
Lists consultations across the Victorian Government.

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  • 53Entries


    The Victorian Government wants your opinions and ideas on specific matters listed below.

  • Showing Consultations
    • A new St Kilda Pier
      A new St Kilda Pier

      Tell us what features, services, and design elements for a future St Kilda Pier would enhance your visit. Fill in the survey until 20 October 2017.

      Category: Community, Environment

      Opening date: 21 September 2017

      Closing date: 20 October 2017

      Status: Open

      Parks Victoria

    • A registration and accreditation scheme for the Victorian disability workforce
      A registration and accreditation scheme for the Victorian disability workforce

      The Government is seeking your feedback on the key features of an independent legislated registration and accreditation scheme for Victoria's disability workforce.

      Category: Community, Health

      Opening date: 21 September 2017

      Closing date: 20 October 2017

      Status: Open

      Department of Premier and Cabinet

    • Aitken Hill Primary School
      Aitken Hill Primary School

      Have your say on the new school design for Aitken Hill Primary School until 2 July 2017.

      Category: Education

      Opening date: 6 June 2017

      Closing date: 2 July 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Education and Training

    • Amendment of Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan
      Amendment of Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan

      Sustainability Victoria is seeking submissions on draft amendments to the Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan until 5pm Thursday 14 September 2017.

      Category: Environment

      Opening date: 1 August 2017

      Closing date: 14 September 2017

      Status: Closed

      Sustainability Victoria

    • Anglesea Futures Land Use Plan
      Anglesea Futures Land Use Plan

      Create a land use scenario for the Anglesea Futures study area. Have your say by the 11 September 2017.

      Category: Environment

      Opening date: 11 June 2017

      Closing date: 11 September 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

    • Bayside Special Development School
      Bayside Special Development School

      We are upgrading the Bayside Special Development School and we want your input into the new design.

      Category: Education

      Opening date: 8 August 2017

      Closing date: 22 August 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Education and Training

    • Bendigo Education Plan 2018-2028
      Bendigo Education Plan 2018-2028

      What would you like education in Bendigo to look like in 2028? Share your ideas to develop a community driven, ten year plan for the Bendigo region.

      Category: Education

      Opening date: 4 September 2017

      Closing date: 1 October 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Education and Training

    • Bunyip North Granite Quarry EES Scoping Requirements
      Bunyip North Granite Quarry EES Scoping Requirements

      Make a submisison on draft Environment Effects Statement requirements for the proposed Bunyip North granite quarry until 9 August 2017.

      Category: Environment

      Opening date: 20 July 2017

      Closing date: 9 August 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

    • Burnside Primary School
      Burnside Primary School

      Have your say on the new school design for Burnside Primary School until 2 July 2017.

      Category: Education

      Opening date: 7 June 2017

      Closing date: 2 July 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Education and Training

    • Coronial Council Appeals Review
      Coronial Council Appeals Review

      The Coronial Council of Victoria is conducting a review of the provisions under the Coroners Act 2008 that allow for appeals and the re-opening of investigations, to ensure laws are working appropriately.

      Category: Justice

      Opening date: 3 March 2017

      Closing date: 26 May 2017

      Status: Closed

      Department of Justice and Regulation

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