How to Get Involved

How to Get Involved

Founded in 2009, the North American Anarchist Studies Network (NAASN) is an informal, nonsectarian association of scholars, researchers, writers, artists, teachers, and activists from Canada, the United States, Mexico, and other North American territories united by a common committment to the promotion of anarchist studies.

As indicated in our Statement of Purpose, "Although many of us engage in anarchist studies from within existing institutions, such as universities, we do not see our projects as confined to those institutions, and we are committed to making sure that they do not share the limitations of official academia. As such, membership in the NAASN is open to all, regardless of academic affiliation or lack thereof."

There is no formal application process for becoming a member of the NAASN. If you are interested in joining the network, please consider registering for this website and signing up for our mailing list. Registered website users have access to a membership directory which facilitates communication and collaboration among scholars and activists with shared interests. The mailing list allows members to keep abreast of goings-on within the network, as well as within the North American and international anarchist studies milieux more generally. 

For more information, please contact us.