Anarchist Publishers
« Previous EntriesPerspectives on Anarchist Theory — New and Old
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016Our pals at the Institute for Anarchist Studies are planning an important issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory about”Anarcha-Feminisms.” They’ve got an Indiegogo campaign started to help pay for printing and mailing costs. Remember: these folks all volunteer their time and energy to produce this vital contribution to our movement, so let’s help them out by [...]
Look what’s inside the new issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory…
Friday, April 25th, 2014Did you know that some of the folks involved with the Institute for Anarchist Studies (anarchist grant-givers extraordinaires, and also the co-publishers of our Anarchist Interventions series!) put out a journal, too? Well, now you do—and if you’re the journal-reading type, you should really check it out. It’s been looking pretty snazzy as of late, [...]
The Heavy Stuff
Wednesday, September 25th, 2013Benjamin Franks, author of Rebel Alliances, has generously scanned issues of The Class War Federation’s theoretical journal The Heavy Stuff for anarcho-posterity. The journal lasted for five issues between 1987 and 1992. According to Ben, “There was also a ‘special edition’ of The Heavy Stuff…a pamphlet by Dave Douglass, ‘Coal Communities in conflict.’ It was [...]
Freedom Bookshop and Press Firebombed
Friday, February 1st, 2013Freedom Books the oldest anarchist publisher (founded by Charlotte Wilson and Peter Kropotkin in 1886) was firebombed this morning. No one was hurt, but they lost a substantial number of books and equipment. They will be hosting a clean up day tomorrow (Saturday 2/2/13) at 1pm and need lots of helpful hands. If you can’t [...]
Interesting critique of the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013There’s an interesting discussion brewing around the annual Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair. We saw this posted on Anarchist News this morning … follow this link to the original if you’re interested to see what others have said (but remember that Anarchist News has a tendency to turn into a free for all, in mighty unproductive [...]
New book on Puerto Rican Anarchism needs your support
Tuesday, November 27th, 2012Our comrade Jorell is raising money to help support the publication of a new book on anarchism in Puerto Rico. Check it out, and consider donating if you have the capability!
Intimate Bureaucracies: A new tactical media release!
Monday, April 16th, 2012Intimate Bureaucracies is a history from the future looking backward at our present moment as a turning point. Our systems of organization and control appear unsustainable and brutal, and we are feeling around in the dark for alternatives. Using experiments in social organization in downtown New York City, and other models of potential alternative social organizations, [...]
IAS Lexicon Pamphlet Series
Friday, March 23rd, 2012The Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) has launched it’s Lexicon Pamphlet Series! It’s a new project that aims to convert words into politically useful tools—for those already engaged in a politics from below as well as the newly approaching—by offering definitional understandings of commonly used keywords. Each Lexicon is a two-color pamphlet featuring one keyword [...]
We Are Many: Call for #Occupy Movement Stories
Friday, February 24th, 2012You knew it was coming, right? We have all been swept up in the incredible wind that is #Occupy. We’ve contributed, as a movement publisher, but also as movement actors, to the growth and development of this unique instant in history with zines, reading lists, blog posts, and our bodies out in the streets and [...]
Remembering Colin Ward at Housmans, December 7
Monday, November 28th, 2011The latest issue of Anarchist Studies (‘Anarchist Studies, Vol,19, No 2, 2011) is being launched on 7th December 2011 at Housmans, to celebrate the life and work of Colin Ward. Ward was one of the best known anarchist writers of his generation and his work on children and play, urban architecture and plotlands, squatting and [...]
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