For Anarchist Comrade Santiago Maldonado, Let’s Make the Police and the State Disappear! (Chile, Argentina)

September 30th, 2017

Por El Companero Anarquista Santiago Maldonado [es]

This September 1st marked one month since the disappearance of the anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado at the hands of the police of the National Gendarmerie of Argentina. This took place within the context of the repression against a demonstration that included road blocks made by the Mapuche community Pu Lof in Resistance at Cashamen, in the Argentine province of Chubut.

While the anarchic agitation spread beyond borders, comrades in Argentina took to the streets to spread acts of revolt via propaganda and direct action. With arson attacks against the police, barricades and Molotov cocktails against government buildings, our comrades unleashed their rage at a situation that is as sad as it is real: the bastards have arrested and disappeared an anarchist comrade.

Because Santiago is an anarchist, and not just a young musician and artist, something the press and leftists conveniently leave out, in denouncing the state repression we make it clear that denial and silencing of the comrade’s political identity is another form of disappearance, erasing from the narrative the true motivations of his solidarity presence in the Mapuche community where he was at the time of his arrest. [1]

We have no advice for our comrades in Argentina, we believe in them and their conviction and autonomy to continue transforming their pain into rage, spreading chaos against the world of authority, and deepening and expanding affinities in concrete experiences of confrontation and agitation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Rennes: EDF Vehicle Torched in Response to Police Repression Against the Bure Anti-Nuclear Struggle (France)

September 30th, 2017

Action in support of the comrades raided in Bure.

In response to the searches in Bure, EDF (French nuclear electric power company, largely owned by the French state) was heated up. An EDF car was set on fire during the night of Friday, September 22 outside the EDF center near the DGSI (General Directorate for Internal Security) and the Chamber of Agriculture.

At the scene one could read: STOP THE SEARCHES IN BURE! Solidarity with the struggle in Bure, and the comrades who are undergoing repression. HANDS OFF BURE!

To be continued…

via Attaque, translated by Insurrection News

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PDF – ‘Bang Up and Smash: Women’s Prisons, Probation and Bail Hostels’ by Asbo (UK)

September 30th, 2017


Bang-up and Smash is an overview of women’s prisons in the UK, and a political analysis of their physical and ideological construction.

From the moment of arrest, to coming home, Bang-up and Smash uses first hand experiences to critically engage with the procedures, concepts and apparatus the state relies on, and the economics behind the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

Bang-up and Smash is a practical guide to women’s prisons in the UK, and a rallying call to attack. Solidarity is a weapon, and abolition is not enough…

See Active Distribution for free pdf download or order print version

Also download pdf from Empty Cages website http://www.prisonabolition.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/bang-up-and-smash.pdf

For more information email asbo.hmp@riseup.net

Copy left. Share, discuss, dismiss…. comments welcome. Please circulate.


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11 Neo-Nazis arrested in two co-ordinated counter-terror raids (UK)

September 29th, 2017

11 men have been arrested by counter-terror police in the UK following an investigation into the proscribed Neo-Nazi group National Action. National Action was banned as a terrorist organisation in December 2016 by the UK’s home secretary after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” became a slogan for the group after being said in court by Cox’s killer, Thomas Mair, an anti-Semitic, far-right extremist and white power activist who was glorified in their online propaganda calling for more murders. The group has been tied to several foiled plots and far-right violence. National Action models itself on European far-right Neo-Nazi hooligan street groups and autonomous nationalist organisations, copying tactics, rhetoric and aesthetics from these extreme-right groups which learnt initially from studying the success of their enemies, autonomous anti-capitalist organisations and anarchists.

After proscription, National Action was evading authorities by taking on new names – including ‘Scottish Dawn’ and ‘NS131’, and trying to go towards newer underground tactics. It seems the raids aimed to prevent this, the operation was investigation-led and based on police work into the group post-ban and followed on from recent arrests of members of the group in the military. Anti-fascist research estimates are that up to 60 members are still currently active, down from a peak of 150 when their Neo-Nazi conference was held in Southport.

Several of the alleged National Action supporters were arrested in and around Warrington, Cheshire, in the North-West, where the group was continuing to operate a hang-out in a small brick warehouse for Mixed Martial Arts training and recruitment. Read the rest of this entry »

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NoG20 – Cops Raided Apartments and Store – Demo to Billwerder Prison on October 1 (Germany)

September 28th, 2017

On Wednesday more than 100 cops raided 14 apartments and a store in Hamburg and the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The cops confiscated 7 iPhones during the raids. On October 1 there will be a demonstration to Billwerder prison in Hamburg. Many of the NoG20 prisoners are imprisoned in Billwerder. We also publish some of the addresses of NoG20 prisoners and the next trial dates. Earlier today NoG20 prisoner Orazio was released.

The cops confiscated 7 iPhones during the raids. The cops claim the iPhones were stolen as a mobile phone store was looted during the NoG20 protests in Hamburg on July 7. In a press conference the cops yesterday claimed that they are investigating 2000 people, but expect that this number will rise to 3000. Given the fact that yesterdays raids were based on located mobile phones that were allegedly stolen in a mobile phone store during the NoG20 protests, its possible that the 180 men/women strong special investigation squad “Black Bloc” actually don’t seem to have that much. But activists should be aware that the cops are also investigating video material from public transport companies and that they use face recognition software to identify people. The 180 men/women strong task force will continue to investigate in order to repress as much people as possible, so stay alert. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hamburg: Transnational Gathering for NoG20 Prisoners Support at Rote Flora (Germany)

September 28th, 2017

Transnational Gathering for G20 Prisoners Support from November 3rd until November the 5th, 2017, at the Rote Flora in Hamburg.

The campaign “UNITED WE STAND” is a loose network of different people and groups to support the ones who face repression after the G20 summit in Hamburg. Our focus is to support them during prison and trial.

We invite in particular those who have comrades, friends and relatives in jail because of the G20 summit – to get to know us, exchange experiences, come together, develop ideas and strategies and to learn from each other. We want to gain more power together to handle repression.

During the gathering, we want to develop future action strategies, it’s not a wrap-up.

The schedule

Friday: arriving, food and get to know each other
Saturday: breakfast, actual situation of prisoners and trial, we
would like to discuss the following topics


Sunday: demonstration the the jail in Hamburg-Billwerder with a manifestation with greetings, music and encouragement.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the weekend, please tell us
with the application.

Please write us if you come as soon as possible, thereby we can support
you with your expenses and to find a place to stay.

See you in November “UNITED WE STAND”

application: international.gathering [at] riseup [dot] net
sleeping: unterschlupf [at] riseup [dot] net

via enoughisenough14.org

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The hungerstrike of Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Iglesias Case (Chile)

September 28th, 2017

Dear all,

This audio is based on material from Voces de la Disidencia.

Alfredo Tralcal Coche, Pablo Trangol Galindo, Benito Trangol Galindo and Ariel Trangol Galindo are imprisoned precisely in the jail in Temuco, Chile, since July 9th of 2016, accused of setting a church on fire with only one piece of evidence against them: the statement of a witness without a face who claims to have seen a truck similar to that of Lonko Alfredo Tralcal Coche near the fire.

After one year deprived of their liberty, without evidence against them, without a set sentence or a reasonable date of trial, on July 7th of 2017, the comuneros decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike with the following demands: 1) fair trial within a reasonable date; 2) no to the use of the antiterrorist law 18314; 3) no to the use of witnesses without faces; 4) liberty under article 140; 5) repeal of the cautionary measure of preventative prison.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 3 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:


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Posted in Autonomy |

State repression against IMC Grenoble and IMC Nantes (France)

September 27th, 2017

Following the publication of a communiqué claiming responsibility for a fire in a garage at a Grenoble police depot (gendarmerie) during the night of September 20th/21st, Indymedia Grenoble and Indymedia Nantes have been threatened by the French police. The administrators of these sites have received emails from the Central Office for the Fight Against Crime Linked to Information Technology and Communication (OCLCTIC) demanding that the concerned articles be removed from the sites under (in) 24 hours, otherwise rendering the sites liable to blocking and dereferencing.

The communiqué’s authors explained that the garage fire had been carried out as “part of a wave of attacks in solidarity with people currently under trial” such as the Quai de Valmy police car arson.

In this Grenoble arson attack, several dozen vehicles have been burned (torched). Here is the communiqué itself: Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity with comrade Patryk Cichon (Poland, UK)

September 26th, 2017

At the beginning of May 2016 our comrade Patryk Cichoń from Poland was arrested by British police under an European Arrest Warrant. Patryk is a well known anti-fascist militant notorious among neo-Nazi-boneheads in his city for his uncompromising stance against them in the past. The boneheads managed to convince a few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend for an alleged assault and robbery. As later transpired, his friend had a very good alibi and had the charges against him dropped (despite being allegedly recognised by the “victim” and his friends), so Patryk ended up being sentenced on his own. The whole trial was an absolute travesty and Patryk, as a poor, young working class person, was not able to afford a proper defence. He spent two months on remand in 2004 and was sentenced to three years in prison.

It is clear that this whole case was politically motivated and had only one purpose, which was to get rid of the core of the anti-fascist resistance in Patryk’s home town. Read the rest of this entry »

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We can still be worse – Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado (Argentina)

September 26th, 2017


Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado

On August 1st, members of the Pu Lof Mapuche community in resistance in the province Cushamen barricaded National Route 40, along with allies in solidarity. They cut off traffic in solidarity against the legal proceedings confronting el Lonko Facundo Jones Huala (for the second time). Minutes later, cars and trucks arrived carrying about thirty border police armed with rifles. The peñis (Mapuches) began throwing rocks, responding to the presence of the bastard forces of order. The Gendarmerie advances to the shots, burning the precarious houses and belongings of the Lof, forcing the occupiers to retreat across a river. Santiago Maldonado (“Lechuga” or “el Brujo“) fell behind the rest. Some of the inhabitants of the Lof saw that the Gendarmerie grabbed Santiago; others testified as to hearing the police say they “got one.”

Afterwards, images and testimony began to circulate about how Santiago was missing, and that it seemed the Gendarmerie had taken him away in a “unimog” all-terrain military vehicle. The authorities were silent through this whole process.

On Friday, August 4, various anarchists and individuals in solidarity entered the seat of government in Chubut province, demanding Santiago’s return. The place was ripe for destruction. Computers, notebooks, windows, and decorations were all viciously destroyed, and fliers and graffiti were left behind referring to the repression in Cushamen. Read the rest of this entry »

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Three recent texts against the ITS fanclub (USA)

September 26th, 2017

New text in English and two Spanish translations and comment from La Rebellion de las Palabras:

Of Indiscriminate Attacks & Wild Reactions by Edelweiss Pirates

EE.UU. – “No son nuestros compañeros: ITS ataca al anarquismo”, por Scott Campbell

EE.UU. – Sobre el conflicto con LBC durante la Feria del Libro Anarquista de Seattle

“Last month there was an altercation during the Seattle Anarchist Book Fair between two anarchists and members of the publisher and distributor Little Black Cart that began when anarchists asked the members of Little Black Cart for an explanation of the publication and dissemination of their “Atassa: Readings on Eco-Extremism” and in the absence of reasons decided to act and break the publication for supporting eco-extremist ideas, causing the members of Little Black Cart to physically attack these anarchists for breaking their material, a reasonable reaction (we would have done the same if someone appears and breaks our material), although it is also reasonable to think that after months of eco-extremist writings charged with threats, direct attacks by eco-extremists against groups and anarchists, of eco-extremist texts mocking anarchists assassinated or in prison, celebrating attacks of ISIS or humiliating victims of earthquakes and floods, the spread of eco-extremist propaganda would not be well received in anarchist spaces.”
La Rebellion de las Palabras

“Not to leave any space to the eco-fascists, not in the street, not in the debates, not in publications, nor in the spaces.

A no dejar ningun espacio a los eco fascistas, ni en la calle, ni en los discursos, ni en las paginas, ni en los espacios.”
From comrades in Chile

Ninguna permisividad hacia los círculos eco-extremistas

No permissiveness towards eco-extremist circles

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Kiev, Ukraine: Anarchist Action at the Belarusian Embassy in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Belarus

September 25th, 2017

On September 23, a group of Kiev anarchists held a picket outside the Belarusian embassy in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners. Activists unfurled a banner that said “DEATH TO THE DICTATOR!” and hung an effigy of Lukashenko on the fence of the embassy. At the moment, the Belarusian regime is holding anarchist comrades Dimitry Polienko and Kirill Alekseev in their dungeons.

We demand the release of all Belarusian political prisoners and express solidarity with their struggle for freedom against the dictatorial regime of Lukashenko. The death of the dictator is the only thing that will give the Belarusian people the opportunity to breathe freely.

Recently we have learned that the diplomats have already protested in connection with our last action. Anarchists will continue to carry out solidarity actions at the Belarusian embassy and violate the tranquility of the diplomatic corps, as long as there are political prisoners in the prisons of Belarus.

via Redvia, translated by Insurrection News

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Statement for Kostas B. from Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis, Imprisoned Members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

September 25th, 2017

Déclaration de Nikos et Pola (Lutte Révolutionnaire) pour Kostas B., antifa tabassé par la police [fr]

At dawn on 17/9, the 16-year-old Kostas B. was brutally beaten by police officers and arrived at the intensive care hospital KAT. The political leadership of the police, the Ministry of Public Order and the SYRIZA-ANEL government covered for the police, presenting the incident as a traffic accident, but a series of facts and testimonies refutes this Besides, if a traffic accident had occurred during an escape attempt of the sixteen-year-old, as is said, why did he not go directly to the hospital with an ambulance, but instead ended up in GADA [police headquarters] in handcuffs and with the police dragging him as he could not walk?

This happened after an anti-fascist demonstration on the anniversary of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas, which originally started at the US Embassy as an intervention in honor of Heather Heyer, who was murdered in Charlottesville, USA, at an anti-fascist demonstration, and then the demonstration went to the headquarters of Golden Dawn in Mesogeion. There clashes started with the police forces guarding the offices of Golden Dawn. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anti-Authoritarian action against Fascism (Philippines)

September 25th, 2017

Remembering this day Sept.21, one of the horrific and tragic moment happened in the history of the Philippines. Martial Law was declared by President Marcos to suppress and repress most of the people. Rampant violence, forced disappearance, arrest, killings and torture experienced by dissidents and common people who are criticizing the authoritarian regime at that time.

Today, Duterte’s administration was also following the path for being a totalitarian and a fascist by putting people’s lives on his own hands defying constitutional and human rights. Declaring Martial Law in Mindanao and instigating War on Drugs policy by killings thousands of poor people. This regime are misleading the people by their fake news by putting their effort on drug related issue to stop criminality and not confronting the real problem of the society, that social injustice like poverty, no job opportunity, no social welfare, forced displacement are the main cause and this injustices are already violence. Read the rest of this entry »

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Upcoming trial of imprisoned anarchist comrade Riccardo in Hamburg (Germany)

September 25th, 2017

The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.). It will be open but we do not yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to another date. It depends on the hearing (in many cases they have been judged in a single day also because the defendants have confessed).

He will be judged by the second degree court that has sentences from two years upwards (in Germany the courts are divided into 3 levels based on the requested sentence, it is not a special court). The formal charges are: breach of the peace, attack by assault and resistance.

Regarding mail censorship, there have not been any systematic blocks but some letters are blocked (so far they are 3, spread over time: a postcard, a letter, an envelope containing newspapers from Hamburg).

Then envelopes containing counter-informative material and brochures were blocked.


Riccardo Lupano
Jva Billwerder
Dweerlandweg 100
22113 Hamburg

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