Create intelligent, personalized experiences for users with the Cortana Skills Kit

Create a Cortana skill to reach millions of users in a natural and helpful way.

Get started

Use the skills kit to provide Cortana with new capabilities

Skills help users complete tasks and get things done.

From conversational tooling through the Bot Framework to intelligent APIs with the Cognitive Services, the skills kit provides all the tools and docs you need to promote your services and engage users through the Cortana experience.

Once created, your skill works wherever your code runs, including on Windows 10, Android, iOS, and headless devices like the new Harman Kardon Invoke. Use our skill management tools to make the development process simple.

The skills kit is currently in public preview.

Leverage intelligent technologies to build skills

Microsoft Bot Framework skills
Build conversations with the Bot Framework

Build flexible, conversational logic and voice capability for your skill with the Bot Framework and Cortana channel.

Microsoft Bot Framework skills
Understand the world with Cognitive Services

Understand your users natural input through LUIS and add intelligence to your skills with the power of Cognitive Services.

Cortana icon

Why Cortana?

Cortana is the personal digital assistant for both work and life used by millions of users —and now you can reach these customers wherever Cortana is through the Skills Kit.

Natural language support
Users can speak naturally

Cortana uses natural language processing to understand what people want, so you don’t have to code for every variation. Whether someone says "I need a taxi" or "call me a cab," Cortana gets it.

Easy discovery
Get discovered

Cortana's skill directory showcases the best of her abilities, so that users can engage with your skills to get things done.

No downloads
No download required

Your skills are available immediately—users don't need to enable them or download an app. Anyone who uses Cortana can become your customer right away.

User preferences
Make it personal

With a user's permission, Cortana can deliver unique, personal experiences based on her knowledge of user preferences: everything from their favorite food to the location of their next meeting.

Related Technologies

Cortana Device SDK

The Cortana Device SDK lets OEMs integrate Cortana directly into their devices, providing unique and intelligent experiences for consumers.

Cortana Intelligence Suite

The Cortana Intelligence Suite is a fully managed big data and advanced analytics suite that enables you to transform your data into intelligent action.

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