…Benefits Whom?

You get used to Deep State machinations and you are stuck thinking like a spymaster. Well, sometimes chess isn’t the game, it’s plain old checkers and thinking more like a cop is beneficial.

When it came to Paddock, the usual things just weren’t there. It didn’t fit with the usual.

But then something so obvious and straightforward occurs to you that, you almost don’t want to consider it. Who would be that transparent?

If you’re the gambling type considering a trip, where you gonna go after that? Where might you feel a lot safer?

It would explain the scrambling on the alt-right to make something else of it, to muddy the waters with tales of connections to TV personalities and phantom helicopters as well. It’s so damn obvious a motive that I just about want to say he was set up.

It could also explain why FBI is being so quiet.

And he does come off as that greedy and, frankly, simple. You might recall the Secret Service story where they were being coerced into paying several times the normal rent at the office in New York, so they rented a vehicle which sat out front instead.

I mean, why not?


What’s Happening Plus What Happens In Vegas… {Updated x2}

{1 Nov 2017, newer update in bold. Something fishy about things being fishy.}

Briefly. Taking a step back and not defending anyone here, merely calmly noting events.

One will note DJT’s reputation as an assaulter of women. Then one will note the Harvey Weinstein scandal. And then Spacey’s.

One will note the Russia connection to DJT. Then one will note the Clinton campaign connection to it.

There’s clearly an attempt to make sides, in this case the two large political parties and their proponents, seem equal utilizing the news. It’s not that they’re that unequal; the difference between Nazis and warhawk mass-surveillance defenders is all too thin for my liking. The DNC’s problem is attempting to separate social justice and economic justice; it’s not possible, they are one and the same ultimately. The GOP’s problem is it is so far up the collective asses of multinational corporations that, of course, Nazism seems a good method of achieving their goals. Removes the asking of questions and places blame on the powerless instead of the powerful where it belongs.


Know some of you were probably expecting something on Vegas. Precisely what happened eludes me at present. Alt-right has latched onto Ellen Degeneres interview with formerly AWOL security guard Jesus Campos. While it seems likely Ellen was helping friends in Vegas get back into business {note again DNC supporters}, that in itself is plenty of reason to disregard their assertions that she or her friends therefore had something to do with Paddock’s actions.

The NYT did a pretty good video meshing together several taken on phones from witnesses. There doesn’t appear to be any evidence that there were multiple shooters in there, though one can clearly hear echoes throughout the skyscraper “canyon” after one of them.

I bring this up because a young female survivor was certain that she and her friends were being chased by gunmen on the ground. Her Facebook post archived:


I say “was” because she died in her sleep some days after. She had a pituitary tumor and her grandmother thinks it was probably that plus the stress. If so, that is really odds-defying, though I can find no motive beyond perhaps actually trying to stoke fears that there were multiple gunmen. One assumes if there had been, they would have been firing blanks.

Rene Ray De La Cruz, “After escaping Las Vegas shooting, High Desert Phoenix Foundation co-founder dies suddenly,” Valley Daily Press, 9 October 2017:


As I’ve written before, it does make some sense that average people, especially laymen where it comes to combat, experience situations like this that the adrenaline rush may lead to confusion as to what is happening just after. On the other hand, as I’ve also written before, when you want to make certain your real target is going to be dead at the end of the event, you provide additional shooters because you cannot assume that a person with mental illness is going to be a decent assassin. But I don’t see a specific target.

Paddock doesn’t fit, so far as the information we have, any of the usual patterns.

Was it a “workplace” shooting? He did well just before, so we can probably scrap the usual Reaganomics factors, though one might argue all roads ultimately lead there. Reportedly he also booked a hotel in Chicago near Lollapalooza, so it may not have been Vegas-specific.

Was he connected to ISIS, as ISIS itself and the alt-right have been alleging? Doesn’t seem likely. All ISIS would have to do is release the chat logs or whatever contact they had with him to prove it.

And the usual goals of depicting subgroups as dangerous don’t seem to apply. While he was a year or two from retirement, I don’t think that my first instinct about painting senior citizens as violent, which will happen soon enough anyway, is the likely scenario.

What is odd is how this came on the heels of a leaked FBI report depicting Black Lives Matter members as potential terrorists.

ACLU on the report

Somehow, I think that if Paddock was not a acting solely on his own, was somehow influenced to do what he did, that it is connected to that. The fact that he did make money gambling and was so tight-lipped may have meant he thought he was on some “mission.”

Which by the way is exactly what the State’s psychiatrist said that James Eagan Holmes stated on SHOWTIME‘s new show about mass shootings. Also, “Harold,” the shooter of Ronni Chasen, had stated he expected to be paid for a hit, though there was no evidence anyone had actually told him that in person or in writing. See voice-to-skull if you find that confusing.

FBI being uncharacteristically tight-lipped about it all only makes it seem like there is something missing from the public view. I suspect they know what it is but for whatever reason aren’t saying.

Could this be it? Evidence of two aircraft using the same call letters of an airplane and one of them was likely a chopper. Don’t know how to verify this, but really strange if true. Mind the unproven but somewhat logical-to-assume headline based on alleged aircraft movement.

Anonymous/Intellihub, “Las Vegas: Flight Records Show 2nd Gunman Extracted By Helicopter After Shooting,” WorldTruth.tv, date unknown:


Original source:

Shepard Ambellas, “Flight records indicate a covert helicopter rooftop EXFIL may have taken place just minutes after the massacre,” Intellhub, 28 October 2017:


Note that Ambellas is a frequent contributor to Infowars. Kinda thinking this is “reverse false-flag” somehow. That is, was a true lone wolf and Trump admin is trying to make it seem like its false-flag.

But I’m just not sure.

Pursuance Project

Just listened to a podcast/radio show with Ken Webster Jr. interviewing Barrett Brown. For those who don’t know, Barrett and a number of other individuals have started an online collaborative system known as the Pursuance Project. You can read more about Pursuance Project in Barrett’s article over at VICE:

Barrett Brown, “What Is To Be Done?” MOTHERBOARD/VICE, 31 August 2017:


The radio show can be found here:


Got a few things I wanted to touch on. This first was going to be a post unto itself, but I decided to shorten it.

Ken notes that people frequently ask him why he supports people like Barrett Brown, Edward Snowden, etc. He has his response which he says usually resolves the situation quickly.

I note that Marvel and other superhero films are extremely popular and do well at the box office. I note that our obsession with heroes is interesting given that we as a whole don’t, as a country, support people who actually go up against corruption and power, and that this doesn’t entirely make sense.

There’s a whole thing with Alan Moore, where he states that superhero culture is inhibiting adult males in the US from “growing up.” I kind of agree, though I would take it in a direction he might not agree with. That’s the short version.

Other topics in the show included, for example, Alex Jones.


Please allow me to capsulize the situation as I understand and recall it.

Jones came out and proved that there was an employee at STRATFOR named Alex Jones and that they were two separate people. This was true as far as I know. It worked great to defend from accusations of working for STRATFOR and/or the Military-Intelligence-Industrial-Complex.

However, there was more that he did not address. First, in its early stages his website{s} shared an IP address with STRATFOR dot com. I believe this information came via a Hammond hack.

Second, Jones hired two people from STRATFOR to work for him.

Third, Jones was a STRATFOR subscriber (and may have had an email address as well as the Alex E. Jones who worked there}.

While it was Obama advisor Cass Sunstein who suggested “cognitive infiltration” be used against the American people {Glenn Greenwald has reported on this}, it appears as if this is what Jones and whoever was/is pulling his strings was already up to. As Ken notes in the show, he’ll sometimes hear something and agree with it only to hear something incredibly stupid mere moments later. Jones conflates real corruption with conspiratorial fantasy and the result is one of the many D’s that the intelligence community is so fond of, in this case Degraded capacity to make informed decisions and organize.


This is a bit similar to Bob Woodward, whose position is not hard to figure out as Chris Matthews once suggested on Real Time with Bill Maher. Woodward has been and still is a Pentagon shill.

How can this be? Didn’t he report on Watergate?

Yes. Mere months before that he was the liaison between a Navy Admiral and the White House. The same Navy Admiral, by the way, who was spying on the White House in what became known as the “Radford Affair.”

Why? Despite Nixon’s paranoia, which was probably only enhanced after being dosed with LSD on the way to Moscow to begin discussions on reducing nuclear arms, along with most of the passengers on Air Force One, he was fairly moderate when it came to biological and chemical weapons as well.

Making it brief again, when the Nixon order to remove all chemical weapon stockpiles came down, CIA considered its store of extremely potent and lethal fish toxin to be biological. When the order came down to destroy stockpiles of biological weapons as well, they considered the very same to be chemical.

The testimony from that appears in the the hearings that took place on assassination and the rights of Americans where the intelligence community is concerned in the 70s.

Nixon was too moderate for the military industrial complex. His own paranoia got the better of him, but let’s ask ourselves if NSA spying isn’t actually a bigger problem than one hotel and then ask ourselves why there were no resignations on the part of George W. Bush or Barrack Obama.

Power that is now in the hands of Donald J. Trump, by the way.

At any rate, there’s MOCKINGBIRD, which everyone should be familiar with in which various reporters were actually working for CIA spreading misinformation, as well as Intercept reporting on a Los Angeles Times reporter whose main editor was CIA.

To bring it back around, these are just a few of the kinds of reasons we need the Pursuance Project. Check it out.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Roundup of people who claimed e-weapons, mostly sound, were used to harass them. The last is the Trump administration’s response: To eliminate diplomatic relations with Cuba.

Cannot be clearer: The US is responsible for the attacks on US and Canadian diplomats and is doing to in order to have an excuse to cut off Cuba while simultaneously making DJT seem like a defender of the US, less Russia-friendly.

You’ll also note that the outlets and entities that called so many of these people delusional are not stating that the staffs of the two embassies are.


Kim Murphy, “Figure in Kickbacks Alleges Bizarre Plot by U.S. to Kill Him,” Los Angeles Times, 17 April 1988:

Niles became convinced that the marshals had set up an elaborate speaker system around his room to confuse him with artificial sounds.

Democracy Now!, “Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya Speaks from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa,” Amy Goodman, 5 October 2009:


[translated] Yes. What has occurred here is truly rude treatment for a democratically elected president. This is not how you treat a president who is fighting to reinstall democracy in his country. We have been repressed and limited to the embassy. Tear gas has been fired. Our electronic lines, our telephone lines have been cut. We’ve also been under attack from microwaves and the sound cannon, a long-range acoustic device.

What do you mean, acoustic device, a sound cannon?

[translated] There are two kinds of unconventional weapons that have been used against us by the regime. There’s a high-frequency pitch that has been used against protesters. And another weapon that has been used against us is an electronic device that issues microwaves, which is very harmful for your health. It causes headaches.

As president, do you know about this in the Honduran arsenal

[translated] Yes, of course. We all suffered this. We all witnessed it. There’s photographs and videos of this occurring.

“Sacramento Man Arrested for Calling 911 More Than 100 In a Month,” NY Daily News, 22 May 2013:


Shao wrote on his blog that he was approached by FBI who asked him to spy for them {and/or CIA} and he refused.

Peter Hermann and Ann E. Marimow “Navy Yard Shooter Driven by Delusions,” Washington Post, 25 September 2013:


In one document, he wrote: “An ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months, and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this.”

Mark Shleub and Stephen Hudak, “FSU shooter Myron May feared ‘energy weapon,’ heard voices, thought police were watching him,” Orlando Sentinel, November 2014:


“He stated that he can constantly hear voices coming through the walls specifically talking about actions he was doing,” an officer wrote in an incident report.

Gardiner Harris, “Tillerson Says U.S. May Close Cuba Embassy Over Mystery Ailments,” New York Times, 17 September 2017:


The Trump administration is considering closing the recently reopened United States Embassy in Havana after 21 Americans associated with the embassy experienced a host of unexplained health problems.

New Fiction {Update}

Part of the third novel in the Infernis, Inthrallis series which is currently titled now titled Infectis.


Update: Besides the title, a few additions.

Small Update

First, I added the now MIA at their website US News & World Report article about CIA’s child kidnapping ring known as The Finders. As it turns out, they were taking toddlers to Saudi Arabia to be diddled by members of the House of Saud who were so inclined. The article is here and the FOIA can be found over here in PDF.

Second is what is perhaps my favorite interview of all time. Jeremy Scahill interviews historian Alfred McCoy * about the fall of the US Empire, the CIA trafficking drugs and how mainstream media lied to help cover it up {and CIA continues to even though the missing paragraphs proving Gary Webb correct are available elsewhere}, among other goodies. Perhaps most timely, a rundown on how many foreign elections the United States meddled in during the last half of the 20th century. I think the number will surprise you.

Jeremy Scahill, “Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of the American Empire,” The Intercept, 22 July 2017:


Third, if you follow the Twitter and are wondering where a new piece is, I’m still collating data. Also, I prefer to know what two, three or four outcomes the enemy is hoping for before taking action so as to avoid falling into one of their traps. Suffice it to say that there’s been a LOT of crazy around these parts recently.

* Via tag you will find a vague reference to a quote by Dr. McCoy posted during my brief tenure at the University of Illinois at Chicago stay in Chicago in late 2013, early 2014 which includes photos from my visit to Dr. James C. Lin, who had the good sense to not be in his office when I came a’knockin’ to ask about his microwave and audio work with CIA and DoD and why Carlyle Group was investing in headphones to be marketed to African-Americans.

I believe the McCoy quote was, when repeated to me years ago, taken out of context. For one, there was a difference of opinion in CIA when some were hoping there was some sort of Soviet or Chinese “magic” with regards to mind control. There was not. However, despite CIA’s spotlighting the bad science portions they spent money on during MK Ultra, even finding out that, and that, for example, schizophreniclike symptoms can be induced in people with isolation and trauma alone, is useful information for a corrupt institution like CIA.

In any case, Dr. McCoy understands keenly the cyberspace and outer space issues, as you’ll read or hear in the interview. It’s just a small step to get to behavioral modification, and we’re already seeing some MSM news on “improving soldiers.”

Review of VICE UK’s Meet the Targeted Individual Community

Before I go into the review itself I am going to do two things. First, I’m going to very, very vaguely describe why I am doing it {still more harassment, this time directed at four acquaintances} and some background as to why I think what I do about what is contained in the documentary as well as what people in general, TIs or not, need to know about history as well as human biology and psychology in order to make some sense of the question about what is happening.


Right. In the month of May 2017, two of the four situations regarding friends, acquaintances, and, yes, former lovers, were in the works for months, two of them actually occurred during that month and I only found out the details about the other two in that month. I take this as a shot across the bow and am answering it with the following analysis. Without saying much more than these four people all fall into both the LGBT and minority categories, two now face the possibility of incarceration {and one of those was shot in the arms and killed someone in what appears to be self-defense}, one has been driven out of his mind targeted individual style, and the last has had her personality altered by having been drugged by a group of individuals she was drinking with, whom not only told her that they had done so after, but laughed and joked about it.

This last incident is reminiscent of the time that Sydney Gottlieb himself and likely another unidentified MKULTRA researcher drugged an American in Paris, France and destroyed his life. This is partially documented in H.B. Albarelli’s A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments. I will refer to the back of this book later with regards to the review and how it relates to targeted individuals.

All four sets of incidents have connections to the Cartels, which as I’ve noted before, so does the Central Intelligence Agency. See the Mike and Gary tag posts.


The first thing one should know–and if one doesn’t remember anything else, they should remember this–is that the real goal of so-called mind control, or if you prefer, behavioral modification, or even my preferred term, brainhacking, is with regards to labor. That is, the real, main purpose has always been slavery and I mean that I think on every level. Whether the ability to neutralize whistleblowers who might embarrass multinationals and their wrongdoings, the ability to turn an “enemy combatant” into a mole or agent provocateur such as CIA has been attempting at Strawberry Fields–also known as Camp No–at Guantanamo Bay, the ability to create so-called lone wolf shooters and terrorists and thereby dominate the news rather than subjects like healthcare, benefits, and working conditions; or simply just what it sounds like: The ability to control the workforce.

That is the real goal. This is what is at stake.

Next, the question of sanity/insanity. Latest research as reported by outlets like Psychology Today is that it is possible and likely that the cause of schizophrenia, possibly other ailments like paranoia, depression, bi-polar, etc., may actually be centered in the stomach, the gut, and not in the brain. That is, trauma and isolation can cause a shift in the makeup of the bacteria that human beings use to digest, and when that shift occurs, the result is the “gut bugs” send the too many of the wrong neurotransmitters to the brain causing mental imbalance.

This is further underlined by the brainwashing report CIA commissioned regarding Soviet and Chinese brainwashing. Some at CIA were hoping that there was some kind of new, special method that had been discovered by either or both, but the report came to the conclusion that is was just the same old stuff: Sleep deprivation, isolation, psychological torture, and physical torture and that the effects of those would tend to wear off some time after the subject was released. It did confirm, however, that the subject might start hearing voices or experiencing other schizophrenic-type symptoms, though of course in the 1950s they had no idea how this shift occurred, merely that it did.

What can we draw from this? Merely that even if a targeted individual does display symptoms of mental illness, this does not necessarily mean that they did when their harassment began. Further, it should serve equally as proof of something having occurred to make them that way as much as proof that they may be imagining it all. Once the harassment begins, it is traumatic and the result is often being isolated from friends, family and co-workers and the ability to sleep peacefully with the thought that some unseen force is out to get you is not likely. Precisely what the CIA report described the Soviets and Chinese as doing with the exception that in the latter the individuals were in custody of their torturers and not simply being forced into virtual custody in their own homes a la harassment and PSYOP. {And, by the way, even if a person did have mental illness before becoming a TI does not mean they are not actually being targeted. I explained all of that here}.

As for history, we have not only MKULTRA but also COINTELPRO, many, many other programs such as MKOFTEN, SRPOINTER, HTLINGUAL, etc., most of which were the surreptitious surveillance of celebrities and Vietnam War protesters, civil liberty and labor leaders, etc.

Is it any wonder that the US has both heroin and prescription pain killer epidemics? The latter is the third leading cause of death in states like Tennessee. If the invasion of Iraq was about oil for Exxon, et al, then one can make an easy case that the invasion of Afghanistan was about poppy, which is used for both heroin and Oxycontin. One is reminded of Gary Webb’s work on crack cocaine being smuggled into Los Angeles with the help of CIA in order to fund operations that CIA did not or could not ask Congress for funding for.

CIA’s MKULTRA project dealt extensively with studying mental illness. See the list of subprojects that John Marks pried from their greedy, grubby, psychopathic fingers via FOIA.

Finally, if there is a question in the reader’s/viewer’s mind as to whether or not microwave harassment weapons exist, it was confirmed by the former president of Honduras when he spoke to Amy Goodman and Anjali Kamat of DemocracyNow! in October of 2009. See bottom of the MICROWAVE section.

You might want to watch the film now before reading what’s below. Many spoilers below.

VICE UK: Meet the Targeted Individual Community on YouTube



Warning: Spoilers below.

First, I’d like to thank Matt Shea and VICE UK for doing it at all, even though I am not a targeted individual in the classic sense. I have spoken to many and met a few, however, and am glad to see that even if the question of “Is it real?” could not be reached that Matt and VICE did not descend into ridicule, as so many even very, very liberal people do, but rather came to the conclusion that the pain and anguish are obviously real, and therefore these people are deserving of some kind of help regardless of the cause. He also notes that the Internet has allowed them to find each other.

Curiously, Matt notes that there are around 10,000 people worldwide who make these claims. Though I do not know where they got that number, it makes a lot of sense to me, being much, much lower than the numbers you’ll hear bandied about by the TIs themselves.

Why? Because it fits better with my belief, my “model” if you will, of how this works. 10,000 is a much, much easier number to harass than 250,000, if, as I believe, it is not satellites {apart from what we all know: NSA, GCHQ, etc. conduct surveillance using cellphones that do sometimes use satellites to communicate}, not cellphone towers, not chemtrails, but rather field operatives using handheld and/or mobile systems enclosed inside vehicles when the do actually use V2K, acoustic psycho-correction, or e-weapons to harass people.

Speaking of which, another point about what I wrote with regards to being “driven crazy,” is that it may over time become impossible to discern when one is actually being communicated with via V2K and what is misbehaving neurochemicals from having been exposed to harassment for so long. In other words, part of the idea is to confuse the target to the point they cannot even separate their own thoughts from the PSYOP team’s and that from chemical imbalance.

Speaking of chemical imbalance, at least in my experience and those Cold War ones noted above as well as one of my four friends, the target is often also typically drugged to make them seem and act crazy as well. This is in fact CIA’s very first goal in the 1955 draft memo that survived being destroyed by the Director’s order when the coverup happened.

Next the big issue I had with the documentary, though it is neither Matt’s nor VICE‘s fault that this happened, at least as far as I know, is the question of implants.

While CIA did dabble with implants at one point, it was discovered that other methods were superior in that they left no trace. Voice-to-skull and acoustic psycho-correction, which CIA stole from the Russians in the early 1980s, fall into this category.

However, it is entirely possible to convince someone that they have implants. This in turn can be further enforced by groupthink and “experts” coming in to sell meters to TIs. A note here: People suffering from mental illness are on average eleven times more likely to be the victim of a crime than the perpetrator.

Now jumping back to Albarelli’s book for a moment. In the back, he writes an extra chapter about people having contacted him regarding his book. Some make the claim that they in fact assassinated people in a particular place but they cannot recall precisely who or when.

I wrote Hank and suggested once that the idea here was not that these people actually killed anyone. Rather, the point was to convince them, brainwash them, into believing that they had done so, so that when and if those behind the conditioning ever decided to make those people kill someone, they would be more inclined to do so because they believe that they already have.

That’s quite a mouthful, so let me break it down a little by describing a psychological experiment I read about once that used basketball tosses as the test.

Two groups were given two hoops from which they would eventually be tested on making free throws. One group was given ten minutes to practice. The other group was told to simply stand at the free-throw line and imagine the throw, the ball moving toward the net, and going in, scoring. When the ten minutes were up, the imaginers out-did the practicers.

It’s about mental conditioning, is the point.

Now let’s try to relate that to implants. If a TI believes that they have implants, are they more likely or less likely to “obey” an “order” given them? By the way, I should note something that was mentioned but not really explored in the film: V2K can be used subliminally. How much more effective might a subliminal suggestion be if the party is thoroughly convinced that they have to obey because a microchip is forcing them to comply?

I think that the answer is obvious and exactly what is going on.

So, while I may be wrong, I don’t think that the majority of TIs are in fact microchipped. I do think that their attackers are very interested in making them think so, however, and have a goal and operational benefits in mind of doing so, including discrediting, which is what winds up happening in the film.

{I note that though I have never been tested, I expected exactly what Matt experienced, that the meter would go off and would do so with any human being, chipped or not. As to why I came to think that, well that’s a post in itself}.

Anyway, this is why I think that the focus on implants is without a doubt coming from CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia and its UK, etc. counterparts, and serves two purposes: Enhancing control and discrediting the target at the same time. Diabolical, isn’t it? Much of this is.

Back to the film proper, there’s a point where implant removal surgery is refused by a surgeon via a rejection letter. While I agree with the surgeon, these probably are not implants, I totally disagree with his reasons given for thinking so, even though I understand them too well. One does not have to be a spy or a terrorist to be the focus of an intelligence apparatus. One merely, especially now when the rule of multinational corporations is almost realized globally, simply be on the same planet with them.

All I really want to say is thanks again, and kudos to Matt, for making the point that he does at the end: These people deserve our pity, our kindness, our love if you will, not our scorn and ridicule. Scorn and ridicule should be employed as much as possible against those in power, not the powerless. To do so, is to become a bully, and when you do that, you help power, not hinder it.
