Federal Register of Legislation - Australian Government

Primary content

Chancellorship Statute 2012

Authoritative Version
Statutes as made
This statute prescribes in relation to the office of Chancellor: tenure of office, method of resignation and certain presiding duties.
Administered by: Education and Training
Exempt from sunsetting by the Legislation (Exemptions and Other Matters) Regulation 2015 s12 item 09
Registered 14 Dec 2012
Tabling HistoryDate
Tabled Senate05-Feb-2013
Tabled HR05-Feb-2013



Australian National University Act 1991





The Council of The Australian National University makes the following Statute under section 50 of the Australian National University Act 1991.


Dated: 7 December 2012.






Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC



1       Name of Statute

1.1        This Statute is the Chancellorship Statute 2012

2       Commencement

2.1        This Statute commences on the day after it is registered.

3       Tenure of office

3.1        Subject to retaining the confidence of the Council, the Chancellor holds office for a period of 3 years and is eligible for reappointment.

3.2        For the purposes of subsection 3.1, the Council forms its opinion by resolution passed at a meeting of the Council if the resolution is passed at the meeting by at least a two‑thirds majority of the members of the Council.

3.3        The Council may, by resolution, establish procedures for determining whether the Chancellor retains its confidence and may make provision for the removal of the Chancellor from office if the Council determines that such confidence is no longer held.

4       Resignation

4.1        The Chancellor may resign office by notice in writing under his or her hand to the Council delivered to the Vice-Chancellor.

5       Chancellor to preside on ceremonial occasions

5.1        The Chancellor must preside on ceremonial occasions at which the Chancellor is present.

6       Repeal

6.1        The Chancellorship Statute 2005, as amended and in force immediately before the commencement of this Statute, is repealed.