30 September 2017

US Justice Department demands Facebook turn over information on anti-administration activists

By Trévon Austin, 30 September 2017

Private account information on thousands of Facebook users could be handed over to the government as a result of the warrants.

DreamHost ordered to hand over data on anti-Trump website: The criminalization of political dissent

ICE arrests nearly 500 immigrants in raids on “sanctuary cities” across US

By Evan Blake, 30 September 2017

The crackdown is intended to cultivate authoritarian sentiments within Trump’s far-right base, as well as embolden fascistic elements within ICE itself.

US Department of Homeland Security to track all immigrants’ social media accounts

Binational workers speak out during the San Diego-Tijuana border closure

“Dad, mom, the police are here”
ICE rounds up farmworkers applying for work in Michigan

Trump adds Chad to renewed travel ban

By Eddie Haywood, 30 September 2017

The inclusion of Chad represents an escalation of Washington’s imperialist offensive in the Sahel region and across the African continent.

More on US immigration »

Democratic New Jersey senator on trial for official corruption

By Philip Guelpa, 30 September 2017

A 2016 Supreme Court ruling overturning the political corruption conviction of Virginia governor Bob McDonnell is likely to affect the trial of the New Jersey senator.

Japan’s main opposition party dissolves itself ahead of general election

By Ben McGrath, 30 September 2017

The dissolution of the Democratic Party is the end product of the party's continuous shift to the right over two decades.

Japanese prime minister calls snap election

German army build-up follows federal election

By Tino Jacobson, 30 September 2017

The latest acquisitions are part of a comprehensive armaments program over coming years whose dimensions recall the massive rearming of the Wehrmacht in the 1930s.

After German elections establishment parties call for further military build-up

German election: Where the far-right AfD won—and why

Behind the electoral success of the AfD in the German election

More on Germany »

Parsons Green bomb seized on to call for greater internet censorship

By Steve James, 30 September 2017

The ruling elite are calling for powers to exclude whole sections of the population from internet use, as and when politically convenient.

Modi government blocks Rohingya refugees entering India

By K. Ratnayake, 30 September 2017

Modi’s backing for the Burmese repression of the Rohingya is driven by anti-Muslim communalism and his strategic aim of undermining China throughout the region.

India, Bangladesh support Burmese military repression of Rohingya

How Germany is supporting Burma’s ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya

Burma’s “democracy icon” Aung San Suu Kyi defends ethnic cleansing of Rohingya

More on Burma »

Australian university union pushes sellout deals across the country

By our correspondents, 30 September 2017

The National Tertiary Education Union used a national briefing to block debate and insist that members accept new enterprise agreements that further undermine jobs and conditions.

NTEU betrays staff at University of Sydney

By our correspondent, 30 September 2017

New in Norwegian

AfDs vekst og dreiningen til høyre i Tysklands offisielle politikk

Peter Schwarz, 25. September 2017

For første gang siden nazistenes fall blir et høyreorientert ekstremistparti representert i Tysklands nasjonale parlament.

Trumps «Mein Kampf»-tirade for FNs generalforsamling

Bill Van Auken, 20. September 2017

Talen som Donald Trump leverte tirsdag til åpningen av FNs generalforsamling i New York var uten presedens, hverken for FN eller det amerikanske presidentskapet.

New in Portuguese

ONU afirma que 27 pessoas são mortas todos os dias no cerco a Raqqa liderado pelos EUA

Bill Van Auken, 29 de setembro de 2017

A matança de civis em Raqqa é parte de um arco de massacres “Made in USA”, que vai do Chifre da África ao sudeste asiático passando pelo Oriente Médio, da Somália ao Afeganistão.

A classe trabalhadora responde ao furacão Harvey

Joseph Kishore, 29 de setembro de 2017

A preparação oficial e a resposta do governo ao furacão Harvey têm sido caracterizadas por um nível chocante de incompetência e indiferença.

O capitalismo e a catástrofe das enchentes em Houston

Tom Hall, 29 de setembro de 2017

Mais uma vez, uma grande tempestade revelou a brutal realidade da sociedade americana.

O “complexo industrial-militar” no poder

Andre Damon, 29 de setembro de 2017

O poder cada vez maior dos militares sobre a vida política nos Estados Unidos e sua fusão com a elite empresarial e financeira são o produto da longa decadência do capitalismo americano.

New in Spanish

¿Por qué se está beneficiando la ultraderecha de la crisis del capitalismo?

Por Barry Grey, 30 septiembre 2017

Lejos de ser una excepción, el triunfo electoral del partido neofascista de Alemania es parte de un patrón en toda Europa e internacionalmente.

Una semana de la caza de brujas macartista de la prensa contra Rusia

Por Andre Damon, 30 septiembre 2017

Desde que Facebook anunció que colaboraría con investigar la “intromisión” rusa, el New York Times y el Washington Post han montado un frenesí macartista.

La supresión del plebiscito secesionista catalán: Podemos busca su “momento Syriza”

Por Alejandro López, 30 septiembre 2017

Podemos está buscando presentarse como la única alternativa que puede resolver la crisis secesionista catalana sin avivar la oposición social.

Detrás del éxito electoral de la AfD en las elecciones alemanas

Por Peter Schwarz, 30 septiembre 2017

La élite mediática y política le prepararon el camino a la AfD y están explotando su éxito electoral para justificar una marcha continua hacia la derecha.

Millones de obreros europeos en precariedad laboral

Por Verena Nees, 30 septiembre 2017

En el 150 aniversario de El capital de Marx, sali­ó un nuevo reporte que devela la precarización por parte del capitalismo europeo de un enorme ejército de trabajadores, hundiendo a millones en la pobreza.

New in Turkish

Kapitalizmin krizinden neden aşırı sağ yararlanıyor?

Barry Grey, 30 Eylül 2017

Dünya kapitalizminin 1930’lardan beri yaşadığı, tüm mali sistemi neredeyse çökertmiş ve uluslararası ölçekte acımasız kemer sıkma ve militarizm politikalarının habercisi olmuş en büyük krizi izleyen on yılda, neden aşırı sağcı partiler istikrarlı bir şekilde güçleniyor?

Türkiye Kürdistan Bölgesel Yönetimi’ni savaşla tehdit ediyor

Halil Celik, 30 Eylül 2017

KBY’deki politikacılar ile onların Ankara, Bağdat ve Tahran’daki meslektaşlarının öznel niyetleri ne olursa olsun, bölgedeki son derece patlayıcı durum, hızla tırmanabilecek ve büyük emperyalist devletleri yıkıcı sonuçlarıyla birlikte bölge genelinde bir savaşa sürükleyebilecek bir çatışmayı ateşleme tehlikesi yaratıyor.

Berlin’deki uluslararası toplantı, kapitalizme ve savaşa karşı mücadeleyi arttırma çağrısı yaptı

Muhabirlerimizden, 30 Eylül 2017

Berlin’in merkezindeki Kalkscheune’da düzenlenen toplantıya, ABD’den, Britanya’dan ve Fransa’dan konuşmacıları dinlemek ve faşizme ve savaşa karşı sosyalist mücadele perspektifini tartışmak için yüz dolayında parti üyesi ve destekleyicisi katıldı.

Almanya’da aşırı sağın seçim başarısının ardındaki nedenler

Peter Schwarz, 30 Eylül 2017

“Bu nasıl olabildi?” Birçok insan, aşırı sağcı Almanya İçin Alternatif’in (AfD) Pazar günü düzenlenen federal seçimlerdeki başarısının ardından kendisine bu soruyu soruyor.

Katalonya’nın ayrılması krizi: Trump Rajoy’un yanında birleşik İspanya çağrısı yaptı

Paul Mitchell, 30 Eylül 2017

Amerikan egemen seçkinleri, Avrupa’dakiler gibi, Madrid ile Barselona arasındaki gerilimin, yaygın işsizlik, yoksulluk ve artan toplumsal eşitsizlik bağlamında patlamaya hazır bir durumu kışkırttığından kaygılanıyorlar.

New in French

Répression du référendum sécessionniste catalan en Espagne : Podemos veut son « moment Syriza »

Par Alejandro López, 30 septembre 2017

Podemos se présente comme la seule option capable de résoudre la crise sécessionniste catalane sans provoquer l’opposition sociale.

La pauvreté et l'inégalité à la hausse en Espagne à l'approche du vote sur l'indépendance

Par James Lerner, 30 septembre 2017

La croissance de la pauvreté et des inégalités est le résultat visé par les politiques de la bourgeoisie espagnole, catalane et européenne.

Après les élections allemandes les partis traditionnels appellent à une montée en puissance de l’armée

Par Johannes Stern, 30 septembre 2017

La classe dirigeante a répondu au succès électoral du parti extrémiste de droite AfD en intensifiant ses appels à renforcer l’armée et l’appareil répressif de l’Etat.

Les chefs d'Unifor complotent avec GM pour briser la résistance des grévistes de CAMI

Par Jerry White, 30 septembre 2017

Les chefs du syndicat canadien de l’auto ont rencontré les dirigeants de GM à Detroit alors même que la grève des 2800 travailleurs de CAMI se poursuit.

Une réunion internationale à Berlin appelle à l’intensification de la lutte contre le capitalisme et la guerre

Par nos correspondants, 30 septembre 2017

Le rassemblement a eu lieu le dernier jour de la campagne électorale menée par le Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP, Parti de l’égalité socialiste) à travers l’Allemagne.

New in German

Joseph Kishore auf Wahlabschlussveranstaltung der SGP
„Die offene Kriminalität der US-Regierung ist nur mit Nazi-Deutschland vergleichbar“

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 30. September 2017

Diese Rede hielt Joseph Kishore, der nationale Sekretär der Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in den USA, auf der Wahlabschlussveranstaltung der SGP in Berlin.

Der neue McCarthyismus und die Unterdrückung politischer Opposition

Andre Damon, 30. September 2017

Die zunehmend hysterische antirussische Kampagne, die von den Demokraten vorangetrieben wird, schafft die politischen und juristischen Grundlagen für die Kriminalisierung von abweichenden Meinungen in den USA.

Katalonien-Krise: Rajoy und Trump fordern ein vereintes Spanien

Paul Mitchell, 30. September 2017

Die herrschende Elite in den USA ist besorgt, dass die Spannungen zwischen Madrid und Barcelona zu einer explosiven Situation führen könnten.

Die AfD im Bundestag: eine rechtsextreme Partei des Establishments

Christopher Hosang und Johannes Stern, 30. September 2017

Die neofaschistische Kraft wurde von der herrschenden Klasse bewusst aufgebaut, um ihre Politik des Militarismus, der inneren Aufrüstung und des Sozialabbaus gegen die wachsende Opposition in der Bevölkerung durchzusetzen.

Other Languages


Trump to Puerto Rico: Your lives don’t matter

30 September 2017

The Trump administration’s callous and incompetent response to the social disaster in Puerto Rico expresses the worldview of a financial oligarchy that sees the lives of working people as expendable.

Earlier Perspectives »


Oppose the state crackdown on the Catalan independence referendum!
For working class unity! No to separatism in Spain!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 30 September 2017

On the eve of the October 1 independence referendum in Catalonia, Spain is in the throes of its deepest political crisis since the fall of the fascist Franco regime.

Catalan secession crisis: Alongside Rajoy, Trump calls for a united Spain

Spain’s crackdown on the Catalan secessionist referendum: Podemos looks for its “Syriza moment”

A tax plan by and for the US oligarchy

By Fred Mazelis, 29 September 2017

The Labour Party’s Annual Conference 2017
Corbyn prepares for government: At what price?

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 29 September 2017

A reply to the RMTU on the anti-working class record of the New Zealand rail unions

By Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 29 September 2017

Socialist Equality Group public meeting in Wellington
After the New Zealand election: The way forward in the fight against war

Why is the far-right benefiting from the crisis of capitalism?

By Barry Grey, 28 September 2017

Google Censorship

The new McCarthyism and the suppression of political dissent

By Andre Damon, 29 September 2017

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

One week in the media’s McCarthyite witch-hunt against Russia

By Andre Damon, 27 September 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

Socialist Equality Party/International Youth and Students for Social Equality (UK) public meetings
Stop Internet Censorship! Stop Google’s political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site

22 September 2017

New York Times, Democrats lead push for Facebook censorship

Obama adviser Samantha Power calls for crackdown on social media
Internet censorship and government war plans

Google intensifies censorship of left-wing websites

More on Google Censorship »

Arts Review

Toronto International Film Festival: Part 4
The Death of Stalin, The Other Side of Everything, Insyriated—The filmmakers’ inability to deal with complex questions, or worse

By David Walsh, 30 September 2017

Several films on political and historical questions underscore ongoing intellectual and artistic difficulties.

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

David North delivers address on Russian Revolution to large audience at Northern Virginia Community College

By our reporters, 29 September 2017

The ICFI is continuing its commemoration of the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution with a second series of four weekly online lectures, beginning on October 14 and concluding on November 4. Barry Grey, US national editor of the World Socialist Web Site, will give the first lecture, “Lenin’s The State and Revolution” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, October 14 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Three weekly lectures will follow.

This week in the Russian Revolution
September 25 – October 1: Lenin urges Bolshevik leaders to prepare for the seizure of power

25 September 2017

When Will the Wretched Slaughter End?

By Leon Trotsky, 25 September 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

30 September 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Unifor leaders plot with GM to beat back resistance of CAMI strikers

As Unifor plots to end CAMI strike, corporate press hails union head

“The contract should be null and void”
Fiat Chrysler workers react to UAW corruption investigation

UAW officials laundered Fiat Chrysler bribes through fake charities

SAG-AFTRA ends 11-month video game industry strike, making major concessions

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Attend the Grenfell Fire Forum hosted by the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

29 September 2017

The SEP (UK) is holding the first in a series of regular meetings on the Grenfell Tower fire on September 30 at the Maxilla Hall Social Club, North Kensington, London.

Grenfell Tower fire eyewitnesses: “It’s because of our class—we are the lowest socioeconomic class on the food chain”

By our reporters, 20 September 2017

Survivors and local residents speak out on Grenfell Tower Inquiry opening

By our reporters, 19 September 2017

Lakanal House: Prelude to the Grenfell Tower inferno—Part 1

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »


“Health care is a human right”
IYSSE speaks at health care rally at University of Illinois Chicago

By our reporters, 28 September 2017

Socialist Equality Party

SGP election rally: International meeting in Berlin calls for stepped-up struggle against capitalism and war

By our reporters, 27 September 2017

SGP election meeting: “War and inequality mutually reinforce one another”

By our correspondents, 27 September 2017

The war danger and the significance of the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party of Germany

Book Review

The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills
The “disease” of social inequality sends thousands to a premature death

By Benjamin Mateus and George Marlowe, 25 September 2017

A new book by Chicago doctor David Ansell reveals the profound ways in which social inequality in the US creates “death gaps” and disparities in life expectancies.

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened: A conspiracy theory of the 2016 election

By Andre Damon, 20 September 2017

Hillary Clinton’s memoir, released September 13, represents the Democratic Party’s semi-official narrative of its electoral defeat in 2016.

Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book?

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Maruti Suzuki

Legal appeals of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers expose travesty of justice

By Saman Gunadasa, 23 September 2017

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »


FDA recommends approval of new leukemia treatment

By Benjamin Mateus, 23 September 2017

The legacy of the Cassini spacecraft

Mehring Books

New pamphlet: Fifty Years since the Detroit Rebellion

18 September 2017

This new pamphlet from Mehring Books examines the historical background and social roots of the events of the summer of 1967 and the outcome of the biggest and most violent urban uprising in US history.

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.

International Amazon Workers Voice

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

By Eric London, 8 September 2017

Single mother in Pittsburgh fired by Amazon for not working forced overtime

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook