Gemma Weedall from Climate Emergency Action Network (CLEAN) and Socialist Alliance shares her insights into the early days of the campaign that won solar thermal for Port Augusta.

The campaign for marriage equality has been fighting the delaying tactics and homophobic policies of Labor and Liberal governments for the past 13 years.

Andrew Bolt takes me to task for being “irresponsible” for “propagandising” about the colonial invasion and subsequent massacres of First Nations people.

Socialist Alliance activist Sam Wainwright is recontesting his council position in the City of Fremantle. He talks about the limits of business-led solutions to the city's problems and why Freo's stand on social and environmental issues is something to celebrate.

Geelong Council needs a couple of socialists to really shake things up.

The time has come to scrap the misnamed Fair Work Act (FWA) and introduce genuine pro-worker and pro-union industrial relations legislation in this country.

Geelong council candidates Sue Bull and Sarah Hathway demand answers about Geelong's recycling and waste.