
Bordiga and the passion for communism – Jacques Camatte

Jacques Camatte’s 1972 essay on Amadeo Bordiga, discussing the Italian Marxist’s notorious “invariance”, his “hermeneutics” of “the precise connection between the proletariat and theory”, his “prophetic vision” of the communist future, his identification of the party with the class, his disdain for the cult of personality, his “anti-gradualism”, the impact of the publication of the Grundrisse and the Economic Manuscripts of 1844 on his thought, his precocious environmentalism, his anti-individualism, and his failure to recognize the significance of May ’68, pointing out that despite all his contradictions and limitations “his works are full of starting points for new research”.

Psychology of the private individual - Marxist Group

Psychology of the Private Individual Critique of Bourgeois Consciousness

A critique of bourgeois consciousness.

Forget about elections, once and for all! - Alain Badiou

Following Trump’s victory, on the eve of the final vote in France, and with a snap election on the way for the UK, Badiou answers critics who have attacked his radical rejection of the democratic vote. First published on Urbanomic, translated by Robin Mackay.

Black anarchism: a reader

Black CNT militant from the Spanish Civil War.

Excellent pamphlet from Black Rose Anarchist Federation compiling the writings of black anarchists such as Lucy Parsons and Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin to less well-known activists from the USA, Africa and Latin America, highlighting the contribution of black people to both the historical and contemporary anarchist movement.

In November we remember: the centennial of the 1912 Little Falls textile strike – Brendan Maslauskas Dunn

Little Falls textile strikers in front of the strike headquarters (Slovak Hall)

An overview of the Little Falls textile strike of 1912. First published as follows in November 2012 in the Industrial Worker (issue 1750, vol. 109, no. 9).

Pioneers of Ecological Humanism: Mumford, Dubos and Bookchin

In this triple intellectual biography, Brian Morris lucidly discusses three intellectual giants who made an enormous, though often overlooked, contribution to modern ecology: Lewis Mumford, René Dubos, and Murray Bookchin. Morris argues that they have forged a third way beyond both industrialism and anti-modernism: ecological humanism (also known as social ecology), a tradition that embraces both ecological realities and the ethical and cultural wealth of humanism...

Wobblies and Cossacks: The 1913 great strike

1913 general strike

A short history of the 1913 New Zealand general strike by Ciaran Doolin.

The Catalan CNT and the Asturias uprising

Asturian miners in the trenches in October 1934.

Article responding to criticisms of the anarchist CNT union in Catalonia during the Asturias uprising of 1934. In particular it looks at how the CNT was being repressed by Catalan authorities at the time.

Azadi (volume 1 issue 2, october 2017) - Indian Anarchist Federation

Azadi, meaning freedom and liberty, is a 4 page newsletter by Indian Anarchist Federation. Published and distributed primarily in city of Bhopal. It began in 2017.

The Anarchist Movement in Ukraine at the Height of the New Economic Policy (1924-25) by Viktor Savchenko

A study of anarchism in Ukraine, after it had supposedly 'disappeared'.