Bern, Switzerland – Solidarity attack on the German embassy (29/08/2017)


Last night [between 28th and 29th August] we attacked the German embassy in Bern with paint. The action was carried out in solidarity with all the rebel people wounded, imprisoned and sentenced following the G20 summit in Hamburg, and also with those who oppose the criminalization and banning of the Linksunten.indymedia platform. The people who don’t allow themselves to be pacified with existent conditions are being persecuted and punished with even greater firmness.
Over thirty people are still being held in jail, many for futile reasons. Others are still suffering the consequences of the repression. Some on a physical level, because of truncheon blows and fractures; others on a psychological level because of the cops’ savage attitude. The fiery assault on the demonstration Welcome to Hell and the many serious injuries inflicted in Rodenbarg (on the occasion of the block on Friday 7/07) are just a few examples.
Yesterday a 21-year-old person was sentenced to 2 years and 7 months in prison, and more trials will follow in the next days. They are trying to frighten us with absurd sentences, so as to prevent us from struggling against domination. They’ll attain the opposite: we’ll struggle even more and demonstrate even more solidarity!
In the context of the G20 repression, the German State has banned the alternative media Indymedia linksunten, with raids and requisition of many items. We don’t want to and we can’t simply accept this direct attack on autonomous structures.
It seems it’s possible to oppose the responsible! They are vulnerable and can’t protect everything they care for. Let’s show solidarity! Be they individual actions, political projects or responses to the attempts at assault against us!
For when one is struck by repression, all of us are concerned!
We also see this action as part of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners.
Ninety years ago, on 23rd August, Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in prison. Their incarceration was part of a large campaign against the revolutionary workers’ movement by the USA government.
In June two comrades [*see translator’s note below] were sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for their alleged participation in a bank expropriation in Aachen, Germany. This sentence once again demonstrates that people with the same aspirations are punished not only for their actions but also for their anarchist ideas.
Through the prison walls of the world, our greetings go to our imprisoned comrades!
Let’s struggle together against all States!
For a society of solidarity without exploitation or prisons!
[1] A mistake in the claim: the 7th June 2017’s sentence concerning the second part of the case of bank robbery in Aachen (2014) was as follows: comrade Lisa was sentenced to seven years and a half in prison, whereas the other comrade on trial was acquitted. To write to Lisa, imprisoned in Colonia (Germany): Buchnummer 2893/16/7 – Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln – Rochusstrasse 350 – 50827 Köln – Germany
(translator’s note)
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

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