Current students

Find information about enrolment, deferring or extending your studies, fees and financial help, external study programs, assessments and exams, and graduation.

community group celebrating
community group celebrating

Communities & events »

A great way to meet people and make the most of your university experience is to attend events and connect with ANU...

Living on campus »

ANU offers a broad range of accommodation choices for students, within a diverse and vibrant community.
Scholarships & support
Scholarships & support

Scholarships »

There are a number of scholarships available to current ANU students to help with the cost of your studies. Donors and...
Program administration
Program administration

Program administration »

When you study at ANU, one of your new responsibilities will be to manage your study program. But don't worry - there...
Learning development
Learning development

Learning development »

Whether you are a first year student, a PhD student or somewhere in between, you need to make your own decisions about...
Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing

Health, safety & wellbeing »

At ANU, we recognise that a healthy University supports student success. Here you will find a number of initiatives,...
Careers & opportunities
Careers & opportunities

Careers & opportunities »

An ANU experience is about learning inside and outside the classroom, with opportunities to choose an international...

Graduation »

Completing an award at ANU is a significant academic achievement and is rightly celebrated at the University's...

Contacts »

Student Central is committed to supporting you in achieving the best experience possible during your time at ANU.
Information for
Information for

Information for »

Find information about studying at ANU. Whether you're a domestic or international, undergraduate or graduate,...