In this episode of Radical People, Eamon talks to his friend Sycamore about an action that was attempted back in 2013 in Cushing, Oklahoma, but that was ultimately foiled by someone who informed the police of the plan ahead of time.

It is later discovered via FOIA request that aside from the disenfranchised person who snitched on the action, two police officers had been tasked with infiltrating the action camp where this action was planned. Sycamore recalls that the police infiltrators were obvious, but unconfirmed until the FOIA was received.

Show Notes:

Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance Home Page:

Their last update mentions that the two individuals charged with a “terrorism hoax” after glitter fell off a banner they hung in the entry hall of a building were found not guilty.

Guardian Article explaining the “Terrorism Hoax” Charge leveled against GPTSR activists:…il-fuel-protest

Article explaining the FOIA release that documents police infiltration of the action camp Sycamore talks about in this episode:…eak_up_planned/

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