Why I’m keeping my child home from school in Israel on Holocaust Day

on 135 Comments

I. is the initial of a Norwegian citizen living in Israel. I. posted this among friends on social media and allowed us to publish it. –Editors 

Sunday marked the start of Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Day in Israel. Today at 10 a.m. two minutes of air raid sirens blared throughout Israel. Haunting? Yes, but not for the right reasons in my opinion.

The education ministry in Israel has decided that commemorating the Shoah/Holocaust is so essential to Israel, that learning what happened will start at the age of three, in preschool. When asking our daughter’s kindergarten teacher, she said she would prefer not to have this talk with the children at this age. But, the inspectors would check if the curriculum is followed. So, she has to. The curriculum is specific. Each age has age appropriate information given to them. For children aged three, the lesson sounds something like this: Something horrible happened a long time ago in a land far, far away. And, people died. But here, now (in Israel) we are safe. And the siren is to commemorate those people who died.

The curriculum became more specified the last years, after some unfortunate events where teachers went overboard, and children came home from school with yellow stars on their clothes and morbid fear of cargo trains. Now it is streamlined, and mandatory, for all public institutions for children.

Because of the decision other people made about when and how it is appropriate for our child to learn about genocide, we chose to keep her at home yesterday and today. We want our child to learn about injustice; moral, critical thinking; and courage. We want her to grow up to be strong, fair, kind and safe. And, we think that learning about blurry dangers in a distant past does not teach her that.

Tonight also marks the start of a series of holidays that builds a fundament of nationalism in children across Israel.

First YomHaShoah, Holocaust Day, or “what They can do to us if we are not vigilant.” The use of sirens instead of a prayer, to make them feel the horror.

Then, Yom HaZikaron, the mourning day of fallen soldiers and victims of terror. A day to mark the ones that sacrificed themselves for us and our safety. And again the sirens sound, everyone standing still, stopping their cars, for a sound that not that long ago meant “run for shelter, missiles are coming!” Not confusing at all for a child, is it?

And to conclude; Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, celebrated with barbecues and massive flyovers by a variety of fighter planes, combat helicopters, and other war machines. Inflatable hammers with the Israeli flag, flags on cars, on bikes, flags on the children, painted onto the children’s face. Candy floss in blue and white. Yom HaAtzmaut has a different name in Arabic; Yom al-Nakba. Although, mentioning that last name in class as a teacher might get you in trouble.

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135 Responses

  1. pabelmont
    April 24, 2017, 7:06 pm

    Steven Salaita says (more or less) that you cannot safely mention Palestine in the USA and “I.” says you cannot do so inside Israel. Wow. The walls are closing in. Are we all herded into railway cars? Will people who mention Palestine have to wear yellow stars (or something similar)? Or be imprisoned administratively and never heard from again?

  2. echinococcus
    April 25, 2017, 2:48 am

    What the heck is “I.” doing in occupied Palestine, and how much sanity is there in dragging or having a little child there?

    Once there, what does she imagine will be done to children by the Zionists if not fulltime brainwashing?

  3. AddictionMyth
    April 25, 2017, 9:14 am

    Fun facts about Israel: The Shoah has been removed from the high school history curriculum (it is discussed but they are not tested on it) and as a result students have minimal understanding of it, and teachers are not allowed to speak to the press on any subject. What’s going on here? Hmmmm…….

    • Annie Robbins
      April 25, 2017, 1:48 pm

      it is discussed but they are not tested on it

      i find this hard to believe. the TOI source link in the article above says

      The program[preschool], which is set to be implemented next year, will mark the first time Holocaust studies will be formally integrated into the national curriculum beyond the high school history matriculation exam.

      this indicates HS students are tested on the holocaust.

      • Keith
        April 25, 2017, 6:05 pm

        ADDICTIONMYTH- “…it is discussed but they are not tested on it….”

        ANNIE ROBBINS- “i find this hard to believe.”

        Interesting. Addictionmyth, can you substantiate this? My normal inclination would be to agree with Annie on this, however, it occurs to me that other factors may be involved. What exactly are they teaching? A more-or-less historically accurate examination of the Nazi holocaust or the ideologically loaded Zionist Holocaust narrative? The trouble with written test questions is what they may reveal about the purpose of the instruction (indoctrination?). If these test questions fell into the wrong hands, as they surely would, what would be the reaction of all those American Gentiles to the profoundly anti-Gentile nature of the Zionist ideology? Talking about “common values” while teaching Israeli Jewish children that all Gentiles (including Americans) are irrational Jew-haters could be a problem. So I can see a reason that there may not be written test questions, but I don’t know. And yes, the “not tested on it” surprised me.

  4. Misterioso
    April 25, 2017, 11:00 am

    Speaking of Holocausts, perhaps it would be a good idea if Israelis were reminded of what was in fact the worst mass slaughter of humans in modern history. I am referring to the systematic murder of about 10 million Congolese by Belgian colonists during the latter part of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries when King Leopold II ruled Belgium. He was the founder and owner of what was then known as the Congo Free State. One of the first people of note to refer to this holocaust was Samuel Clemens, aka, Mark Twain.

    The unspeakable horrors Belgium inflicted on the natives of the Congo, which also included amputations of arms below the elbow and beheadings, were prompted by pure greed and chronic racism, i.e., to force them to work like slaves in order to harvest natural rubber on rubber tree plantations, which prior to the invention of the synthetic version, was in huge demand in Europe and America to manufacture tires for the burgeoning automobile industry.

    Written by Adam Hochschild and published in 1998, “King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa,” provides an excellent source to learn about King Leopold II and his monstrous crimes against humanity.

    • Jane Porter
      April 25, 2017, 3:31 pm

      Yes. It’s a fantastic book, and besides Congo, Along the centuries, greed and powers have murdered millions if not billions of people to get their wealth. The Holocaust looks more like the European inquisition which killed Arabs and Jews in Spain(who were allied in this time and got the same fate) Read Les Morisques ou le racisme d’état, by Rodrigo de Zayas.
      And as well, Beside theJews, the Holocaust included the Gypsies, the Russians, the homosexuals , and even the Poles, and again Poles,Jews and Russian in Ukraine,murdered by Ukr. nationalists/nazis. Why does the West and Israel just focus on the Jews?
      On french television,were invited survivors of Auchwistz: Simome Weil, a former minster, and two gypsies women, the journalist asked Mrs.Weil if she knew about the gypsies, she didn’t
      looked or spoke to them during the whole show, and just said dryly: No and she dismissed to comment it.

      • Keith
        April 25, 2017, 5:36 pm

        JANE PORTER- “Why does the West and Israel just focus on the Jews?”

        Zionist power.

  5. genesto
    April 25, 2017, 12:08 pm

    Teach a child fear at a very early age and it will stay with him/her throughout his/her life. This is the first step in training and developing Israel’s future Zionists.

    • Mooser
      April 25, 2017, 12:53 pm

      “Teach a child fear at a very early age and it will stay with him/her throughout his/her life”

      Ah, but teach a child that history owes them something, a debt accrued over 2500 years, payable on demand, and you create an aristocrat!

    • hophmi
      April 25, 2017, 2:31 pm

      Yeah, when I meet Israelis, the first thing I think of is how fearful they are. Not. Fear is not an emotion that I would associate with most Israelis.

      • Maghlawatan
        April 25, 2017, 3:12 pm

        How many know any Palestinians, Hoppy? If they weren’t paranoid they wouldn’t buy IDF recruitment BS

      • Mooser
        April 25, 2017, 3:13 pm

        .” Fear is not an emotion that I would associate with most Israelis.”

        And “Hophmi” earns himself a free “No trauma ‘long us!” bumper-sticker.

        And I’ll throw in a T-shirt which says :”I only have one question!” on the front and “How amazingly good will it be for the Jews?” on the back.

      • Marnie
        April 26, 2017, 12:50 pm

        I think it’s true that behind anger is fear. Israelis are scared shitless from the top down.They’re even scared of poetry and little children.

      • RoHa
        April 26, 2017, 8:00 pm

        “They’re even scared of poetry and little children.”

        Very sensible of them. Both can be appalling, and frequently are.

      • Brewer
        April 27, 2017, 1:11 am

        “Fear is not an emotion that I would associate with most Israelis. “
        Pleased to hear it Hophead. Perhaps we will now see an end to the quadrennial slaughter in Gaza which we are told, ad nauseum, is inspired by fear of rockets which kill about .65% the number of road deaths in Israel proper.
        No my friend. Israel has made a virtue out of fear.

      • pjdude
        April 27, 2017, 2:47 am

        than you don’t know how to see fear. anyone who looks and knows what to look for can see that fear is the primary motivating emotion for israelis as a whole.

      • Mooser
        April 27, 2017, 10:59 am

        “Very sensible of them. Both can be appalling, and frequently are.”

        “RoHa” even if you avoid children and poetry, you can pall pretty fast yourself.

      • RoHa
        April 28, 2017, 12:42 am

        Yes, Mooser, I expect that some people can get vicariously exhausted by my efforts to hold back the black pall of ignorance and barbarism that is sweeping across the world.

      • Mooser
        April 28, 2017, 11:29 am

        “the black pall of ignorance and barbarism that is sweeping across the world.”

        Manifesting itself in the form of children and poetry.

        Or in the form of a 2013 Scion FR-S, which we bought last night. Funny little car, but I think we’ll like it.

      • Keith
        April 28, 2017, 5:24 pm

        ROHA- “…the black pall of ignorance and barbarism that is sweeping across the world.”

        Speaking if which, have you noticed how the media and liberal commentators are referring to those who oppose globalization as fascists? Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen two recent examples. Both are nationalists who say they would like improved relations with Russia and both criticized Trump on Syria. Has the definition of fascist been changed to someone who opposes militarism? Many of the terms of discourse have been reduced to mere labels used to attack people. Putin as a dictator, etc. I seem to recall Obama referring to Hugo Chavez as a dictator as well. The more meaningful categories seem to me to be those who favor neoliberal globalization and those who oppose it. Liberal/conservative, left/right have lost much of their meaning. “Progressive” is little more than a feel good term, and I have come to fear so-called “reforms”, most of which are regressive changes which have been misrepresented to improve their appeal. There is a lot of flagrant misrepresentation going on. A lot of use of emotionally potent labels.

      • gamal
        April 28, 2017, 6:04 pm

        “to hold back the black pall of ignorance and barbarism that is sweeping across the world”

        you are a cnut, i am not surprised

      • RoHa
        April 29, 2017, 1:18 am

        And I expect to be as successful as the great king.

        But a pedant’s gotta do what a pedant’s gotta do.

      • RoHa
        May 1, 2017, 1:38 am

        Yes, but calling people “fascists” is nothing new. The usually deplorable Wikipedia has a fairly good article on fascists, and it includes a fine quotation from Orwell about the use of the term as an insult.


        I have heard it applied (by people who wouldn’t know a faggot with an axe if they saw one) to standard Conservative MPs who spent a good part of their youth fighting real Fascists in North Africa and Italy.

        As is often the case, the aim of the insult is to avoid debate with political opponents, lest anyone think the opponent has a point.

  6. Ossinev
    April 25, 2017, 12:20 pm

    “Yom HaAtzmaut has a different name in Arabic; Yom al-Nakba. Although, mentioning that last name in class as a teacher might get you in trouble”

    It`s fairly straighforward in Orwellian Ziologic. Palestinian teachers who tell Palestinian children about the Nakba are “inciting”. In fact cut to the quick in Ziologic they are quite simply “terrorists”.

    “Speaking of Holocausts, perhaps it would be a good idea if Israelis were reminded of what was in fact the worst mass slaughter of humans in modern history”

    Remember for Zios “blacks” are the lowest of the Untermenschen and they don`t count in the grand scheme of genocides.

  7. Talkback
    April 25, 2017, 1:24 pm

    “The education ministry in Israel has decided that commemorating the Shoah/Holocaust is so essential to Israel, that learning what happened will start at the age of three, in preschool.”

    A truly sick society. That’s literally child abuse.

    • Marnie
      April 26, 2017, 1:22 pm

      And the palestinians worship a cult of death? The zionists are obsessed with death!

      • Maghlawatan
        April 29, 2017, 2:37 am


        5 psychological recommendations I came across

        Resolve alone won’t get results
         You will make the same mistake over and over.
        Personal and professional are linked
        Ignoring your emotions is pointless
        Choosing the emotions you want is better

        Israel never dealt with the hell of the Holocaust. Resolve was the choice and consequently the Holocaust still dominates Israel. The Wall, conscription, the inability to countenance peace, the wars, the absence of justice.

        Hatikva is the national anthem but there is no hope in Israel.

  8. eljay
    April 25, 2017, 1:51 pm

    … The education ministry in Israel has decided that commemorating the Shoah/Holocaust is so essential to Israel … For children aged three, the lesson sounds something like this: Something horrible happened a long time ago in a land far, far away. And, people died. But here, now (in Israel) we are safe. …

    Commemorating the Holocaust is essential to maintaining Israel as a religion-supremacist “Jewish State”. It does f*ck all for:
    – the 20% of Israelis who are not Jewish; or
    – the non-Jewish non-Israelis who live (and die) under the “Jewish State’s” on-going military occupation and colonization of not-Israel.

    I doubt that the fact that it’s all yonah’s fault is of much comfort to the displaced, the oppressed, the brutalized and the dead.

  9. Maghlawatan
    April 25, 2017, 2:04 pm

    Zionists stayed in Palestine while the Nazis suppressed the Warsaw ghetto uprising. No Zionists rescued any of the Hungarian Jews from Auschwitz. Zionism is a cowardly cult.

    • Stephen Shenfield
      April 25, 2017, 4:21 pm

      “No Zionists rescued any of the Hungarian Jews from Auschwitz.”

      Not strictly true. The Hungarian Zionist leader Rudolf Kastner, later a high-ranking civil servant in Israel, did rescue a trainload of Jews, although they were mainly his relatives, friends, and colleagues and people with enough money to pay the high price demanded for seats — and in exchange he helped the Nazis murder the rest, especially by concealing from them what awaited them. .

      • Maghlawatan
        April 25, 2017, 5:25 pm

        Kastner exemplified Zionism’s attitude to the Holocaust. Today Israeli leaders can say without the Holocaust there would be no Israel. Others will wonder if it was worth it.

      • yonah fredman
        April 25, 2017, 8:41 pm

        Mr Shenfield, what number of those on the kastner train fit your description? I think you are repeating propaganda without real facts in front of you. Or behind you. Or near you. Ben hecht was no historian. Read yehuda Bauer if you want a historian’s report.

      • Mooser
        April 26, 2017, 11:30 am

        “Mr Shenfield, what number of those on the kastner train fit your description?”

        And how many fit your description of Jews who survived the Holocaust as “gas shirkers”?

    • yonah fredman
      April 25, 2017, 8:52 pm

      Magh, Zionists did not do enough. Not nearly enough. But look up hannah senesh, if you wish to compare your utterances with the facts.

      • Maghlawatan
        April 26, 2017, 1:06 am

        Yonah, let’s have a discussion if you want. For many Zionists the destruction of Jewish life in Eastern Europe was good because it meant Zionism was more likely to succeed. If Poland had retained its Jewish population during the war Israel wouldn’t have happened . 1967 mythology in Hebrew is tied up with the notion of God rewarding his people after putting them through the mill. Auschwitz made Hebron possible. Even the word Shoah is political. Did the Jews in Lodz know it was all a holy plan ?

      • yonah fredman
        April 26, 2017, 10:08 am

        Before a discussion please fess up that hannah senesh contradicts your previous assertion.

      • Mooser
        April 26, 2017, 11:32 am

        .” Even the word Shoah is political”

        There’s no business like it, and it, unfortunately, goes on.

      • MHughes976
        April 26, 2017, 1:20 pm

        There’s no point in trying to make myself an instant Kastner expert but I did try to follow up a few of the points being made. It all seems very murky and was clearly caught up in bitter controversies in the early days of Israel. I note that Kastner still has his admirers. The Canadian novelist Anna Porter has published a book in his praise. He claimed that his train was a Noah’s Ark with a 1,600 strong cross section of Jewish life in it – though implicitly casting himself as Noah seems a bit startling. He claimed that he was collaborating with an anti-Hitler faction in the SS and intervened successfully on behalf of one of them when he, the SS man, was arrested after the War. Hannah Senesh was a character in the same Hungarian drama but it seems (Wikipedia, I’m. afraid) that her mother was anti-Kastner, giving evidence against him at the Israeli libel trial.

      • yonah fredman
        April 26, 2017, 7:24 pm

        Magh- yes. Zionism, particularly yom hashoah one week before independence day, views the abyss as preparation for israel. I reject this as quite unhealthy, but in fact there is no answer to the abyss. To a god believer like I was the abyss was/is a black hole that sucks up all energy and israel even if as innocent as suburban Philip roth goodbye Columbus judaism, which it’s not, still wouldn’t answer the abyss.
        But I am alienated from judaism and do not know how judaism can deal with the abyss. I don’t know how Zionists can avoid a narrative of destruction and Phoenix rising from the ashes. Creating stories and meanings and construing history as written for your benefit as you live everything up til now is so that everything will flow the right way after now, that’s called myth making and that’s what makes the world go round.
        The crisis of America is partially a lack of myths or disparate nonharmonious myths. But the permanent crisis of israel requires myths. I used to believe in the myth of peace, that peace would come in my time and from that peace all peace would be born. That myth seems a mockery.

      • Stephen Shenfield
        April 26, 2017, 8:44 pm

        Hannah Senesh and her comrades (certainly no cowards) were parachuted in by the British to make contact with the presumed Resistance, but they were captured immediately upon landing, suggesting a tip-off. Who betrayed them if not Kastner?

        The work of Yehuda Bauer is of some value, but I don’t trust him. His argumentation always seems sensible and reasonable, but somehow he always reaches conclusions supportive of Zionism.

      • yonah fredman
        April 26, 2017, 10:25 pm

        Mr Shenfield , if you have proof of kastner betraying senesh, or a source for such an accusation, please present it. Otherwise you’re out to lunch.

      • YoniFalic
        April 27, 2017, 5:51 am

        Bauer is one of the best of Zionist pseudo-historians. Finkelstein outs him in The Holocaust Industry.


        Note that, in my opinion, Finkelstein, who is not a professional historian himself, has generally been much too trusting of Zionist and Jewish pseudo-historians.

        Note also that “Jewish” history as conceived and founded by Heinrich Graetz is pseudo-history or propaganda that cannot be trusted as Shlomo Zand has pointed out.

        Samson Raphael Hirsch, the founder of modern Orthodoxy, accused Graetz of dishonesty and ignorance. Hirsch generally supported von Treitschke in the disputes and controversies between von Treitschke and Graetz.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 9:54 am

        Szenes’ own mother presented her testimony at the trial, Fredman. You should read more.

      • Mooser
        April 27, 2017, 10:53 am

        “The crisis of America is partially a lack of myths or disparate nonharmonious myths.” “yonah fredman”

        So you think the Constitution and the rule of law should be replaced by “myths” about Jewish people?

        Cause that’s always worked for us?
        You want that Jewish people should be subject to the “myths” about them?
        I’ll meet you this noon for a baby-blood-cocktail and we’ll plan the get-back-to-the-myths campaign.

        Maybe, with a great deal of luck and hard work, we could move America to a place where the interaction with Jews is ruled by “myths” the way the interaction with African-Americans and Muslims is!

      • yonah fredman
        April 27, 2017, 12:43 pm

        Senesh’s mother testified that kastner did not help hannah once she was captured. She never implied that kastner betrayed her leading to her capture.

      • Maghlawatan
        April 27, 2017, 3:31 pm

        Yonah , the destruction of Judaism in Eastern Europe is a horror story. An Orthodox lady historian by the name of Farbstein was quoted in Ha’aretz last year. The Orthodox still can’t talk about it other than about the piety and belief of those who were murdered. Her book is called hidden in thunder.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 3:32 pm


        Learn to spell sometime. Szenes. It’s Hungarian.

        Anyway, no there was no direct evidence. The mother’s evidence was damning in that it established that Kastner had avoided helping her daughter and the other British personnel, and Kastner was and still seems to be the prime suspect as snitch.

      • yonah fredman
        April 27, 2017, 6:51 pm

        Echo- please provide some source to this accusation.

      • yonah fredman
        April 27, 2017, 7:01 pm

        Senesh came to palestine, which was run by the british. I assume the spelling of her name was changed by the british, when they issued her British mandate papers. She parachuted under British auspices. I assume that’s where this spelling comes from. I read about her in fourth grade in hebrew.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 8:49 pm

        See, Reb Feldman, that’s why you are so totally in another world: you read in “modern” Hebrew, and you read propaganda.

        Kastner remains the prime suspect as the snitch.

      • YoniFalic
        April 28, 2017, 11:34 am

        In Hebrew Szenes Anikó used the name חנה סנש, which is transliterated as Hannah Senesh.

        Senesh was more foolish than brave.

        There is no particular reason to believe someone betrayed her. Border police found her transmitter.

      • MHughes976
        April 28, 2017, 12:35 pm

        Yes indeed, Yoni, there were disastrously many British expeditions into Nazi Europe that went very wrong. There’s a book called Target Italy which is, for a British reader, quite embarrassing.

      • yonah fredman
        April 28, 2017, 11:55 pm

        On the topic of myths, specifically the weakness of the myth of American progress, read in the nyt “america: from exceptionalism to nihilism” by pankaj mishra.

  10. hophmi
    April 25, 2017, 2:29 pm

    Only on this ridiculous site would Israeli commemoration rituals, such as the sounding of a siren to commemorate Yom HaShoah, and the entire country stopping to observe a moment of silence, be cast this way. It is an extraordinarily solemn event in a country that has more Holocaust survivors and descendants of Holocaust survivors than anywhere else.

    Why on Earth would Israel not teach the Holocaust? It is a seminal, enormous event in Jewish history.

    • Maghlawatan
      April 25, 2017, 3:14 pm

      I remember a photo from 1996. Israeli soldiers taking a break from shelling Lebanon to remember the Holocaust. What is the point of Israel? Violence to remember the oppressed. FFS

      • DaBakr
        April 29, 2017, 7:35 pm

        Please don’t tell us hophmi that you just discovered that mondoweiss commentary section is comprised of about a dozen ( ok, maybe a few dozen) hardcore zionist haters, jew haters and possibly just Israel haters who are here M Jħltech savvy nation which had laws which protect citizens of all religions and race from discrimination as well as Including all in the democratic process of voting.? Some of the=v(chgc fgravity=g regulars here try an act of outward “moderation,’ you know, givin)a sg=upposedly unbiased historical account which naturally comes to conclude that zionists must have logically plotted the whole thing. The others are more or less honest with outright contempt or no recognition of Israeli’legitimacy in the first place. So, acting surprised at ANYTHING shocking said about Israel and the holocaust is just so redundant. After all, how many put downs of israel can anybody stand but these few mw devotees.J
        Hop: learn to pick your battles here and allow the dingy dozen to let their tended cicc

      • DaBakr
        April 29, 2017, 7:40 pm

        Think about it dumbass. Pretend for 10 seconds it’s another people fighting to return to their ancient homeland. It makes perfect sense. Don’t understand your difficulty on this topic except it’s an outlet forv your unhinged rage.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 29, 2017, 8:19 pm

        Auts.. DaBakr..

        Honestly.. You do not see anything “shady” and unfair in what is happening in the area of Palestine..?? Like honestly?? Deep in your heart?? If you have one??

      • Mooser
        April 29, 2017, 8:50 pm

        “Pretend for 10 seconds it’s another people fighting to return to their ancient homeland.”

        That’s a good idea, “Dabakr”! And which “another people fighting to return to their homeland” would you like to suggest we compare it to?

        Please, give us three or four examples of people who have returned to their “ancient homeland” like the Zionists did so we can choose among them.

      • eljay
        April 29, 2017, 10:36 pm

        || DaBakr: Think about it dumbass. Pretend for 10 seconds it’s another people fighting to return to their ancient homeland. … ||

        Geographic Palestine isn’t the homeland – ancient or otherwise – of all people in the world who choose to be/come Jewish. Even of you pretend really, really hard that it’s something other than religion-based supremacism and colonialism, Zionism is just another word for evil.

      • DaBakr
        April 29, 2017, 11:00 pm

        Well @kof, I was specifically responding to @mg mock question about what is a nation (meaning a peoples ) point in existing and to a question like that I obviously have nothing but contempt, embarrassing and some sympathy for a mind anchored in rage and to whom the idea of how much they hate jews (despite a 1000 protestations about the difference between hating zionism and jews-in this case absolutely none) and how warped and mediocre their reasoning is. how diseased and polluted their heart is with blackness. and if, by chance the responder is from a displaced palestinian family then I would say, the question is rhetorical and again, obvious. that they know exactly what “the point” is as it is no different then the point to his own existence, if there is one.
        . But to your question do I personally not see anything “shady” happening in the “area of Palestine”?.
        a) there is no area of Palestine because there has never been a negotiated peace with a complete cessation of claims and an end to conflict.
        B) and as for “shady”? Maybe it’s a language issue but shady implies underhanded and scheming so no, I do not think anything shady is going on. we are and always have been upfront with are reasoning (and we do not take idiotic theories about how early zionists, our founding fathers and mothers all had secret alternative plans ,a,b,c or d to expand Israel from before our founding.) Our upfront attitude has always been,’quiet will be met with quiet’. That is crystal clear.
        C) is something “unfair” going on in both israel and the territories Judea, samaria and Gaza I would say yes. Of course there is unfairness. in the 40s and 50s the displacements of both Arabs living in pre state Palestine and post 48 Israel as well as the approximately equal number of Jewish Arabs kicked out of nations from Egypt to Iraq with all their money and land confiscated . it was all very unfair. I fact, lots of things are unfair but Israel has offered over 96% of Judea and Samaria as well as 100% of Gaza to the Palestinians was thrown back in our faces. Not once or twice but 3 times. This is not a fiction as rabid Israel haters like to twist every fact upside down to make those 3 offers as bad shady deals. That too is unfair. It’s unfair that Palestinians value hatred of israel above cleaning up their leader ship from crooks and terrorists. It’s unfair that the post Oslo Palestinians have been raised on a steady diet of how the heroes of their cause are the ones who kill the most me Jews. They are not prepared for anything resembling peace or an end to the conflict. They have been completely honest and upfront that any deal with zionists for whatever amount of territory would simply be a step towards liberating the entire’palestine’ which would be 100% of israel as well as Gaza, and West bank. They think that is fair. I think it’s delusional. Is it just a misreading of what peace means or is it a challenge that means one form of war or another, until death or submission. And that, unfair as it may be, is how the world works wether it is Christian, Arabic or simply Israel against the Arab/muslim bloc.
        D) do I have a heart? as big a heart as the famous welcoming in Israel and the fewer Arabs I know from West bank. People who haven’t lived or spent much time existing (not referring to US or EU ngo activists) with people who have some legitimate and some illegitimate claims to your nation is, not fraught with the hatred and violence Hamas, Fatah and other terror dedicated groups is. we both show kindness to each other in many forms. our hospitals and clinics are filled with a mixture of jew muslim and Christian doctors and nurses that all dedicate to treat everybody equal. I could go on but prior here have a complete set of down pat answers that counter any single minor or major thing that is fair and highlight the aspects of the conflict. this is their job. they either volunteer or are professional propagandists who want the entire western worlds to hate Israel and force it to capitulate to the most maximal of Palestinian demands. Demands which have grown from workable to so unreasonable the idea of negotiations is ridiculous. The goal is to destroy Zionism which they have been brainwashed into thinking is some form off evil ideology akin to Nazism. It’s so absurd that many can’t process and simply understand the conflict as jew vs. Arab till death. and maybe it will come down to that. But yes,i have a heart for all who’s lives will be destroyed by all out war. the idea that israel would give up all of East Jerusalem, all settlements, provide for physical ror not for those displaced but for generations into eternity, and, to boot provide a corridor between. Gaza splitting Israel in 2. And in return Israel gets what? a promise of peace? Worthless. We have been told 100s of times that whatever we give up is only a step towards the unification of ALL israel with jordan as a unified Palestinian state. Right. As if that will happen( though Obama, meshall and others would be satisfied with that. But now you get into an area where ‘fairness’ is too difficult to interpret. It becomes another meaningless phrase. The world has always been unfair. It will obviously continue to be unfair and many will continue to choose violence to try to achieve an unachievable goal. they can believe as much as their ‘big heart’s’ desire but it didn’t work in 48-9, 50s, 67, 73, 06, intafada 1 & 2 and now the ‘knife/car ram ‘ campaign and it’s not likely to work in the future which to me is unfair in my case but even more unfair to the majority of Palestinian who are afraid to confront leadership but might like a final settlement that is less then the ‘maximal’ demand strategy which if even remotely possible is not happening for many decades or much more wasted time.
        . And p’s. : while there is suffering in the West bank camps and the cowed people of gaza there is also huge pockets of wealth. Bustling cities, large pallazzo and big new housing. Gaza is worse because Hamas is almost heartless except for members. But there is plenty luxury there too. Not exactly the big open air prison bullsht being pushed by anti-israel activists. And West bank is nearly autonomous. Yes, Palestinian,bds are rightly bitter they have to be subject to Israel checkpoints but while irritating (not always humiliating) they have normal lives and normal functions. The neighboring Syrians are just the most egregious example of rank suffering of humans. Other spots around the globe are as bad. So is it fair that the Palestinians claim to be the original and most legitimate suffering refugees in the world, the u.n.? I hardly think so.
        . And another fyi: it’s hard to live I the midst of this conflict and not develop a tough heart. Equally true of Arabs and Jews. Some say that nations like Finland, Sweden, Norway etc. are living in a bubble with the seething problems just boiling under the surface while you and your govt. Leaders look to blame Israel for almost all the problems they imagine are somehow linked to Jews or zionists. Think about that instead of posting idiotic hypothetic questions like @mg who asks’what the point of israel is’. What is the point of his brain continuing to function? Any or none whatsoever?

      • oldgeezer
        April 30, 2017, 12:12 am


        In your case it’s a hysterical homeland. The Isrish have a claim equal to you criminal zionists in that their genetics can be traced to the same region 3 thousand years ago.

        Equal rights? You are an idiot, deluded or hard core criminal as you out the inhabitants and institutionalized a lesser set of rights for those that were allowed to remain.

        Whe I rarely state it I am sure there are decent zionists who have been led astray. I don’t count you or hophmi among them as you are the hardcore gutter dwelling criminal racists which preaume your rights somehow trump the rigjts of others. Oh… right… it’s history
        And your history entitles you to drive your hobnail boots into the necks of others. Scum doughbaker. That’s all that zionists like you represent.

        Nothing scares a zionist more than the thought of equality and justice. Show me when you have advocated for either. I know you can’t. It goes against the core of who and what you are.

      • DaBakr
        April 30, 2017, 12:41 am

        Ok dumkoph mr funny. There are at least a dozen separate first nations people’s from apache to cherokee to may other native tribes moved 100s to sometimes 1000s of miles from their ancient homelands along many different ‘trails of tears’ . Some from high plains desert to swamps in deep Florida. Sometimes from forrest hills lakes and rivers to dry chaparral. and that’s just a few examples. Look to. russia pakastan, tibet, china and then there are examples in the arab and berber africa to south and north america. have fun googling all the names of people’s displaced from their ancient homelands. that you focus compulsively on israel is your problem.

      • Talkback
        April 30, 2017, 6:53 am

        DaBakr: “Please don’t tell us hophmi that you just discovered that mondoweiss commentary section is comprised of about a dozen ( ok, maybe a few dozen) hardcore zionist haters, jew haters and possibly just Israel haters …”

        Yep, the list of people you hate so much that you have to accuse them of being haters is as long as it is pathetic.

      • talknic
        April 30, 2017, 6:54 am

        @ DaBakr April 29, 2017, 7:35 pm

        “)a sg=upposedly unbiased historical account which naturally comes to conclude that zionists must have logically plotted the whole thing.”

        Zionists didn’t decide to colonize Palestine in 1897? WOW! It’s a pity they didn’t know

      • eljay
        April 30, 2017, 9:09 am

        || @aBr @ April 29, 2017, 11:00 pm ||

        So many words just to say that people who choose to hold or acquire the religion-based identity of Jewish are entitled:
        – to a religion-supremacist state in as much as possible of Palestine; and
        – to do unto others acts of injustice and immorality they would not have others do unto them.

        Zionists make a great show of condemning evil while hypocritically supporting their preferred brand of it.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 30, 2017, 10:26 am

        Dear Da Bakr:

        Maybe I hit the point.. ?? Maybe inside you feel a little pinch.. ?

        I have lived in Israel, so you do not need to mix any Nordic countries in to this matter. I have my own eyes, I have my own ears and I am able to think for myself.

      • Mooser
        April 30, 2017, 12:24 pm

        “Dabakr” has ‘got it up his nose’ again, and is going out for the ‘World’s Longest Mutter’ record. He may very well have it in his 11:00pm, stream-of-conning-us style offering

      • Kaisa of Finland
        May 1, 2017, 11:02 am
    • Mooser
      April 25, 2017, 3:31 pm

      “It is a seminal, enormous event in Jewish history.”

      The Holocaust? “Seminal”? You are one sick guy, “Hophmi”.

      • inbound39
        April 25, 2017, 5:43 pm

        Hophmi considers that persecution of Jews is wrong but persecution of Palestinians is quite okay……this highlights the sickness and false logic of Zionism and all those who support Zionism.

      • Mayhem
        April 25, 2017, 7:41 pm

        @Mooser, it seems as deranged as ever. ‘Seminal’ means “influential, important, formative, pivotal etc”. The Jewish population in the world has still not returned to pre-WWII numbers. The Holocaust deflection on MW is sickening.
        In our part of the world Australia people get very angry when naysayers denigrate the memory of the ANZACs. They, like any normal respectful human beings, see the imperative of commemorating seminal events that shaped our/their history.
        But I keep forgetting I am not dealing with normal, respectful human beings around here.

      • MHughes976
        April 25, 2017, 9:35 pm

        In the sense of Tertullian’s Apologeticus ‘semen est sanguis Christianorum’, I suppose. Stories of martyrs and victims can be misused, of course.

      • eljay
        April 26, 2017, 7:20 am

        || Mayhem: … The Holocaust deflection on MW is sickening. … ||

        What’s even more sickening is the way you Zionists misuse and abuse the Holocaust to justify your on-going acts of injustice and immorality. It takes a sick mind – a Zionist mind (pardon the repetition) – to conclude that evils committed by others in the past entitle you to commit evils in the present.

      • Mayhem
        April 26, 2017, 8:25 am

        @MHughes76, you wouldn’t by any chance be referring to this defilement:

        ” The monthly payments, which totaled $173 million in 2016, are doled out to relatives of “martyrs” — the families of terrorists who have murdered Israelis, as well as those wounded or killed in any confrontation with Israelis.

        It’s a splodeydope pension.

        According to Muhammad Sbeihat, the Secretary-General of the National Association of the Martyrs’ Families of Palestine, a non-governmental umbrella group, members of his organization are asking for the payments to be linked to the cost of living in the Palestinian Territories.

        “In the upcoming period, the allowances of the martyrs’ families will be linked to the cost of living index, which will cause an improvement in these allowances, if only slightly,” Sbeihat said last Tuesday.

        Maybe they should pay families whose members don’t murder innocent people.

      • Mooser
        April 26, 2017, 11:54 am

        “. ‘Seminal’ means “influential, important, formative, pivotal etc”.

        Yes, I know that. But thank you anyway. Lots of positive things came out of the Holocaust. You bet.

        “The Jewish population in the world has still not returned to pre-WWII numbers”

        That’s awful. What was it supposed to be by now?

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 26, 2017, 12:35 pm

        Mayhem: “The Jewish population in the world has still not returned to pre-WWII numbers.”

        This is what always confuses me.. So are the Jews considered as somekind of a “clean race” or do we talk about the people who have Judaism as their culture and religion..?? Because when you are counting how many Jews there are in the world, do you count those who have converted to Judaism and what about those born Jews who maybe are atheist or converted to something else?? Is there some kind of “pure Jewish blood” or “race” which should be preserved or is it about a religion and culture which is open for everyone to join.. ??

        In these times of genetic research it is easy to prove that most of us are a heavy mixture of many kind of ancestors.. And then again, as a carrier of rear Finnish North-Karelian genes, I see no reason why these genes should be kept pure as we know even from the dogs, that the “purer racial genes”, the sicker are the descendants..

        Anyway I still do not know, what we talk about, when we talk about Jews.. Israelis and Zionists are easier for me to understand..

      • MHughes976
        April 26, 2017, 12:56 pm

        I was actually thinking of the Christian martyrologies and of all that we find embedded in Tertullian’s disturbing, barely grammatical phrase, often rewritten as ‘the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church’. The martyrologies pointed to beautiful ideals of steadfastness and hope but also led to a blurring of truth and fiction. They did no good to Jewish-Christian relations. The powerful theological belief in martyrdom as a proof of God’s favour, which is prominent in Abrahamic religion, appears in Tertullian’s belief in shed blood as charged with creative, rather political power. I wonder about this. The matter you raise, of a version of martyrdom which is also provision for one’s family, also causes concern.

      • eljay
        April 26, 2017, 1:17 pm

        || Kaisa of Finland:
        Mayhem: “The Jewish population in the world has still not returned to pre-WWII numbers.”

        This is what always confuses me. … ||

        Two things are certain:
        1. Mayhem committed the anti-Semitic sin of “counting Jews”.
        2. To Zionists like Mayhem, people who choose to be/come Jewish are superior to the average human being and are therefore entitled to more / special rights than the average human being.

      • echinococcus
        April 26, 2017, 1:44 pm

        the “purer racial genes”, the sicker are the descendants..

        Quote of the month, Kasia.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 26, 2017, 5:21 pm


        What do you think, if all of the Palestinians (living in Palestine and around the world) now decided, they would convert to Judaism, would that mean they would then gain the right to return to Israel and live there as equal citizens of Israel, with the other Jewish citizens of the State too??

      • RoHa
        April 26, 2017, 8:03 pm

        “the “purer racial genes”, the sicker are the descendants..

        Quote of the month, Kasia.”

        I agree.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 2:04 am


        The Jewish religion was explicitly reserved to a tribal confederacy of nomadic shepherds. Even a quick read of the Old Testament shows you that their tribal god forbad them the worship of the gods of neighboring tribes, promising in exchange the land, the herds and the women of these neighbors, marked for genocide. You had to be formally adopted by the tribes –couldn’t just choose to join.

        When Turco-Slavic, Berber, Abyssinian etc. populations converted massively to Judaism there was no central religious office to regulate conversions. Now, though, conversions are closed and there is a central religious control set up by these converted populations that only admits occasional conversions of brides, Russian colonial settlers and the like. The Palestinians, ie the only population certain to contain direct descendants of the original Jewish tribes, are rejected by the Turco-Slavic converts for not being born to a Jewish woman.

      • eljay
        April 27, 2017, 7:38 am

        || Kaisa of Finland: eljay: What do you think, if all of the Palestinians (living in Palestine and around the world) now decided, they would convert to Judaism, would that mean they would then gain the right to return to Israel and live there as equal citizens of Israel, with the other Jewish citizens of the State too?? ||

        It should mean that. But Zionists wouldn’t allow it because it would water down the Jewish brand.

        Anyway, I don’t think that a nationality should require a religious conversion. If a “Jewish State” is to exist, it should have a bureaucratic nationality of Jewish applicable to – and guaranteeing equal rights for – all citizens of, immigrants to and expats and refugees from the geographic region comprising “Jewish State”.

        But Zionists won’t allow such a thing because, again, it would water down the Jewish brand. And there’s nothing special about being just like everyone else.

      • gamal
        April 27, 2017, 8:49 am

        “I see no reason why these genes should be kept pure”

        exactly as we used to chant “Don’t Discriminate Miscegenate”

        without miscegenation i wouldn’t have no genes at all….they were dirty when i got them…

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 10:32 am


        “But Zionists won’t allow such a thing because, again, it would water down the Jewish brand. And there’s nothing special about being just like everyone else”

        Yes, ofcourse that is what I thought too and I agree with you.

        It was just so weird experience to me in Israel as I, so called “blond European Christian”, was more wellcomed and better treated than the original population of the Palestinians or even the Ethiopian Jews.. And I’ll still say on a personal level I met some really wonderfull people, but at the same time on a social level, it has been the strangest experience in my life: To be “wanted and protected” in a country, where at the same time, it’s original inhabitants were discriminated and pushed down..

        And that is the the reason why I left and the reason why I have not been back since I found out the whole truth and that’s also why I keep talking about it , for people not to forget..

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 11:41 am

        echinococcus (27/4):

        Thanks for the clarification. It just still confuses me that there can be converts who go to the lessons and who’ll be “tested” for their Judaism, but then again, those Russian girls I met in Israel, who had f.ex. one Jewish grandmother, no-one tested, if they knew anything about Judaism.. They just became citizens of Israel and liked to party in the nights of Tel Aviv..

        And then for some Jewish families, the converts were not enough Jewish to marry their children.. So if it only is a religion, why is converting not enough to become a Jew.. (just happened to witness a case..)

        Anyway.. For me, Israel just showed to be a place full of confusing and “inconsistent” matters, I’ll probably never understand, so “that’s all folks”.. I’ll stop trying..

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 3:20 pm


        If you stop trying, it would mean abandoning there where it is hurting most.

        Sorry for butting in, anyway. Fact is, for anyone who can call himself “Jewish” even though without believing and practicing the religion, it is obviously not a religion. It is a tribe. Euphemism for racism pure and simple. The tribal stone-age form of racism.

        Conversions are just a totally negligible factor, not accepted by a lot of the religious. Also, converts are not regarded as “Jewish” by a majority of the so-called Jews, because belonging to the tribe does not require religion but only blood bonds. As proved by the single fact of identifying oneself as “Jewish” when one is an atheist or sumpin’ –like the founding fathers of Zionism.

        The official criterion for a long time has been that the mother must be Jewish (as no one will ever respond for said lady’s mores.) The criterion for admission is not very different now, only that the Zionists have adopted more or less the same criteria first promulgated by Rosenberg and Hitler, admitting practically anyone with “Jewish” blood. Hence the Russian girls with one great-grandpa.

      • Mooser
        April 27, 2017, 4:35 pm

        “You had to be formally adopted by the tribes –couldn’t just choose to join.”

        They assured all the men it wouldn’t be expensive. It wasn’t going to cost them an arm and a leg or anything.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 5:15 pm

        Thanks “echino”:

        You discribed it as it looked like to me.. Not a religion, but something which could only be pure, when “inherited in blood”.. (Didn’t Hitler also have a Jewish grandmother?? I think I was told so, when we visted Dachau and Eagel’s Nest when I was a child.. ?? )

      • catalan
        April 27, 2017, 6:38 pm

        “Also, converts are not regarded as “Jewish” by a majority of the so-called Jews, because belonging to the tribe does not require religion but only blood bonds. ” – echinococcus
        I have to agree with you here. I know an Anglo lady who converted and it is a subject of quite a few jokes in my family. We feel that you don’t just “become” Jewish by reciting some stuff, or observing and all that. It’s not about genes either, it’s more about the shared heritage, the weird humor. There is a great episode of Curb your enthusiasm, where Larry so wants to not be Jewish, and he wears sweaters, and goes fishing and does gentile things and it so funny and rings true…It’s about some weird self deprecating, clownish thing that makes us different.
        Unlike you though, I don’t see this is a “bad” thing. First, I don’t believe in “progress”, so if people want to be in a tribe, fine by me. Second, living in New Mexico, there are a lot of native tribes here, some with their own language and only a few hundred people. Nothing wrong with that. Ultimately, this is the influence of Hegel – of history as progress towards an all powerful state, and all that stands in the way, weird tribes, strange customs, in short, subjectivity, needs to go. I don’t agree.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 7:57 pm


        Talking through his hat as usual:

        It’s not about genes either, it’s more about the shared heritage, the weird humor

        Really? Any “shared heritage” in common with the Lehlí? Pan-Jewish? I don’t think so. The Lehlí were as close as Bessarabia but still they wouldn’t get to marry the girls. My auntie was almost excommunicated for going with a Lehlí. But you’re too young and too Ziobred to know.

        As for the humor, if you think there is a monopoly on it, you’re all wet.

        Beside, you gotta work on your vocabulary. “Shared heritage” is not only not the case, it also denotes, by definition, a genetic/congenital bond.

        As for the Zuñi tribes, I just don’t remember them invading and genociding the Mexicans or the Gringos. It’s rather the other way around.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 8:02 pm


        Didn’t Hitler also have a Jewish grandmother?? I think I was told so

        Goddam Jewish nationalists, they won’t leave alone any celebrity without finding some Jewish angle –as the other guy said, any publicity is good publicity…

      • talknic
        April 27, 2017, 9:17 pm

        @ Mooser April 27, 2017, 4:35 pm

        “They assured all the men it wouldn’t be expensive. It wasn’t going to cost them an arm and a leg or anything … and no skin off their nose!


        @ echinococcus April 27, 2017, 7:57 pm

        ” … you gotta work on your vocabulary. “Shared heritage” is not only not the case, it also denotes, by definition, a genetic/congenital bond”

        That olde con genital bond. Everyone’s in for a slice of the action

      • YoniFalic
        April 28, 2017, 9:21 am

        No one has ever provided plausible evidence of Hitler’s Jewish ancestry although his grandmother seems to have worked for at least one Jewish employer

        I find more intriguing Hitler’s relationship with his mother’s Jewish doctor and the relationship of the NSDAP and Hitler with Arthur von Trebitsch, who was Jewish, an antisemite, and friend to Hitler. Von Trebitsch apparently would have been Hitler’s first choice for Reichsminister für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung but for an untimely death.

        If von Trebitsch had become Minister, the German Nazi government would probably have veered into extreme antisemitism much earlier.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 28, 2017, 11:25 am


        Well, I must admit, I was 11 years old, the guide spoke German and we had someone interpreting.. So can’t really use that knowledge as a fact :)

        But I guess the thought of it being possible, gives an idea of things not being that simple..

      • DaBakr
        April 30, 2017, 12:50 am

        Glad to hear your confused about what a jew is. but here is a news flash:

        we don’t give a sht if your still confused. just like we imagine american black peoples don’t give a sht wether white people are sometimes confused about what a black person is. we know what we are and don’t care what your mediocre mind is confused about. most peoples in this world-from Alaska to zimbabwe know what a jew is so maybe your over thinking and straining your head.

      • talknic
        April 30, 2017, 7:59 am

        @ Mayhem April 26, 2017, 8:25 am

        ” The monthly payments, which totaled $173 million in 2016, are doled out to relatives of “martyrs” — the families of terrorists who have murdered Israelis, as well as those wounded or killed in any confrontation with Israelis.”

        There’s a hole in the wholly holey Hasbara. Always is. A) It’s quite common for countries to pay their military personnel and/or compensate their families. B) The IDF memorial site shows more Israeli military have been targeted, wounded and killed than have Israeli civilians. Targeting military IS NOT terrorism.

        The same cannot be said of the IDF’s slaughterfest in Gaza where by far the majority killed were innocent civilians. Dropping bombs on roofs to warn people their homes are about to be bombed really takes a major prize in the sickness stakes and the leaflet dropping and telephone calls is simply laughable. http://mondoweiss.net/profile/talknic/?keyword=what+does+it+say#sthash.yA5nYFDp.dpuf

        BTW It’s against the law to attack undefended villages/towns etc. The Palestinians have a right to fight from their towns and villages. However, they don’t have defenses against Israeli warplanes, artillery fired from warships off the coast, guided missiles, fletchettes, white phosphorus, tank fire etc.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 30, 2017, 10:35 am

        Dear DaBakr:

        Breath.. Your aggressivity tells me, you have a problem.. And your problem surely is not me..

      • Mooser
        April 30, 2017, 12:30 pm

        “we know what we are and don’t care what”

        But, but “Dabakr”, there are so many different kinds of Jews. There are the three major denominations (in order of popularity) : Reform, Conservative and Orthodox, and many sects within those division. And then there’s the biggest group “Secular Jews”!
        And then we get into all the different nationalities. And attitudes and politics, and practice or not.

        So what ties it all together, “Dabakr”? What is it that makes us all Jewish? How can we recognize each other, and others recognize us? Do tell, please. And it better not be some “You-are-as-Jewish-as-you-wanna-be” nonsense. As you infer, it is as plain as black and white. So what is it, “Dabakr”?

      • eljay
        April 30, 2017, 1:28 pm

        || Kaisa of Finland:
        Dear DaBakr:

        Breath.. Your aggressivity tells me, you have a problem.. And your problem surely is not me.. ||

        Kaisa, TheBaker’s problem lies with the fact that aggressor-victimhood is a very tough gig. :-(

        It’s not easy playing the victim and trying milk people for sympathy while simultaneously and shamelessly advocating, justifying, supporting and defending a preferred brand of evil.

        Occasionally something’s gotta give…which, as you just saw, is what happened. Follow Mr. T.’s advice and “Pity the fool.”

        Just don’t take his bouts of vitriol personally. :-)

      • Maghlawatan
        April 30, 2017, 3:01 pm

        Mooser, so many subgroups. Which has the big noses ? And which has the most doctors?

      • Mooser
        April 30, 2017, 10:25 pm

        “Mooser, so many subgroups. Which has the big noses ? And which has the most doctors?”

        “Mag” we are all doctors! But what I want to know is what (besides that) ties us all together, identifies us, is common to us all as Jews. And distinguishes us from other people.
        “Dabakr” seems to think it’s plainer than the nose on my face, he says it is as plain as black and white.
        So what is it?

      • Kaisa of Finland
        May 1, 2017, 10:37 am


        And I did not really get DaBakrs comparison with Jews and “coloured people”. I think “the coloured Finns” would take that as racism. I think they rather see themselves as Finnish individuals than a part of some “worldwide nation of coloured people” separate from “other Finns”..

      • Kaisa of Finland
        May 1, 2017, 11:05 am

        So Mooser:

        Does this mean that the Zionists, when they are separating the Jews “from other people”, asking for special treatment and accusing others to be against them, they actually themselves become racists towards themselves, beacuse of separating and seeing themselves as “one united group of people” different from ” other people”??

    • Keith
      April 25, 2017, 4:27 pm

      HOPHMI- “Only on this ridiculous site would Israeli commemoration rituals…be cast this way.”

      Commemoration rituals? More like nationalistic indoctrination beginning at age three! Safe in the Jewish state but murdered in the land of the Goyim! The Goyim, the other, the enemy, forever and always. Irrational and eternal anti-Semitism. Manufacturing Jewish identity through cultivated paranoia. It seems harmless to you because it is beneficial to you. Kinship has its advantages when your “kin” are on top. Support for Israel the tribal unifier.

      • Maghlawatan
        April 25, 2017, 5:23 pm

        Don’t forget Masada. It was only in 1930 that Zionism adopted the mass suicide site as a positive symbol. Previous generations of balanced Jews ignored it. Zionism is for the birds.

      • Mayhem
        April 25, 2017, 7:49 pm

        These commemorations are as important as ever to make sure we remain aware of people with views like yours Keith who would happily concur with the destruction of the Jewish state.

      • Keith
        April 25, 2017, 9:57 pm

        MAYHEM- “…people with views like yours Keith who would happily concur with the destruction of the Jewish state.”

        “Destruction of the Jewish state?” Such language! It is very informative of your mindset to know that you would consider Israel becoming a state of all of its citizens, with equal rights for all as a form of destruction. Just how much do you hate the Goyim?

      • Mooser
        April 26, 2017, 11:40 am

        “who would happily concur with the destruction of the Jewish state. “

        Awwww, did you expect everybody to step in and save you from yourselves?
        Try taking responsibility for yourself.

      • echinococcus
        April 27, 2017, 2:09 am


        A “Jewish” state on other people’s land is by definition marked for destruction. Duh.

    • Misterioso
      April 25, 2017, 7:10 pm


      “Why on Earth would Israel not teach the Holocaust? It is a seminal, enormous event in Jewish history.”

      Israel should put its money where its mouth is:

      “Shoah survivors forced back to Germany due to Israel’s lack of restitution laws”

      Ines Ehrlich Published: 04.16.07, Israel News

      “Documentary shows Israel the worst place for Holocaust survivors to live throughout Western world. Hundreds protest outside Knesset, demand government help survivors with financial difficulties.

      “Holocaust survivors have left Israel to live out the rest of their days in Germany due to the better conditions they receive there, according to a documentary program broadcast Tuesday night by Israel’s Channel 2 television.

      “The documentary, Musar Shilumin (The Morals of Restitution) opened with an elderly woman speaking from her comfortable home in Berlin to two of Israel’s best known docu-activists – Orly Vilnai Federbush and Guy Meroz. The woman’s fluent Hebrew was spoken with an unmistakable German accent.

      “Minister Isaac Herzog says thousands of survivors live in deplorable conditions: ‘Too many organizations thought the responsibility should fall on a different organization’

      “This Holocaust survivor had left Israel to return to Germany to receive the free medication and monthly allowance provided to survivors by the German government.

      “Contrary to Israel, the German government has stipulated that Holocaust survivors in need of housing and medicine are entitled to receive them free of charge. When asked what she thought of the Israeli government’s attitude towards Holocaust survivors, she said: ‘I would not want what I think to appear in print.’”

    • Misterioso
      April 25, 2017, 7:30 pm


      “Why on Earth would Israel not teach the Holocaust? It is a seminal, enormous event in Jewish history.”

      Israel should put its money where its mouth is:


      “Shoah survivors forced back to Germany due to Israel’s lack of restitution laws”
      Ines Ehrlich Published: 04.16.07, 11:32 / Israel News

      “Documentary shows Israel the worst place for Holocaust survivors to live throughout Western world. Hundreds protest outside Knesset, demand government help survivors with
      financial difficulties.

      “Holocaust survivors have left Israel to live out the rest of their days in Germany due to the better conditions they receive there, according to a documentary program broadcast Tuesday night by Israel’s Channel 2 television.

      “The documentary, Musar Shilumin (The Morals of Restitution) opened with an elderly woman speaking from her comfortable home in Berlin to two of Israel’s best known docu-activists – Orly Vilnai Federbush and Guy Meroz. The woman’s fluent Hebrew was spoken with an unmistakable German accent.

      “Minister Isaac Herzog says thousands of survivors live in deplorable conditions: ‘Too many organizations thought the responsibility should fall on a different organization’

      “This Holocaust survivor had left Israel to return to Germany to receive the free medication and monthly allowance provided to survivors by the German government.

      “Contrary to Israel, the German government has stipulated that Holocaust survivors in need of housing and medicine are entitled to receive them free of charge. When asked what she thought of the Israeli government’s attitude towards Holocaust survivors, she said: ‘I would not want what I think to appear in print.’”


    • talknic
      April 26, 2017, 12:23 pm

      @ hophmi April 25, 2017, 2:29 pm

      ” It is an extraordinarily solemn event in a country that has more Holocaust survivors and descendants of Holocaust survivors than anywhere else.

      Why on Earth would Israel not teach the Holocaust? It is a seminal, enormous event in Jewish history.”

      Indeed. And why not teach how Israel abuses its holocaust survivors https://www.google.com.au/search?q=israeli%20treatment%20of%20holocaust%20survivors%20-wikipedia

    • Marnie
      April 27, 2017, 12:38 am

      And it gets an incredibly enormous amount of play in parts of the world where there were no concentration camps! There are 55 holocaust memorials/museums in the united states, the country that had concentration camps – for it’s Japanese-American citizens. There is one museum in the u.s. that is dedicated to slavery (1619-1863), ONE. Yet things are still so f’d up in the u.s. that #blacklivesmatter has to be. Where in the world are jews in danger, hiding in fear for their lives and shot down in the streets in front of their families like dogs? Thankfully, no where at all. The israelis, with the tremendous financial and political backing of the united states, are the hunters. They prey upon the people of the land of Palestine with a cult-like thirst for their blood. This cult of death is unreal. The marching out of the survivors then returning them to their mostly impoverished lives, scratching out a meal from the garbage bins. Why isn’t holocaust remembrance day a celebration of the end of nazi europe and the achievements of jews? To inculcate a culture of we were hunted and murdered and now we can do it is horribly unhealthy. If a child in a non-third world country was raised this way, child protection would remove him/her from that influence. Unfortunately, that can’t be done here since this abuse of children is the policy of naftali bennett. I really fear the next generation of israeli jews. Why don’t israelis celebrate life? Holocaust remembrance day is a sick pagan ritual. The holocaust is over.

      The nakba is an israeli work in progress.

      Rafeef Ziadah – ‘We teach life, sir’, London, 12.11.11 – YouTube

      • Marnie
        April 27, 2017, 12:56 am

        There actually is a place in the world where jews are treated like garbage regularly and that is in the so-called jewish state and those being ethiopian and african-american jews and, incredibly, holocaust survivors. It’s quite a trick to hold the world accountable for antisemitism and at the same time treat your fellow jews with contempt. It’s like animal farm. All jews are equal, but some jews are more equal than others.

      • MHughes976
        April 28, 2017, 1:14 pm

        Thanks for that, Marnie. I followed up your words about the Slavery Museum, finding that it is in Louisiana plantation country and the work of a retired lawyer who is 78 or 79 and has spent $8m., vs the $168m. spent on the Holocaust Museum. There was a long report in the NYT for February 2015. It’s obviously a really precarious venture with no support from public funds.

    • DaBakr
      April 29, 2017, 7:34 pm

      Please don’t tell us hophmi that you just discovered that mondoweiss commentary section is comprised of about a dozen ( ok, maybe a few dozen) hardcore zionist haters, jew haters and possibly just Israel haters who are here M Jħltech savvy nation which had laws which protect citizens of all religions and race from discrimination as well as Including all in the democratic process of voting.? Some of the=v(chgc fgravity=g regulars here try an act of outward “moderation,’ you know, givin)a sg=upposedly unbiased historical account which naturally comes to conclude that zionists must have logically plotted the whole thing. The others are more or less honest with outright contempt or no recognition of Israeli’legitimacy in the first place. So, acting surprised at ANYTHING shocking said about Israel and the holocaust is just so redundant. After all, how many put downs of israel can anybody stand but these few mw devotees.J
      Hop: learn to pick your battles here and allow the dingy dozen to let their tended cicc

  11. Stephen Shenfield
    April 25, 2017, 4:22 pm

    Holocaust teaching is also compulsory in several US states. Has anyone studied how the subject is taught in this country?

    • Mayhem
      April 25, 2017, 7:46 pm

      This subject area is more commonly known as genocide studies these days where students learn about the Holocaust in a broad framework. For example at a university near me.

  12. lonely rico
    April 25, 2017, 7:38 pm

    > hophmi

    … more Holocaust survivors and descendants of Holocaust survivors than anywhere else.


    Marek Edelman, 1983
    «The true memory of the victims and heroes, of the eternal human striving for truth and freedom, will be preserved in the silence of graves and hearts, are far from manipulated commemorations.»
    «… the memory of the victims was co-opted in order to wage war and justify
    , and the survivors live in disgraceful poverty, while their names are used to gain diplomatic victories … marking Holocaust day is an act of cynicism and hypocrisy.”

  13. Talkback
    April 26, 2017, 8:10 am

    Isn’t it telling that our local Hasbara trolls have to ignore the fact that this is about traumatizing three yearr olds and not about teaching students?
    If these were Palestinian children the trolls would call it not memorial, but “teaching hate” and that this would lead to violence. Oh wait, isn’t teaching the Nakba verboten in Israel?

  14. Kaisa of Finland
    April 26, 2017, 10:29 am

    Well ofcourse Holocaust was a horibble thing and it is good to know one’s history to be able to prevent such happenings to happen ever again, but remembering Holocaust today has become completely something else:

    On one hand, no-one ever remembers to mention f.ex. the Gypsies who also were systematically killed in those same concentration camps as another unwanted group of people. They are forgotten. They are not remembered. I guess they were not important enough for the “story” . On the other hand, “the Holocoust should be remembered as a thing there should never happen again” and still it has become a cruel wheapon to use for getting acceptance for the pain and suffering of the Palestinian civilians who had nothing to do with the case itself.

    I remeber Yuval Harari saying in an interview that a human is the only animal who bases it ‘s actions into stories (historical, religious.. ) told to them. No monkey nor a rabbit would do so. He used Islamists as an example, but what I thought was that no rabbit would ever move from it’s home “territory” just because someone told it that some rabbit ancestors of it’s had lived in a country on another continent and that’s why it would have right to live there or that there was a book, where it was written that a God had given that rabbit a permisson to live on some other rabbits “territory”.

    The actual historical happening of Holocaust has developed to a story to justify certain violent politics. The only Holocaust surviver I met in Israel was the most Pasifistic person I know and his house was always open for everyone in need.. But what separates the historical facts from the stories told to us is, that the stories can always be told another way and they can always be rewritten again .

    • Keith
      April 26, 2017, 10:56 am

      KAISA OF FINLAND- “Well ofcourse Holocaust was a horibble thing and it is good to know one’s history to be able to prevent such happenings to happen ever again….”

      Has knowledge of past slaughters ever prevented mass-murder from happening again? Did World War I prevent World War II? Was it the war that ended all wars? Any honest look at history will reveal that mass-murder is the rule, not the exception. War and violence are the tools of those psychopaths who are obsessed with power and become rulers. Even now, nuclear weapons which threaten us all with extinction are maintained on ready alert rather than being eliminated. And are recklessly used to threaten and intimidate. Uncle Sam assures us that ALL options are on the table. So no, I don’t think that dwelling on past slaughters will prevent future ones, particularly if the curriculum is determined by the power-obsessed rulers. But it may influence who is doing the slaughtering versus who is on the receiving end.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 26, 2017, 2:00 pm


        Are you sure that f.ex. the pictures of Vietnam and Hiroshima have not made the European countries to try to prevent such things happening again.. ??

      • Keith
        April 26, 2017, 8:45 pm

        KAISA OF FINLAND- “Are you sure that f.ex. the pictures of Vietnam and Hiroshima have not made the European countries to try to prevent such things happening again.. ??”

        Since the USSR, Britain, France and others developed nuclear weapons, I would think that Hiroshima encouraged other countries to acquire their own rather than discouraged it. Additionally, the improvement in the US nuclear arsenal created pressure for others, particularly the USSR, the further develop their own. So, we have gone from several A-bombs to thousands of ICBMs armed with hydrogen bombs. Obama committed the US to a thirty year, $1 trillion upgrade of US nukes. All of this in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which required the nuclear powers to pursue nuclear disarmament. I think that the facts speak for themselves.

        As for Vietnam, The European countries have supported the US throughout the cold war, and continue to do so. The European countries are more-or-less US vassals whose militaries are a part of NATO which has evolved into a US controlled out-of-area strike force. There are NATO forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Britain and France are heavily involved in US directed destabilization activities in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Germany is involved in the NATO exercises near the Russian border. Europe has historically been an extremely violent place (30 year war, etc), and produced empires which effectively conquered the world. Britain’s history in India is just terrible.

        To sum up, I see no evidence that the Western elites have even slightly abandoned militarism, warfare and mass-slaughter in the pursuit of profit and power.

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 3:53 am


        Well I guess I’ve grown in this NATO free bubble of ours (Finland, Sweden)here. Ofcourse we have our own army, because we live next to our former conquers, but I don’t think we have it because we would ever want to use it, but because if we did not have it, it might give our neighbour temptation to walk over us one more time.

        And yes, our neighbour has nuclear wheapons too, but to dare to use them on us.. I hope the past accident in Tshernobyl showed them, that the air has no borders and if bombing us with their nuclear wheapons, there would be no guarantee, that part of that s..t would not get on their side. And living with a neighbour like that.. I just have to believe the peace is possible.

        By the way, I have always thought that Americans are a bit grazy with their militarism, but then again comes that story I was talking about earlier, the story of “America being Grate”.. I’ve never thought they are Grater than anyone else and if they’d just drop that story which only feeds their own “minds and souls” and change it to wanting to become, lets say, the “Best Wellfare State in the World” that might change a lot..

        Anyway Keith, you might be right, but I still want to believe in negotiation and compromise and in worst cases in boycott and sanctions.. That’s how we have now done quite ok here for about 70 years and remembering what our grandparents experienced in the 2nd WW will keep us rather “keeping peace” than searching for wars in the near future for sure.. For the coming generations, if they do not remember the war anymore, they might think other, but all of us, who had a personal connection to the war and the memories of it, you can hardly find grazy militarists here..

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 4:16 am

        Great.. Why do I do these stupid mistakes here all the time.. So Great not Grate..

        (Hello.. I would need a “proofreader” here..!!)

      • Kaisa of Finland
        April 27, 2017, 7:31 am

        I must add, that when I was talking about Americans there above, ofcourse I was not talking about each and every individual, but more about the picture often seen here, like the attacks in the Middle East, supporting IDF or some domestic issues in the American politics, like “the human right for everyone to own a gun”..

        (And to give a wider picture: Ofcourse we have our “NATO:ists” here too, but luckily so far they’ve been minority and we have been able to keep ourselves outside, ’cause I would deffinately not feel safer with having some NATO troops based By our Eastern border. In “keeping peace”, I still believe more in negotiation and compromise instead of “blustering” and showing guns. )

  15. German Lefty
    April 26, 2017, 5:14 pm

    “Something horrible happened a long time ago in a land far, far away. And, people died. But here, now (in Israel) we are safe.”

    Typical Zionist Holocaust exploitation. Israel is equated with safety. And the rest of the world is equated with anti-Semitism.
    As a German documentary shows, Jewish preschools in Germany teach past anti-Semitism too. For example, preschool children are made believe that they were slaves in Egypt. (The collective “we” is used.) So, fear of non-Jews is instilled at a very early age when children are the most impressionable and take everything literally. In my opinion, such indoctrination is child abuse.
    I can’t recall when I have heard about the Holocaust for the first time. On the one hand, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know about it. On the other hand, I am pretty sure that I wasn’t told about it before 3rd grade. The earliest thing that I remember is that we read Anne Frank’s diary in German class in 5th or 6th grade.
    Did anyone watch the documentary “Uploading Holocaust”? It consists of YouTube material and shows the trips of Israeli Jews to Poland. These trips are full of Zionist propaganda.

    • objak
      May 4, 2017, 11:24 pm

      I very glad to hear that as a German you don’t remember a time when you didn’t know about the holocaust. I wish that was true in Japan regarding the horrors of Asian Imperialism and in the States too, though I think Trump just helped more people learn about Andrew Jackson, an enthusiastic slaver and ethnic cleanser of Natives.

      As far as remembering being slaves in Egypt, this is part of the religious tradition which you’re welcome to reject as mythic or even harmful but you could certainly find similar in other faith traditions. It would be kind of unreasonable though to expect people to stop teaching their religions, though.

      As far as teaching past antisemitism in Germany well, that is unfortunate history. Did the holocaust not happen? Was it not organized buy the German Reich? Do you think we should just forget about it and move on? You sound like whites in the States would like black people to shut up already about Slavery.

      I really enjoyed my time in Germany, where part of my fathers family lived for a thousand years, the last few generations as fully assimilated Jews and German citizens. Its hardly all bad history, they were particularly comfortable, but partially it is and “never forget” in the particular and universal is important.

  16. inbound39
    April 26, 2017, 7:24 pm

    Hophmi and his ilk forget the Ankara Documents found in the Nazi Embassy in Turkey at the end of the War that show Sterngang-Lehi’s attempts to strike a deal with Nazi’s to fight on their side against the British to gain a Zionist State in Palestine. They also tried to get a deal on Hungarian Jews held in a camp in Occupied Europe. Sterngang wanted only the intellectuals in this group as their skills and bloodline would be of more benefit to setting up their new State. The rest were left to their terrible fate in camps. Yitzak Shamir has been implicated in all this too. Add to that the abysmal conditions that many Holocaust victims are living in Israel makes it sickening when Zionist Netanyahu stands up and rattles on about the Holocaust. His people, Zionists don’t really give a damn about Holocaust survivors when you look how many of these survivors are treated in Israel. But the Holocaust is used as a weapon to shame modern day Germany to follow the Zionist line. The Holocaust card is used for emotional blackmail by Zionists around the World and many people are growing immensely tired of it when they see what Israel and its Zionist Government is doing on a daily basis to Palestinians. Zionists in Israel are totally deplorable beaten only by Kahanists who have to rate as the lowest of the low.

    • Mooser
      April 27, 2017, 4:31 pm

      One thing is for sure. The Zionists want to deal with Jews wholesale, not on an individual retail level. Much more efficient.

      But they can’t find a partner anymore. Not since then.

  17. just
    May 2, 2017, 6:41 pm

    Who the heck would do this???

    “Israeli Army Shows Fake Amputated Limbs, Paints Wounds on Kids for Independence Day …

    An Israel Defense Forces display for Independence Day in the settlement of Tekoa in the West Bank featured a booth where children could have their limbs painted to resemble shrapnel and stab wounds, with people present saying children as young as 5 were joining in.

    The display, which was conducted by the Etzion Brigade’s medical staff, included dummies used in the army to illustrate battle wounds, including one that looked like a pair of amputated legs. A parent told the Times of Israel website that the soldiers even squirted a red liquid through the mock amputated legs to resemble blood flowing.

    “As part of the Independence Day events, a number of depots in the Central Command region were opened to the general public, at which the district brigades displayed their activities,” the IDF Spokesman’s Office said in a statement. “This included dozens of displays including vehicles, surveillance and communications equipment. Among them was a display of the Medical Corps in which treatment methods were illustrated.”

    According to a military source, the events at Tekoa were “approved based on content from previous events and consultation with professionals. In general the day went well, and it’s clear that many families enjoyed it.”

    The IDF’s events on Independence Day at bases and depots have been criticized in the past for including activities that aren’t appropriate for small children, like an obstacle course or the throwing of used grenades. Many families show up to watch and take part in the activities, which the army considers “attractions” for the public, including demonstrations of how wounded soldiers are treated by army medical teams.

    On this Independence Day, the IDF displayed tanks, armored personnel carriers, other military vehicles, weapons and communications equipment at over 15 sites throughout the country, including in the settlements of Neveh Tzuf, Kiryat Arba, Ariel and Kedumim in the West Bank, Tel Aviv’s neighboring city of Givatayim and Jerusalem’s Ammunition Hill.”

    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.786884

    Golda Meir should have lectured her fellow Zionists about how to “love their children”.

    This is vomitrocious and totally psycho.

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