
Who Are We Looking For?

HNN is seeking dedicated interns who have a passion for history, politics, and new media. We are the only website around wholly devoted to the task of putting current events into historical perspective every day, but we can't do it without the valued contributions of our intern staff, who have the rare privilege of expanding their journalistic and new media skills along with their historical knowledge!

We're looking for students and recent graduates who are self-starters and capable of making good judgments without close supervision. Excellent writing skills are mandatory; excellent writing skills for a general as opposed to academic audience are preferred, but not required. Experience with copyediting, copywriting, proofreading, Internet marketing, social media, SEO, graphic design are definite pluses, but not pre-requisites -- you'll be learning these skills on the job!

If you have any experience with HTML coding, content management systems, or blogging, please be sure to mention it in your cover letter!

Basic Facts

Here are the basic facts: Internships are for a minimum term of two quarters. You should expect to put in 10+ hours a week. INTERNS DO NOT HAVE TO WORK AT HNN'S OFFICES. Interns will communicate with the editor(s) through e-mail, Skype, and the telephone. Basically, if you have access to the Internet, you can be an intern at HNN!

All internships are unpaid, but class credit can be arranged.

As you'll see, this is not a make-work job. You'll do real work; nothing Mickey Mouse.

If you are interested in applying for an internship please send your resume to the editor, Rick Shenkman:  BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE INTERNSHIP POSITION YOU WANT.

Click here to read more about the program.

Available Position

Social Media Internship

Social media interns are responsible for maintaining and improving HNN's presence on various social media platforms, including (but not limited to) Facebook and Twitter. Interns will be responsible for communicating with other Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. groups and users to increase our brand recognition. This extends beyond just posting advertisements about HNN on other group walls and pages -- it means getting involved in a dialog with other users. Good judgment and a cheerful disposition are essential for success as a social media intern!