Sunday, 01 October 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • Black Protest and the Limits of Debating the First Amendment

    Black Protest and the Limits of Debating the First Amendment

    By Alycee Lane, Truthout | Op-Ed

    Trump's foul-mouthed attack on Black athletes who "take a knee" amounted to a declaration that not only are African Americans not entitled to freedom of speech, but that we are also not entitled to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, to equal protection, and to due process guaranteed by the Fourth and Fourteenth amendments of the US Constitution.

  • Climate Change Refugees Face Militarized Borders

    Climate Change Refugees Face Militarized Borders

    By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

    Rising seas and raging hurricanes could destroy your town. Drought and mudslides could destroy your livelihood. But none of that matters to those empowered to control a nation-state's territorial boundaries, says author Todd Miller whose book, Storming the Wall, looks at corporate border militarization against climate refugees and the emerging movements for environmental justice.


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