
  • HNN Videos

    Videos HNN has taken of historians at history conventions.  

  • Top Young Historians

    This page features profiles of interesting historians who are making their mark on the profession.

  • Questions People Are Googling

    Questions people are Googling ...  Everything from Lincoln's record on civil liberties to the Kennedy assassination and Marilyn Monroe's death.  

  • Teacher's Lounge

    Hang out here to discover exciting resources for teachers teaching history and current events. 

  • Features Index

    Click here to see all your favorite HNN features including:  Top Young Historians, Doyens, and more.

  • Historians on the Hot Seat

    This page features a list of historians who have been accused of plagiarism and other offenses.  Some were subsequently cleared.

  • Historians as Activists

    Historians don't always confine their activities to the library and classroom.  Here's a list of organizations historians have used to have a direct impact on events.

  • Plagiarism

    What is it? Who's been accused? When did it become a recognized offense?

  • Factoids

    Have fun with these factoids related to history.  Feel free to add your own in the comments section.