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Victorian Government Directory

The Victorian Government Directory is a guide to the structure, organisations, key people and services in the Victorian Government. A mobile version of the Victorian Government Directory is also available from your mobile device.


Contact us via our email address:

Social media

Follow us on Twitter @VicGovAu

Postal address

Postal Address
Product Lead -
Digital Engagement

Department of Premier and Cabinet
GPO Box 4509
Melbourne Victoria 3001

We adhere to our Privacy statement when resolving all correspondence.


Victorian Government Contact Centre

The Victorian Government Contact Centre is available to answer your query directly or connect you to the right person within Victorian State Government for your specific needs.

Australia: 1300 366 356 for the cost of a local call
Overseas Callers
61 3 9603 8804
Operating Hours
8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday

National Relay Service - a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing impairment.


Contact Federal and Local Government

Australian Government

Local Government

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