuses at the Saydnaya prison in Syria has caused huge controversy in the past week; but are its claims based in fact? John Wight speaks to former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford.

    In this episode of Hard Facts, former UK Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford dismantles the Amnesty International Report on the Syrian Saydnaya prison and highlights its many problems.  Together with John Wight they dig deeper into the origins of Amnesty International as an organization and explore what other motives may be behind this report.

    Also they look to the future of the resolution of the Syrian conflict; the draft resolution proposed by Russia and what we can expect from the upcoming talks in Geneva.

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    Amnesty International, General Michael Flynn, Peter Ford, Syria
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