Last updated: October 12, 2017

Cheaper health cover on the way

Doctor holding stethoscope to piggy bank

Revelations that 10,000 people are dropping private cover a month has forced new laws to cut premiums, but only for some.

Ensuring the patient knows best

Ensuring the patient knows best

The Australian Orthopaedic Association is to be commended for releasing data on joint replacement surgery.

Bupa nurse cuts hit ‘good faith’

Home - Housing Industry Association CSR 2012 SA Housing Awards. Logo - Bupa.

Bupa will cut its nurse management workforce in half by merging two roles into one, according to an internal memo.

Medibank offers in-home rehab

male all joints pain in blue

Medibank will today begin offering in-home rehab for joint replacement patients.

NDIS hiring generates job growth

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The surge in employment this year owes more to the ramp up of the NDIS than to any broad recovery in the economy

States lobby Hunt over codeine

Ferderal health minister Greg Hunt is seen at  St Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, Sunday, September 24, 2017. Hunt was launching an ice drug prevention initiative. (AAP Image/Julian Smith) NO ARCHIVING

The Pharmacy Guild is lobbying for some over-the-counter sales of codeine products to continue.

Hospitals ‘driving up premiums’

Intensive care unit monitor and surgery

Public hospitals can access 44 per cent more funding for patients if they bill their insurer, according to a new analysis.

Health funds could go for bronze

Ferderal health minister Greg Hunt is seen at St Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, Sunday, September 24, 2017. Hunt was launching an ice drug prevention initiative. (AAP Image/Julian Smith) NO ARCHIVING

Consumers would support moves to categorise health-insurance policies into gold, silver and bronze, an reform committee is told.

No breast cancer testing funds

Doctor holding roentgen film and woman on pink bra

Funding has been refused for technology that could spare thousands of Australian breast cancer patients from chemotherapy.

Obesity: a disease, not a choice


Enough with ‘eat less and walk more’: it’s ignorant.

Flu puts pressure on hospitals

success smart medical doctor working with operating room as concept

The Victorian government will spend another $115 million to help hospitals cope with the state’s worst flu season.

Doctors fight training takeover

Dr Michael Gannon

Doctors are preparing to fight a proposed government-backed takeover of health education and training.

Bid to end jail for fine defaults


Western Australia’s Attorney- General says he is actively working to ensure that people are no longer put behind bars simply for failing to pay fines.

New jab after deadly flu season

ACT mum-of-two Jennifer Thew has died from complications from influenza. Source: Facebook

The World Health Organisation has recommended Australia modify its influenza vaccine next year.

Official flu death toll hits 121

Supplied Editorial Thinkstock Colds and flu POZ

The flu season continues to claim lives, with 121 deaths recorded this month, up from 72 at the beginning of the month.

Health sector ‘faces disruption’

Primary Health Care

Primary Health Care CEO Malcolm Parmenter says more could be done to improve consumer experience in healthcare.

Maker in ‘high-level’ flu talks

Ferderal health minister Greg Hunt is seen at  St Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, Sunday, September 24, 2017. Hunt was launching an ice drug prevention initiative. (AAP Image/Julian Smith) NO ARCHIVING

Talks are underway to introduce a super flu vaccine for elderly Australians.

Fatal flu email ‘lost in mix-up’

7 Dead in Old Peoples Home Dead

A nursing home in Victoria was overlooked by Canberra because the state government noti­fied the wrong federal agency.

Flu deaths expected to rise

WEB NEWS flu spread map

Australia’s flu outbreak could last for 12 more weeks with experts warning the death toll will likely rise

Give kids the gift of the jab


Kynan Meara-Fletcher is a typical seven-year-old boy: social and vivacious, but he succumbed within days to flu.

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