The new issue of Catalyst is out now, featuring Mike Davis and more!

Prison Abolition and Prison Reform

A Jacobin debate featuring Roger Lancaster, Dan Berger, Mariame Kaba, and David Stein.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
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1 Year | 4 Issues
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New Issue Out Now!
  • Issue No. 26
  • Summer 2017

Earth, Wind, & Fire

In This Issue

If We Fail

The effects of climate change are already upon us. Here’s what the 2020s and 2030s will look like if we fail to change things.

Only the Beginning

Sep 30

Podemos MEP Miguel Urbán talks about Europe’s political crisis — and why the left must meet it with radicalism, not moderation.

What Democrats Must Do

Sep 30

The Democratic Party’s pursuit of well-off whites undermined its ability to deliver gains for all workers. Going forward, it must place the multiracial working class at the center of its political vision.


The appearance of Jacobin magazine has been a bright light in dark times.... A really impressive contribution to sanity, and hope.

—Noam Chomsky

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