
Discover a range of Victorian government services and transactions. You can pay a fine, renew your ambulance membership, book a camping site, apply for your birth certificate and many others.

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  • 408Entries


    Services include transactions provided by the Victorian Government. These services are either free or have a fee attached.

  • Showing Services
    •  Notifications procedures for infectious diseases
      Notifications procedures for infectious diseases - Report

      In Victoria, doctors and laboratories are required to notify certain infectious diseases and other conditions. Specific notification procedures must be followed.

      Type: Report

      Category: Health

      Department of Health and Human Services

    • Absence from home register
      Absence from home register - Register

      Many police stations operate an Absence from home register, where you can leave your contact information and the times and dates that you will be away.

      Type: Register

      Category: Community

      Victoria Police

    • Address - Victorian driver licence or learner permit
      Address - Victorian driver licence or learner permit - Change or Check

      If you have a Victorian driver licence or learner permit, you may change your residential, postal and garaged address by completing the online form below. If you change your residential address, we will post you an address sticker to put on the back of your licence within 7 working days.

      Type: Change or Check

      Category: Transport


    • Affected land or property
      Affected land or property - Change or Check

      A person can make a property enquiry to VicRoads, requesting advice on whether a property is affected by an approved proposal.

      Type: Change or Check

      Category: Property & Planning, Transport


    • Ambulance membership
      Ambulance membership - Renew

      Renew your Ambulance Victoria Membership now to protect yourself against financial risk and to be prepared should a medical emergency occur.

      Type: Renew

      Category: Health

      Ambulance Victoria

    • Ambulance membership
      Ambulance membership - Apply or Pay

      Become a genuine Ambulance Victoria member and be protected against the cost of transport and treatment by paramedics.

      Type: Apply or Pay

      Category: Health

      Ambulance Victoria

    • Ambulance Victoria
      Ambulance Victoria - Complain

      As your ambulance service we welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback.

      Type: Complain

      Category: Health

      Ambulance Victoria

    • Applications for Research
      Applications for Research - Apply or Pay

      Ambulance Victoria supports all types of research where the benefits outweigh the associated risks. Participation in current and future research projects is governed via our research governance process. All applications must comply with the Research Application Guidelines.

      Type: Apply or Pay

      Category: Health

      Ambulance Victoria

    • Apply to the Mental Health Tribunal
      Apply to the Mental Health Tribunal - Apply or Pay

      Applications for revocation (appeals) are initiated by, or on behalf of, patients / consumers. Pursuant to s60, patients / consumers may lodge an application for revocation with the Tribunal at any time against their continued treatment as involuntary or security patient, and the Tribunal is required to commence the hearing of an applications for revocation without delay. A friend, relative or community visitor may lodge an application for revocation with the Tribunal on behalf of a patient / consumer.

      Type: Apply or Pay

      Category: Health

      Mental Health Review Board

    • Architecture tour
      Architecture tour - Book

      The Parliament House Architecture Tour is the most recent addition to the Parliament's community engagement and tours program.

      The tour caters for students and classes studying architecture or design, or for members of the public with an interest in architecture and historically significant buildings.

      Type: Book

      Category: Arts, Culture & Heritage, Education

      Parliament of Victoria

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