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Archive for November, 2011

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On #Occupy: Max Rameau on Occupation and Liberation

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

I first met Max Rameau, lead organizer of the Take Back the Land occupation of a vacant lot in Miami which would become known as the Umoja Village Shantytown, in 2009 at the City from Below conference in Baltimore, which I helped to organize. I remain as impressed with Max now as I was then [...]

Captive Genders launch in Montreal!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Prisoner Correspondence Project, Certain Days, Kersplebedeb Publishing & QPIRG Concordia invite you to the Montreal book launch of: Captive Genders: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex Thursday November 24th, 6:30pm QPIRG Concordia 1500 de Maisonneuve O. suite 204 metro Guy Concordia Featuring: – presentation by a trans guy incarcerated in Joliette (a Montreal area [...]

Friends of the Imagination, UNITE!

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

A new call to action from our surrealist comrades in Chicago and elsewhere. Please circulate widely! Friends of the Imagination, Unite! The Chicago Surrealist Group and friends of the imagination everywhere stand in solidarity with the Teamster Local 814 art handlers locked out by Sotheby’s. In Sotheby’s last auction, the obscenely high prices paid for [...]

New arrival: David Porter’s Eyes to the South

Monday, November 7th, 2011

It’s here! At 582 pages, and weighing almost 2lbs (yes, I weighed it), David Porter’s comprehensive treatment of six decades of Algerian resistance, and its tumultuous relationship with the French radical left is by far one of the most timely works of history AK has published in recent months. More on Eyes to the South: [...]

“It’s outrageous that someone could be held for so long for something they did not do”

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Dominque Stevenson, co-author with Eddie Conway of Marshall Law: The Life and Times of a Baltimore Black Panther, speaks out about Eddie’s case, the history of the Panthers, and the continuing struggle against government repression of black activists in the United States. Thanks to Let’s Get Free for this amazing video in support of Eddie’s [...]

On #Occupy: Margaret Killjoy on the Oakland General Strike

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

AK’s Oakland crew was excited to see our friend & AK author Margaret Killjoy (editor of Mythmakers and Lawbreakers, and author of the new choose-your-own adventure novel What Lies Beneath the Clock Tower) in the streets alongside us at yesterday’s general strike. Margaret posted one of the earliest and most hopeful reports on the events [...]

Angela Davis & Eric Stanley on Captive Genders!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Check out this video of Angela Davis and Eric Stanley’s recent talk at Penn, on Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex and the connections between queer liberation and prison abolition. For those of you who haven’t been lucky enough to catch Eric and other contributors on the recent book tour, this is [...]

AK Press on STRIKE!

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

You guessed it! AK Press is all out for tomorrow’s General Strike called by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly. We were there in the wee and late hours on October 25th and we’ll be out on November 2nd. And keep an eye on the AK Press Tactical Media portion of our blog. We’ve already made [...]

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