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Why did nobody run in the face of the Melbourne threat?

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It certainly looked threatening: a driver careens through Melbourne's CBD, stops the car, arms himself, gets out in black clothing and a helmet, and puts on a backpack, before pacing around an intersection. 

And yet bystanders, for the most part, stood and watched, or filmed on their mobile phones.

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A teenager has been charged with multiple offences including attempted murder following an incident in Melbourne's CBD. (Vision: ABC News)

Bystanders stood and watch before police arrested the suspect.

Photo: Fabian Wright

Why did nobody run?

The incident on Saturday morning at the intersection of Flinders and Swanston streets was over in minutes, and resulted in a 15-year-old boy facing charges including attempted murder.

Nobody was injured, but footage of the incident appears to show the accused lashing out at police with a baton before being subdued.


Melbourne-based clinical psychologist Rob Gordon thinks the reaction says something about Australia enduring considerably fewer mass-casualty attacks compared to Europe and the US.

"It just hasn't happened here," he said.

"If that happened in Paris or London, I'd be very surprised if people were standing around filming it.

"In saying that, if he got out with a machine gun, that would have changed everything."

Screenshot from video taken at CBD intersection on Grand Final morning before suspect was tasered and arrested.

Witnesses stayed and filmed the unfolding drama. Photo:

Mr Gordon, a consultant for Red Cross emergency services, said that people operated on their experience, rather than really considering all possibilities, when faced with a threat.

This meant they might not have considered the risk that the backpack contained an explosive, or that a firearm could be in the car, as neither had occurred frequently in Australia.

This could also explain the reaction of people to disable the car, which may have been perceived as the greatest threat given the recent Bourke Street tragedy, he said.

In January, six people died and dozens more were injured after a car allegedly driven by Dimitrious Gargasoulas mowed them down in the city.

When the car stopped moving on Saturday, many of the passers-by might have felt there was no longer a threat, Mr Gordon said.

Video of the incident also showed that police arrived about 50 seconds after the driver emerged from the car, meaning those who could have been weighing up leaving then felt safer.

Screenshot from video taken at CBD intersection on Grand Final morning before suspect was tasered and arrested.

Many people walked towards the man or stayed where they were as he donned a backpack. Photo:

Mr Gordon alsosaid people who stopped to film unfolding incidents needed to consider how using mobile phones affected their ability to assess risk.

"I know that when you're filming you have a different focus than when you're using your full senses," he said.

"People need to ask themselves: 'am I able to be as alert and have the same good clear judgment as when I'm observing?'"

Professor Marilyn Campbell, a psychologist from the Queensland University of Technology who has researched the bystander effect, said that the use of mobile phones to film unfolding incidents did not necessarily reflect that people were less likely to help.

"It's there, it's right there in your hand," she said.

"Whether it's a threat or not, it's something unusual, so people start filming."

Police subdue the suspect.

Police were quick to subdue the suspect. Photo: Fabian Wright

One witness, Martyn Fisher, said he did not think about moving, or intervening, for several factors.

"The cops were there pretty much instantly. I was still a fair way away and we weren't sure what was in his hands at first, from that distance. With his tactical vest and the backpack – which ... we don't know what he's got in there.

"It's sort of a 50-50 thing. If things went pear-shaped, then yeah, probably you'd think about intervening, but if he's got an assault rifle, then everyone's running for the hills."

Authorities have released guidelines about what people should do during a terrorist attack, following a rise in Islamic State-inspired incidents, including attacks using bombs, trucks and knives on stadiums and other crowded areas, particularly in Europe.

Australian authorities consider similar unsophisticated attacks in busy areas, including at sporting events and shopping centres, to be the greatest threat.

The guidelines include trying to escape as quickly as possible, and, if that is too dangerous, to find a safe place to hide with your phone silenced.