
Early jacarandas in bloom are a sign of the apocalypse

Did the jacarandas bloom early this year? The purple wave of death that sweeps over my backyard pool seems to have arrived earlier than ever.

I’m resigned to scooping about five kilos of sodden flowers from the water every day, but it seems too early.

I worry that students at the University of Queensland who follow the ancient wisdom to begin studying when the flowers appear in the Great Court will over-prepare.

An extra day or two of study probably wouldn’t hurt, but an entire month? They will burn out like shooting stars hitting the upper atmosphere — or a bogan racing to beat the lights and complete a perfect lap of the Ipswich town centre.

Signs that climate change is upon us can be found in your own backyard.

Signs that climate change is upon us can be found in your own backyard.

Photo: Nick Moir

The leaf drop from the jacarandas was an even bigger pain in the arse than usual this year.


It seemed as though the warmer weather scorched the leaves on the tree and they fell in dead brown drifts that crunched under foot and clogged the pool’s filter system at least a month earlier than most years.

You don’t need to follow the US hurricane news, or obsess over satellite imagery of shrinking polar ice caps to see evidence of a warming planet. It’s in your backyard.

I wonder sometimes if it will be the little things that finally convince us to move seriously on both technology and policy in response to changing climate. Coffee won’t grow as well in future.

Barbecues will be much more expensive. And I’ll have to get off my arse and clean the pool a lot earlier, at least until everything just dies for good and I can swim any time I want as long as I’m not too busy guarding my strategic hamlet against roving tribes of wasteland marauders.

I’m not completely pessimistic. Energy and climate policy might be a complete shit show at the moment, but market forces are drawing investment capital towards solutions like Elon Musk’s battery storage business, and away from legacy infrastructure like old coal-fired power plants.

Even the power companies don’t want to be in that business any more.

It has no future, and neither do we if those jacaranda trees keep blooming in September, or even August.

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