
Murray Waas

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Murray S. Waas is an independent writer and investigative journalist perhaps most recently best known for his reporting about the misuse of prewar intelligence by the Bush administration to make the case to go to war with Saddam Hussein, the federal investigation of the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identify, the firings of nine U.S. attorneys, and the politicization of the Justice Department.

Waas is a contributing editor of the National Journal and also regularly reports and writes for the Atlantic and ABC News. In past years, Waas has also reported and written for the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, the New Yorker, Harper's, the New Republic, and numerous other publications, according to his biography on Wikipedia.

In 1993, Murray Waas was named as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in the category of national reporting for stories he wrote for the Los Angeles Times about the prewar policies of the Reagan and first Bush administration leading up to first Gulf War. That same year, he also was a winner of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School's Goldsmith Prize. Additionally, he has been a fellow with the Alicia Patterson Foundation.

In 2010, Waas the winner of the fourth annual Barlett & Steele Awards for Investigative Business Journalism, from the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School at Arizona State University, for a series of articles he wrote about the health insurance industry for the Reuters news service. He also won the Society of American Business Editors and Writers' "Best in the Business" award for investigative reporting for the same series of articles.

GQ Magazine recently named Waas as one of four of "The Best Reporters You Don't Know About," writing:

"Years of groundbreaking watchdog journalism have resulted in this nickname: the new Bob Woodward. His pieces on the Plame leaks and U.S. attorney firings inadvertently provided candidates with more ammunition against the current administration than any campaign strategist could hope for."

Lengthier biographies of Murray Waas can be found here and here.

Press about Murray Waas:

Published works

Contact information

Email: murraywaas AT

Various Articles By Murray Waas

Murray Waas/External Links 2005-2008

Murray Waas/External Links 1992 Articles about the first Gulf War

Articles About Bush Administration's Prewar Intelligence and the Fitzgerald Investigation

Articles about U.S. Attorney Firings and Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department

Articles about Mike Huckabee Pardon Controversy

Interviews with Murray Waas

Articles about Murray Waas
