
Daily Shouts

The Only Times When It’s O.K. to Enter a Subway Car Before People Exit

You are Jon Hamm’s dog and you can do whatever you want because he will always fight for your honor.

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Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, October 3rd

“We will now observe a moment of silencing critics of gun violence.”

12:42 P.M.

Kneelers with Attitude

Colin Kaepernick has been called many things, but none has been more divisive than “kneeler.”

7:00 A.M.

Daily Cartoon: Monday, October 2nd

“They want everything done for them.”

October 2, 2017

Cartoons from the October 9, 2017, Issue

Drawings and drollery from this week’s magazine.

October 2, 2017

Tom Price Seated Between Two Screaming Babies on First-Ever Commercial Flight

According to witnesses, the two babies flanking the former Cabinet secretary screamed non-stop for the entire duration of the flight.

September 30, 2017
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Daily Comics

Common Venmo Charges, Decoded

What those transactions really mean.

Your Texts Via Old Methods of Communication

Mundane messages via Morse code, Pony Express, and stone tablet.

Alternate Endings to Classic Video Games

Pac-Man has a breakthrough on his wedding night.

Conversations with Ma

“Ma! That’s not what you’re supposed to say!”

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Cartoons from the Issue


All Things Gross and Small

Emma and Colin peruse cartoons about the oft-overlooked and underfoot vermin of New York.