2017 RSES Appeal

The Earth Sciences Future Fund creates opportunities for future scientists and research leaders at the Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES). Since the first appeal in 2015, the fund has had a significant impact on our students and researchers through support of scholarships and research projects.

The Research School of Earth Sciences is internationally renowned for quality in research and education and we are consistently ranked in the top 12 University geoscience programs worldwide. Researchers and students from across the globe come to RSES to tap into this expertise and be part of a dynamic community making ground-breaking discoveries and conducting world-leading research.

By making a donation to the Future Fund, you will help to create an environment where scientists and students can investigate bold ideas, experience field work in the global laboratory, preserve and access our geological collections, or be awarded scholarships to pursue new research opportunities.

Your generosity and support is an investment in our students, researchers, and future leaders of Earth Sciences. Every gift makes a difference.


Jessica Hargreave

Being able to experience field work and conduct research at an early stage in my career...wouldn't be possible without my scholarship or the support of donors.

Jessica Hargreaves
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (expected '17)

Dr. Bishakhdatta Gayen

The act of giving will make you realise you have provided a significant and positive change to a researcher's life.

Dr. Bishakhdatta Gayen
Research Fellow, ARC Fellow (DECRA), AAD RJL Hawke Fellow

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