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aotearoa / pacific islands / anarchist movement / link to pdf Monday August 01, 2016 19:18 by Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement
Kia ora,

you can download our August 2016 news sheet on our website:

Feel free to print some out and distributed them around your workplace or community centre.

- The fight for anarchism is the fight for peace
- A better paid wage slave is still a wage slave
- Plastic Free or Capitalism Free
- Zero hours = Zero dollars = pissed off

Love and rage from the deep South Pacific
Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / link to pdf Friday December 11, 2015 16:43 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 31, 2016 08:28)   image 1 image
Welcome to the first double issue of Tokologo, combining issues 5 and 6. This marks our third year of publishing by the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective and its study circles. read full story / add a comment
international / mouvement anarchiste / lien vers pdf Saturday October 24, 2015 06:22 by Commission internationale A.L.   image 1 image
A lire dans le Bulletin d’info de la commission International d’AL n°2 (octobre 2015) :
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / movimento anarquista / link para pdf Wednesday September 09, 2015 18:17 by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro   image 1 image
Está disponível o mais recente número do Libera, de número 165. Nesta edição, o editorial traz um texto recentemente publicado em nosso endereço eletrônico com o título “O que restou de Junho – Uma reflexão sobre o pós-2013“. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / link to pdf Monday August 17, 2015 23:16 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Issue number 14 of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front's journal, Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism, published August 2015, is now available online read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / genre / lien vers pdf Saturday June 20, 2015 21:02 by Relations Extérieures de la CGA
En 1969, aux États-Unis, des émeutes éclatèrent en réaction à une des nombreuses descentes de police qui visaient ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui la communauté LGBT (Lesbiennes, Gays, BiEs, Trans). Par cette répression violente et quotidienne, officielle (descentes de police, contrôles d’identité, refus de laisser l’accès à des droits élémentaires,...) ou officieuse (coups, insultes, discriminations à l’embauche, viols, bannissements des familles, humiliations, moqueries...), la société entendait bien renvoyer les LGBT à leurs placards. Si les modes de répression sont parfois plus insidieux, la situation n’a pas tellement changé. C’est pourquoi, aujourd’hui encore, nous sortons dans la rue car personne ne devrait avoir à se cacher. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Friday June 19, 2015 16:56 by Alternativa Libertaria / FdCA   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico di Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (682 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / link to pdf Sunday June 07, 2015 18:44 by Linchpin   image 1 image
Thanks for picking up the third volume of Mortar, Common Cause’s journal of revolutionary anarchist theory. In our two previous journals, the article topics that we chose to explore and expound upon were, more often than not, grounded in our own direct experiences, such as organizing in our neighbourhoods against gentrification, navigating the dynamics of Left/activist spaces, and confronting sexual violence. read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / link to pdf Wednesday March 11, 2015 18:07 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 81, February 2015 has just been posted on our site. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Friday March 06, 2015 00:12 by Alternativa Libertaria / FdCA   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico di Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (235 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / link to pdf Thursday November 20, 2014 00:44 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
Issue #4 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective, has been released and is available online in PDF. read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / mouvement anarchiste / lien vers pdf Thursday November 06, 2014 14:23 by Collectif Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Voici l'édition express du journal Cause Commune produite à l'occasion des manifestations contre l'austérité du 31 octobre 2014 au Québec (Canada). Plus d'une centaine de copies de cette édition ont aujourd'hui été diffusées à la manifestation de Jonquière. Plus de copies seront distribuées dans les prochains mois - n'hésitez pas à nous en demander des piles si vous souhaitez participer à la diffusion de nos idées. La voici en format virtuel - partagez largement!
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italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Saturday October 25, 2014 00:04 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico della Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (380 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anarchist movement / link to pdf Monday September 01, 2014 16:40 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective   image 1 image
Welcome to issue 3 of “Tokologo,” produced by members of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective, based in Gauteng, South Africa. Our members come from Johannesburg, Khutsong, Sebokeng, and Soweto; we are committed to the fight for the full freedom of the working class and poor, in South Africa and abroad. We do not want privatisation (capitalist ownership), we do not want nationalisation (state ownership), we want self-management and socialisation (community/ worker ownership), of land and all other productive resources.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / história / link para pdf Wednesday August 20, 2014 05:30 by Grupo de Estudos Anarquistas do piauí   image 1 image
Coincidindo com a data aclamada como o "dia do Historiador" (19.08.), disponibilizamos a tradução de parte do livro "Escritos de filosofía politica - Vol I", uma compilação de textos de Mikhail Bakunin realizada por G. P. Maximoff. O Capítulo chama-se "Filosofia da História", e acreditamos que não servirá somente axs historiadorxs, mas para tod@s militantes anarquistas. read full story / add a comment
iberia / economía / enlace a pdf Wednesday July 16, 2014 01:39 by José Luis Carretero   image 1 image
"La autogestión viva. Proyectos y experiencias de la otra economía al calor de la crisis", de José Luis Carretero Miramar, en libre descarga para los lectores y lectoras de, gracias a Queimada Ediciones. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Monday July 14, 2014 02:16 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico della Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (392 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Tuesday July 01, 2014 16:29 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico della Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (314 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
Mortar Volume 2
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / link to pdf Thursday June 26, 2014 08:14 by Common Cause   image 1 image
The second volume of Mortar, Common Cause's theoretical journal, is now available online. Inside you will find an editorial introduction, along with articles covering anti-organizationalist sentiment within the North American anarchist movement, anarchism and the Welfare State, a contemporary redux of the Bourgeois Influences on Anarchism, anarchist approaches to contending with sexual assault and a critique of anti-oppression politics. We encourage feedback and responses, which can be sent to read full story / add a comment
east africa / history of anarchism / link to pdf Thursday May 01, 2014 17:34 by Chinguwo, Byrne, McGregor and van der Walt   image 1 image
When we celebrate May Day, we rarely reflect on why it is a public holiday in Malawi or elsewhere. We want to share the powerful struggles that lie behind its existence and the organisations that created it and kept its meaning alive. May Day, international workers day, started as a global general strike commemorating five anarchist labour organisers executed in 1887 in the US. read full story / add a comment
Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Front page

Loi travail 2017 : Tout le pouvoir aux patrons !

En Allemagne et ailleurs, la répression ne nous fera pas taire !

El acuerdo en preparacion entre la Union Europea y Libia es un crimen de lesa humanidad

Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living

SAFTU: The tragedy and (hopefully not) the farce

Anarchism, Ethics and Justice: The Michael Schmidt Case

Land, law and decades of devastating douchebaggery

Democracia direta já! Barrar as reformas nas ruas e construir o Poder Popular!

Reseña del libro de José Luis Carretero Miramar “Eduardo Barriobero: Las Luchas de un Jabalí” (Queimada Ediciones, 2017)

Análise da crise política do início da queda do governo Temer

Dès maintenant, passons de la défiance à la résistance sociale !

17 maggio, giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia.

Los Mártires de Chicago: historia de un crimen de clase en la tierra de la “democracia y la libertad”

Strike in Cachoeirinha

(Bielorrusia) ¡Libertad inmediata a nuestro compañero Mikola Dziadok!

DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi:

Cajamarca, Tolima: consulta popular y disputa por el territorio

Statement on the Schmidt Case and Proposed Commission of Inquiry

Aodhan Ó Ríordáin: Playing The Big Man in America

Nós anarquistas saudamos o 8 de março: dia internacional de luta e resistência das mulheres!

Özgürlüğümüz Mücadelemizdedir

IWD 2017: Celebrating a new revolution

Solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes des violences policières ! Non à la loi « Sécurité Publique » !

Solidaridad y Defensa de las Comunidades Frente al Avance del Paramilitarismo en el Cauca

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