
Money features

A reader asks if CGT will apply to her mother's unit.

Do the dead pay capital gains tax?

I am a bit confused about the possibility of claiming a tax deduction for contributions to superannuation since the Government changed the rules from July 1, 2017. If one is paying the maximum of $25,000 per annum into superannuation as pre-tax contributions (employer contribution plus salary sacrifice), what can be claimed as a tax deduction when completing the 2017/18 tax return. Can I claim a tax deduction for after-tax contributions?

The rising dollar should provide a spur to invest offshore.

Home is not where the returns are

Despite Australia representing only 2 per cent of the world's gross domestic product, Australian self-managed superannuation fund investors on average have almost 70 per cent of their investment portfolios in Australian-focused assets.

We aren't always rational when it comes to our money.

Five 'nudges' that will make you money

One of the truly new parts of economic theory is the belated realisation - or perhaps we should say acceptance - that people aren't the purely rational automatons that the academics had previously assumed.