10.3.2017 - 4:34 PM EDT

It’s probably just a detail in a horrific story, rather than something that will be critical to understanding it. But I wanted to flag one aspect of the story. What did Stephen Paddock do for a living? And where did he get his money?

There have been reports, though not really confirmed, that he was actually a wealthy man, perhaps a real investor. He wired his girlfriend $100,000 a week ago. He also reportedly rented a series of condos over another outdoor concert that he had apparently considered attacking before choosing this country music concert. Those certainly suggest a decent amount of liquid assets, though if you knew you were about to end your life a middle-class person could likely sell things and come up with that amount of cash.

10.3.2017 - 3:30 PM EDT

Esme Cribb took all the awful things President Trump said today in Puerto Rico and put them in one place. Here it is.

10.3.2017 - 1:41 PM EDT

If you were a wildly cynical Democrat and were hoping that President Trump would go to Puerto Rico and say a bunch of things that make him sound awful and racist, you really couldn’t top today. President Trump has already complained that Puerto Rican truck drivers aren’t doing enough to help. Later he chided Puerto Ricans for throwing the national budget out of whack with their hurricane catastrophe. And there’s more to come.

10.3.2017 - 11:41 AM EDT

He’s back at it. Trump complains again that Puerto Ricans aren’t providing enough help for recovery efforts. “Their drivers have to start driving trucks. We have to do that, so at a local level they have to give us more help.”

10.3.2017 - 11:35 AM EDT

House Republicans want to hold kids’ health insurance hostage for cuts to Medicare and public health.

10.3.2017 - 9:17 AM EDT

Mick Mulvaney was one of the hardest core Tea Partiers and Freedom Caucusers during his time in the House. Part of that was a demand for fiscal austerity and budget cutting during the thinnest years coming out of the Great Recession. Now he’s decided deficits aren’t just okay. They’re positively necessary.

10.3.2017 - 9:00 AM EDT

Jelani Cobb has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2015. He writes frequently about race, politics, history, and culture. His most recent book is “The Substance of Hope: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Progress.” He’s a professor of journalism at Columbia University. He won the 2015 Sidney Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism, for his columns on race, the police, and injustice.

Jelani will be in the Hive to discuss race relations in America, including the NFL and Trump’s verbal war with its protesters. Post your questions and join us this Friday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

10.3.2017 - 8:47 AM EDT

Trump, moments ago: “Look, we have a tragedy. We’re going to — what happened in Las Vegas is in many ways a miracle. The police department has done such an incredible job, and we’ll be talking about gun laws as time goes by.”

10.3.2017 - 8:34 AM EDT

The Department of Education may spend as much as $6.54 million to provide security for Secretary Betsy DeVos, who appears to face threats no greater than any previous Education Secretary.

10.2.2017 - 6:20 PM EDT

On a day like this it is hard to focus attention on anything else. But news and the everything else happening in the country continues. On that note, I wanted to make sure you know that over the weekend Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to lapse. CHIP is a 90s-era law which provides health insurance coverage for some 9 million children from low income families across the country. The Senate does not seem to have made a conscious or deliberate, collective decision to discontinue CHIP. They just ran out of time because they spent most of the legislative calendar trying to repeal Obamacare. Here’s a look at the chances of re-passage and which states are going to be hit hardest and first by the (for now) end of funding for the program.

10.2.2017 - 2:49 PM EDT

TPM Reader JP writes in to note that, as he put it, the number of deaths in Las Vegas is greater than many of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War. These are quite different eras, settings, contexts. Let’s stipulate that it is hard to compare such radically different events. Still, the bare numbers tell a story.

Lexington & Concord, 1775: 49 Americans killed.

10.2.2017 - 1:19 PM EDT

Allegra Kirkland walks us through the first details emerging about Stephen Paddock, the now-dead shooter in last night’s massacre that led at least 58 dead and literally hundreds injured.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said a shooting in Las Vegas that left...
Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo confirmed Tuesday that the alleged gunman behind the massacre...
Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff on Tuesday floated the possibility of a...
Alice Ollstein contributed reporting from Washington, D.C.  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tore into...
Shortly before the White House announced that Tom Price would resign from his role...

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