- published: 01 Jun 2017
- views: 118153
The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the world's governing body in the sport of bicycle racing, classifies races according to a rating scale.
The rating is represented by a code made of two or three parts and indicates both the type or style of race (the first part), and its importance or difficulty (the second and third parts). The first part can be an integer or an abbreviation, and the second part, when present, are usually integers. Both parts are separated by a period or decimal point (.).
A higher rated race will result in the successful riders receiving more world ranking points.
The first part of the codes to rate a road race is '1' for a one-day race, and '2' for a multi-day (stage) race. They are separated from the second part of the classification, the ranking, by a decimal point. 'HC' (beyond categorization, from French hors catégorie) is the highest ranking category, followed by '1' and then '2'. For example, a race rated 1.1 equates to a one-day, category 1 race.
Minecraft is a sandbox video game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and later developed and published by Mojang. The creative and building aspects of Minecraft enable players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other activities in the game include exploration, resource gathering, crafting, and combat. Multiple gameplay modes are available, including survival mode where the player must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, a creative mode where players have unlimited resources to build with and the ability to fly, an adventure mode where players play custom maps created by other players, and a spectator mode where players can fly around and clip through blocks, but cannot place or destroy any. The PC version of the game is renowned for its third-party mods, which add various new items, characters, worlds, and quests to the game.
The alpha version was publicly released for PC on May 17, 2009, and after gradual updates, the full version was released on November 18, 2011. A version for Android was released a month earlier on October 7, and an iOS version was released on November 17, 2011. The game was released on the Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade game on May 9, 2012; on the PlayStation 3 on December 17, 2013; on the PlayStation 4 on September 4, 2014; on the Xbox One the next day; on the PlayStation Vita on October 14, 2014; and on the Wii U on December 17, 2015. On December 10, 2014, a Windows Phone version was released. All versions of Minecraft receive periodic updates, with the console editions being co-developed by 4J Studios.
Minecraft PE 1.1 Update OUT NOW - All Features
MCPE 1.1 FULL REVIEW! // Minecraft PE 1.1 release changelog! (Terracotta, llamas, mansions, & MORE!)
MCPE 1.1 SECRETS !!! 16 Things You May Not Know about Minecraft PE 1.1
総重量1.1倍ルールって何? 2017年10月1日から施工
Minecraft 1.1 Update
✔️Minecraft PE 1.1 - SECRET FEATURES! [MCPE 1.1]
MINECRAFT PE 1.1 - UPDATE SECRETS!! // ALL 1.1 Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1 SECRETS!
Жарайт Сити \ 9 выпуск \ 3 сезон
Эл Эмне Дейт? \ 2 сезон \ 8 выпуск
MCPE 1.1 SECRETS! (Minecraft Pocket Edition)
PRO duck 41 cs 1.1 -Sniper.No1
Fire Emblem Heroes - MY TIER LIST Update 1.1 [Performing Arts Update]
Cs 1.1 - Hào, Thanh, Bống vs [CSY] Chicken Zero, Dũng Gà, Vinh Bư ( 33 đổ chợ ) 24-02-2017
บรรยากาศซ้อม ยองบ่าง 1.1
Жарайт Сити \ 3 выпуск \ 3 сезон
MCPE 1.1 - NEW MAPS & MORE! (Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1)
Minecraft pe 1.1.0 先行版更新內容介紹~
A brand NEW PE update is out, and here is the run down! - Previous Video(Floating Villages Are Back!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdMpkd8JfGs - Learn More About TU53 Features: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpxRQ7q8ddtmvEL8On47eCHQ - Think you've missed a video? You can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos - My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat - Follow for video updates and personal news - Recorded With an Elgato HD60: Buy in US - http://amzn.to/1DcpKgv Buy in UK - http://amzn.to/1KAjBwY - Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike - Minecraft Console Edition Seed Sunday Playlist: https://goo.gl/rDqf8D - Minecraft Xbox - Update Adventures Lets Play Playlist: http://goo.gl/MKvYLj
MCPE 1.1 full review / walk through! MCPE 1.1 released some time today and it is RAD! In Minecraft PE 1.1, we have terracotta, concrete, totem of undying, vindicators, mansions, llamas, new colored blocks, and MUCH MUUUCH more! Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1 has so many new things, they can't even list them in the changelog. You can get the beta with the link below and tutorial shown in video! Hope you enjoy MCPE 1.1's new features! ======================= ►GET MCPE 1.1 HERE: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mojang.minecraftpe?pageId=110225328796240842992 ►Twitterz: https://twitter.com/youtubeaghq ►DANK intro by SharkFX: https://youtu.be/kkyEEh4-Jys
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ if you know all of these, then you're a Minecraft Pro. If I missed anything, let me know in the comments below... ☺ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 👉 How to Use and Get the Totem of Undying https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=m560owp98uo 👉 How to Find a Woodland Mansion https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=K3sxn1vYZP4 👉 My Other Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaI94uNO_edbWp_0rCFd5rA
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Check out the latest Minecraft update. Jeb and Jon have been working diligently to bring you new features and bug fixes. This video highlights the new languages, sheep gaining wool, apples falling from trees and more. Hat Films Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HaatFilms Hat Films Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hat_films Hat Films Website http://www.hatventures.net
MCPE 1.1 secret features! A lot has come out with this new Minecraft Pocket Edition update... but some features you might not even know of are hiding! In this video, I will show you a couple secret features in MCPE 1.1! Including sound effects, spawn eggs, mob behavior, etc! Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more MCPE 1.1 content! =================================== ►Twitterz: https://twitter.com/youtubeaghq ►DANK intro by SharkFX: https://youtu.be/kkyEEh4-Jys
👍 SMASH THAT "LIKE" button for more Minecraft PE 1.1 Update SECRETS! Today is a full guide on all Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1 update secrets that you can do in the new released Minecraft PE 1.1 update beta SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/ugK53f ►FREE iTunes + Google Play Gift Cards: http://mistplay.co/TrueTriz Code: TRUETRIZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to INSTALL ADDONS/TEXTURE PACKS: https://youtu.be/lpjpfhjLjOA Get your OWN MCPE SERVER HERE: "https://netherbox.com/?promo=TRIZ " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me► https://twitter.com/TrueTriz Follow me► https://www.instagram.com/truetrizzy/ Facebook► https://www.fa...
Подписывайтесь на канал LUTAYA STUDIO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfm-RlCrKNK1hZOKY8GBRYQ?sub_confirmation=1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Подписывайтесь на наши страницы в соц. сетях: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1.1ProductionStudio/?fref=ts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaraitcity/ https://www.instagram.com/1.1studio/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Юмористическое скетч шоу Жарайт Сити - третий сезон Скетч шоу рассказывает о жизни людей вымышленного города, который очень сильно напоминает г. Бишкек. Производство компании 1.1STUDIO Генеральный продюссер: Асхат Табалдиев Режиссер:Данияр Болотбеков Продюсер: Бахтияр Матянью Авторы и а...
Подписывайтесь на канал LUTAYA STUDIO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfm-RlCrKNK1hZOKY8GBRYQ?sub_confirmation=1 Наши странички в социальных сетях: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/elemnedeyt/ Odnoklassniki - https://ok.ru/elemnedeyt Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/el_emne_deyt/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Эл эмне дейт?!" - юмордук скетч шоу! Кыргызстанда жети облус бар, жана ар бир облус уникалдуу озгочолуктору менен айырмаланат. Ар бир облус жонундо стереотиптер илгертеден эле пайда болгон. Олкобуздо жашаган ар бир адамдын, кичинесинен чонуна чейин, жан дуйносу бай келет, ар бири айкол, пейли кенен жана меймандос! Анткени бул сапаттардын баарына "Эл Эмне Дейт?!" деген соз туртку! -------------------...
More Minecraft PE 1.1 secrets unveiled! Today, I will show four more secret facts, tricks, facts, etc for MCPE 1.1! Some of them are even by you peeps! If you want to see more Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1 secret features videos, PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE! Toodaloo! ======================= ►MORE MCPE 1.1 SECRETS: https://youtu.be/rIvEPYbFTlU ►Twitterz: https://twitter.com/youtubeaghq ►DANK intro by SharkFX: https://youtu.be/kkyEEh4-Jys
bắn 41 gà. ae góp ý để mình hoàn thiện hơn nhé ae đam mê cs 1.1 vào team nhé https://www.facebook.com/groups/675442765835390/ clip trên mạng bắn 46 nhiều quá , nay muốn thay đổi ko khi bắn 41 ae sem thử dc ko nhé. mấy a e ở làng bảo mình ko biết bắn súng máy. chỉ dc cái 46
►►Link to my Tier List - https://goo.gl/GRrRPp THIS VIDEO IS A CONTINUATION OF THIS VIDEO - https://youtu.be/ZZ4-v2Ocdp0 🎬 Full playlist of Fire Emblem Heroes Guides! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-UHDqcwcC4hQxB1hZ-BWg0cMYktR0_DH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Find me on these sites! 🐦 Twitter › https://twitter.com/Pheonixmaster1 💬 Facebook › http://bit.ly/Pheonixmaster1
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Подписывайтесь на наш канал официальный канал на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFyeniESLZ9Ajb1HeXC3rnA?sub_confirmation=1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Подписывайтесь на наши страницы в соц. сетях: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1.1ProductionStudio/?fref=ts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaraitcity/ Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/group1.1studio --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Юмористическое скетч шоу Жарайт Сити - третий сезон Скетч шоу рассказывает о жизни людей вымышленного города, который очень сильно напоминает г. Бишкек. Производство компании 1.1STUDIO Генеральный продюссер: Асхат Табалдиев Режиссер:Данияр Болотбеков Продюсер:...
Okeh im beck lagi. sorry banget jarang upload karena lagi gak ada konten + mao UTS :v. yang UTS sekarang.. semangat vroh !! di Minecraft ini cuma ada fitur baru CURSOR untuk di XBOX Download Minecraft : https://www.mediafire.com/file/q1pvkl80gomgmna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PEMBUAT INTRO : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3NN_jYytRhu9OqpiWlLAuw ~ SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdlsNYlA7yTFt8OwwiIJiSw ~ KOMUNITAS MINECRAFT PE : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101648268921394925224
MCPE 1.1 Woodland & Ocean exploration, a new market and MORE! These new features just came to Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1 recently in beta builds. If you need help on better understanding ocean exploration maps or Woodland exploration maps, this is the video to watch! Hope you enjoy this Minecraft PE 1.1 video! ======================= ►1.1 MAPS IN DEPTH TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/R55b476Da_A ►Twitterz: https://twitter.com/youtubeaghq ►DANK intro by SharkFX: https://youtu.be/kkyEEh4-Jys
嘿~大家好 我是阿緯 今天這集來介紹有關MCPE 1.1.0的更新內容 這次更新的東西有。。 超多der 期待了超久的東西終於問世手機啦! 所有的東西都能夠在創造跟生存拿到 只是1.1版本出來的太即時了 只介紹主要更新的東西 之中還有新增一些小東西 大家自己去發掘囉>< _________________________ MCPE正版載點: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe 成為測試人員: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mojang.minecraftpe/join 錄影軟體: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rsupport.mvagent