- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 773507
Mulan meets Shang HD
Mulan Returns Home HD
Mulan Warns Shang About Shan Yu HD
Mulan 2 Shang Dies HD
Mulan | I'll Make A Man Out Of You | Disney Sing-Along
Mulan - A Life For A Life HD
Shang Is Crazy For Mulan
Merida Meets Mulan - Once Upon A Time
Mulan 2 - Mushu's attempts to break up a happy couple
Mulan and Shang; Love's Story! Love Story
This scene is from Mulan 2. (Beware of spoilers in comments) ^I will delete them when I can. Disney Enterprises owns the content in this clip.
Be swift as a coursing river as you sing along to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan with this lyric video. SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new Disney videos are posted: http://di.sn/Subscribe Get even more Disney YouTube Oh My Disney: https://www.youtube.com/user/OhMyDisney Disney Style: https://www.youtube.com/user/disneysstyle Disney Family: https://www.youtube.com/user/Disney Mickey Mouse: https://www.youtube.com/user/DisneyShorts You Might Also Like: As Told By Emoji: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPZtUvlHLEp9_M5FPlC8LLa Tsum Tsum Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPewHLHBq5HFLJBGhHrsKnJ Sing Alongs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPBUsHQKmXGX3TB-FTSO0U6 More Disney! Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Disney Twitter: ht...
Merida accompanies her father into the military encampment where presents her with his war bow to carry into her first battle. Fergus hired a soldier to teach Merida to fight: Mulan. Watch a scene from Once Upon A Time - Season 5, Episode 9: "The Bear King." Subscribe: http://goo.gl/mo7HqT
This scene is from Mulan 2. (Beware of spoilers in comments) ^I will delete them when I can. Disney Enterprises owns the content in this clip.
Anticamente la vita era selvaggia, aspra e forte. Gli uomini erano veri uomini, le donne erano vere donne, e i vulcani attivi post-sovietici erano veri vulcani attivi post-sovietici. Seguimi anche su facebook! https://www.facebook.com/NocoldizTV/
Be swift as a coursing river as you sing along to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan with this lyric video. SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new Disney videos are posted: http://di.sn/Subscribe Get even more Disney YouTube Oh My Disney: https://www.youtube.com/user/OhMyDisney Disney Style: https://www.youtube.com/user/disneysstyle Disney Family: https://www.youtube.com/user/Disney Mickey Mouse: https://www.youtube.com/user/DisneyShorts You Might Also Like: As Told By Emoji: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPZtUvlHLEp9_M5FPlC8LLa Tsum Tsum Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPewHLHBq5HFLJBGhHrsKnJ Sing Alongs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSnlSGciSWPBUsHQKmXGX3TB-FTSO0U6 More Disney! Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Disney Twitter: ht...
http://www.facebook.com/simonerusti Breve filmato tratto dal film Disney Mulan. TESTO: Li Shang: Se cercate un fatto, io ve lo darò Gli Unni han vita corta, chi vivrà, vedrà E anche se voi siete deboli Lavoreremo ancora di più Si vedrà l'uomo che non sei tu La foresta è calma, ma nasconde in sè Mille e più minacce vi transformerò Fino a fare di voi degli uomini Sempre pronti a tutto e poi Degli eroi, come me, anche voi Chien-Po: davvero, non ne posso più! Yao:Qui ci lascerò le penne! Ling: Oh ma che schifo la ginnastica Mushu: Così li distruggerà Mulan: Spero che non se ne accorga Chien-Po: Di nuotare non sarò capace mai All: E sarai Li Shang: Veloce come è veloce il vento All: E sarai Li Shang: Un uomo vero senza timori All: E sarai Li Shang: Potente come un vulcano ...
Some of the best scenes of them together with music from Lifehouse
I do not own any rights to this movie or Disney. I own nothing.
Des brins de bambou tissés Pour le service à thé de la collection « Qiao », le maître artisan Zhang, l’expert du bambou, a mis au point une nouvelle technique de tressage afin d'habiller les pièces de porcelaine. Les brins de bambou sont méticuleusement tissés autour du corps de chaque élément, épousant à la perfection ses formes. Porcelaine et bambou semblent s'unir pour ne plus former qu’un. Le bambou revêtant ainsi la porcelaine d’un habit sur mesure est le fruit d’un savoir-faire délicat qui s’applique sur un matériau de premier choix. Chaque brin, en cours de séchage depuis au moins deux ans, doit mesurer 66 cm et ne présenter ni nœud apparent ni entaille. Selon la formule consacrée, « les brins verticaux doivent être aussi fins que la soie, les brins horizontaux aussi tendus qu’...
Beyond fashion and emotion. Short fashion film featuring more than 60 asian celebrities, for the book release of the Firebible, 5th Edition, by Han Huo Huo. Shot in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Cast: Han Huo Huo, Lin Yun, Angelababy, Kiko Mizuhara, Jiang Jinfu, Gao Yuanyuan,He Sui, Shang Wenjie, Song Qian, Zhang Huiwen, Waiman Chan, WaWa, Pakho, Zelia Zhong, Karena Ng, Lynn, Justine Lee, Yumiko Cheng, Linda, Tang Yixin, Rigel Davis, Li Chen, Wang Ou, Jessica Jung, Wang Luodan, Ma Sichun, Huang Jingyu, Pei Bei, Ji Lingchen, Jiang Shuying, Song Yanfei, Zhang Xueying, Guo Biting, Chen Bing, Yuan Shanshan, Zhou Bichang, Liu Shishi, Xi Youmi, Zhang Li, Wu Xin, XiaoBai, TianYuan, Tan Zhuo, Qi Xi, Zhang Bichen, Wang Ziwen, Jin Dachuan, Zhu Dan, Sun Jialing, Wang Yinuo, Li Ai, Qin Lan, L...
Client:Show City Time 少城時代 Production House: Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像工作室 Production DEPT.: Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁 Associate Director:Showy Lin 林修毅 Executive Producer:Eliza Lee 李依蒨 Producer:Jeff Sun 孫崇智 Assistant Director:Jin-Yi Chen 陳景頤 D.P. : Chin Hsin 金鑫 2nd Camera Operatoe.:Dantol Peng 彭文星 1nd Asst. Camera : Liu Yu Hao 劉于豪 Gaffer:Pony Ma 馬銘財 Equipment:Hsin Tsair Co. Ltd. 新彩廣告事業有限公司 Cooperation Equipment: Rong Film & TV Equipment Co.力榮影視器材有限公司 Hong Chen Film Studio鴻臣片場 Art DEPT.: Gee design studio 雞設士工作室 Art Director: Chicken Rice 雞肉飯 Set Decorator: Chao Tai Hsuan 趙苔軒 Chen Yu Chih 陳禹智 Frank Texture Art Studio, TAIWAN. 法蘭克國際質感藝術中心 President:Frank Chen 陳新發 Staff: Alice Wang 王馨珮 Lin Yen-Ju 林彥儒 Yan Guo-Liang 嚴國良 Xie Wan-Yun 謝萬運 Yu Tung-Jung 游東榮 Hyden Chen 陳思妤 Chen Kai-W...
Client:Pepsi Co.,Ltd. 中國百事可樂有限公司 Agents:BBDO Production House:Autumn Films 上海秋天 Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁 Associate Director:Showy Lin 林修毅 Executive Producer: Bo-Wen Suen 孫博文、Fish Producer:Chih-Tang Hsu Project Studio: 乃菱、Allen、小瀚、小光 D.P.:Chin Hsin 金鑫 Assistant cameraman: 游俞\、小鐘 Arrow assistant cameraman : Yong-Ming Chen 陳永明 Pi-Guan Suen 孫丕官 Cheng-Shiuan Liang 梁盛軒 Jiun-Jia Chen 陳俊嘉 Electrician:Li-Ching Chen 陳禮清 Gaffer:邰哥 Lighting: Chen-En Jie 陳恩杰 泰巴 Fu-Jang Huang 黃富章 Chih-Hsiang Liu 劉志祥 Li-Ren Liu 劉麗仁 Chung-An Tung 董崇安 A.D : Fish、Showy 修毅 D.A : Yi-Chien Li 李依蒨 Equipment: 力榮 Yi-Cheng Chang 張益誠 Kuan-Chung Ting 丁冠中 Yung-Hsin Huang 黃永鑫 Sheng Huang 黃聖峯 Art Director:Chih-Da Kuo 郭志達 Asst Art Director:Jian Cheng Yau 姚建誠 Art Asst: Shiang-Yi Wang 王香懿 Chin-Yuan Kao 高金源 Wei-J...
Production Co.: Shang Yan EP: Li Shing Lu Director: Chang Kuo Hsu (Nic Hsu) DOP: Chi Rong Chang, Chong Chi Kuo Art Director: Ashley Yang Food Stylist: Lance Yu@ Food Times Rigs & Special Effect Technicians: D.Li
片名: 困 导演: 楼南立 摄影: 范石三,封帆 灯光: 王水,刘星月 服装设计: 邱昊 模特: 劳郁 化妆发型: 代刚 助理: 陶桢, 尚且, 嘉悦 音乐: 李剑鸿 - 《来时疑无路》 录音与声音设计: 楼南立 ______________________ Title : Stay Director: Lou Nanli Cameraman: Fan Shisan,Feng Fan Lighting: Wang Shui, Liu Xinyue Model: Tony Lao Stayling: Dai Gang Assistant: Tao Zhen, Shang Qie, Jia Yue Music: Li Jianhong - "Doubt About The Way When Coming" Recording And Sound Design: Lou Nanli ______________________ 2012 Shanghai
:: FIVE. Hong Kong Visual Music A visualisation of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No.5 (1904) > Punto y Raya Festival 2016 OCTOBER 20th-23rd 2016 @ ZKM in KARLSRUHE, Germany. FREE ADMISSION until full capacity is reached. Excerpts from 4 of the 5 movements in FIVE, a collaborative visual music project created with 36 students under Max Hattler's direction at the School of Creative Media (City University of Hong Kong). Through the movement and rhythms of colours and shapes, Mahler’s musical world is brought to life on screen. The screening will be the festival opening event on Thursday 20th of October 2016, and will be introduced by Max Hattler in person. * CREDITS Animated by Zhen Bao, Jing Bi, Kei Chee Choi, Tsui Yin Choi, Hiu Lam Chow, Kevin Finck, Shang Gao, Yuan Gao, Wenya He, Wing Kwan ...
Client: Universes Entertainment Marketing Limited天地合娛樂製作有限公司 Gold-typhon Music 金牌大風唱片 Artist Management: Howard Chiang 蔣承縉 Lyrics:崔惟楷 Luke"skywalker"Tsui OC/OA:Scott Wild(aka. The White N3rd)/Paul Humphries Marketing Planner: Jimmy Chou 周啟民 Stylist: Yi-Heng Gau高翊恆 Vivi Song宋上慈 Dance Soul Studio Production House: GrassJellyStudio 仙草影像工作室 Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁 Executive Producer: Yi-Chien Lee 李依蒨 Producer: Hanson Wang 王漢聲 D.P.: Chin Hsin 金鑫 Gaffer: Pony Ma 馬銘財 Art Director: Chicken rice 雞肉飯 Tso-Wei Tsou 鄒卓偉 Special Effect: 法蘭克質感藝術 Frank Chen陳新發 Custom designer: Yan-Juun Chen陳彥君 Casting: Rung-Chuang Fu傅榮昌 Demolition Team: Jeng-De Lin林正德 Ya Ya雅雅 Jiun-Yan Jiang江俊彥 Feng-Ming Chuang張峰銘 Shang-Feng Chuang張尚峰 Jian-Da Sung宋建達 2nd Asst. Camera: Yu-Hau Liou劉于豪 Ming-Da Jung鐘明達 Electric: Ming-Jian Ma馬...
BODY COPYRIGHT B / C company launched BODY COPYRIGHT service since cosmetic surgery is becoming daily phenomenon.We ask plastic surgeons to reshape our body to reach retouched celebrities photograph in magazines.BODY COPYRIGHT service provide a platform allow you to apply copyright for your own body.BODY COPYRIGHT service protect your body being copy from unauthorised individual by register each part of your body.B / C established BODY COPYRIGHT archive allow scientists,historian to research and analysis human body in different generation.B / C will ask you to take a silver pill to register your body due o general procedure.Any consumer purchase any part of your body will need to pay you BODY COPYRIGHT TAX once your registration process is complete.BODY COPYRIGHT investigation department...
Captain Phoebus the French knight vs. General Li Shang the hardened Chinese soldier. In this video I will analyze both combatants weapons/ combat skills, comparing Phoebus and Shang's abilities side by side to determine who would win in a hypothetical battle. If you have any requests for future battles in the series, please leave them in the comment section below. Don't forget to subscribe for more videos like this one.
Director: Chen Ming Hwa Cast: Pearl Chang ling, Ccharlie Chin Shang Lin, Cliff Lok, Lo Lieh Shang Li is suspected of murder, so he runs away. While the hunters search for him, they have plenty of time to think of the murder suspect, and just maybe Shang Li is innocent? Isn’t there someone else around with a much better reason to commit that murder? This takes us into the second half of the movie where a lot more kung fu fighting takes place than in the first. Subscribe to the Wu Tang Collection now and enjoy the best in Martial Arts Action and Entertainment! Go to https://www.youtube.com/c/WuTangCollectionDope
Song name: 13 Anthology Remix By: KevinKBeats VVV Be sure to follow below! VVV http://www.twitter.com/demongodjr http://www.instagram.com/yt.demongodjr http://www.twitch.tv/demongodjr http://www.twitch.tv/KH13com (Probably streaming here)
The titans are like their creepy grandparents. They made them like, just really big giant monsters. Snatched Podcast is a podcast that features, normally, 4-5 hosts. The hosts talk about a random topic that is brought up at the very beginning of the podcast. Hosts make up names every podcast. "Cast" list is below. Podcasts are 30 minutes long, give or take. We do not currently have a set schedule for the release of podcasts. More of Snatched: https://www.snatcheddaily.com https://www.instagram.com/snatcheddaily https://www.twitter.com/snatcheddaily https://www.facebook.com/snatcheddaily/ Secret word: Forrest Music in the intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__CRWE-L45k Producer/Editor/Host: Selina Ding (Athena): https://www.instagram.com/selinading23 https://www.facebook.com/selina....
Fa Mulan gets the surprise of her young life when her love, Captain (now General) Li Shang asks for her hand in marriage. Before the two can have their happily ever after, the Emperor assigns them a secret mission, to escort three princesses to Qui Gong, China. Mushu is determined to drive a wedge between the couple after he learns that he will lose his guardian job if Mulan marries into the Li family. After the princesses unexpectedly fall in love with the Gang of Three, Mulan decides to help them escape the fate of marrying men they do not love. This contradicts the Emperor's orders and forces him to put Mulan's relationship with Shang into question. They are attacked by Mongolians, and the fate of China hangs in the balance.
Жанр: Военный, Исторический. Страна: Китай. Режиссер: Джиан Чен, Донг Шен ... » Сценарий: Lu Zhuguo. Эта военная драма рассказывает историю коммуниста, который руководил 8-ой Армией в войне с японцами в горах Тайхан Северного Китая с 1937 по 1940 годы. В ролях: Wang Wufu, Shusheng Li, Shikui Yan, Тони Люн Ка Фай, De-kai Liu, Youbin Li, Ки Лу
I do not own the rights to the videos or music in the videos. Includes Honor To Us All, Reflection and I'll Make A Man Out Of You from the Disney film. Watch the movie here: Part 1 - https://youtu.be/VT9V_hHPYhM Part 2 - https://youtu.be/KCAPVXkvQvI Part 3 - https://youtu.be/YZUTlyEbIcU Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical action-comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan. Disney's 36th animated feature, it was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story by Robert D. San Souci and screenplay by Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, and Raymond Singer. Ming-Na, Eddie Murphy, Miguel Ferrer and B. D. Wong star in the English version, while Jackie Chan provided the voice of Captain Li Shang...
Under the command http://mulanala.blogspot.com/0120762 of Captain Li Shang, she and her fellow recruits Yao, Ling and Chien-Po, gradually become trained warriors. Mushu, desiring to see Mulan succeed, creates a fake order from Shang's father, General Li, ordering Shang to follow the main Imperial Army into the mountains.