
The Zine & Indie Comics Symposium

@zicsaus / zicsaus.tumblr.com

A two-day celebration of Australian indie publishing. This year August 21st - 23rd 2015 @ The Edge, Southbank in Brisbane QLD

Hey funky people, there's only three weeks left until ZICS! That means we're going to be smashing out details about this year's line-up.

Over the next few days we'll be posting our scheduled panels and workshops as individual event pages, which will be easier for you to keep track of by clicking the 'events' tab on the left. If you hit 'going' on an event page, Facebook will send you a reminder about the panel or workshop an hour before it's about to begin. Handy, right?

Like and follow our Facebook page here. Don't forget to invite your friends! Like and share; be there or be square.


Zine & Indie Comic Symposium

Keen to be involved in ZICS this year? Didn’t get yourself a table? Volunteer positions are now available for floor runners, flyer distributors, workshop assistants, and various other roles to help keep everyone happy. Volunteer induction will be held on Monday, August 8th, at The Edge, State Library of Queensland (located at Stanley Place, South Brisbane). Email us at zics.bris@gmail.com with the subject ‘ZICS volunteer’ if you want to be involved.


The annual Pozible crowd funding campaign & table registration is LIVE! The Zine & Indie Comic Symposium '16 is back for our fourth & biggest year, but we need your help to make it happen! 2 day zine & indie comic fair, workshops & panels! ‪#‎20ZICSteen‬


Soon, kiddies! Soon...


OMG the all the Maps and ZICS15 panel & workshop schedule in one super handy place! 

Feast yr eyes on these precious gems:


12PM - Zines101 pt.1 (Workshop - FREE!) This workshop is designed to give you guys the basic skills for making and distributing your zines. The workshop covers creating content, formatting zines, and printing; and will get you to think about how you'll sell or trade your zines with others!

1PM - UQ Poetry SLAM! UQ Poetry Symposium presents Des Skordilis, Simon Kindt, and Big Joe Simington for two days of spoken-word splendor. Sign on at our table during the day and join us at 1pm both Saturday and Sunday!

2PM - Beyond Paper and Ink: The Implications of DIY and beyond. An open discussion on the social implications and possibilities of self-publishing. How can zines and comics help to create a better world? Come to this panel to not just to listen, but also to contribute!

2.30PM - The wonderful world of the Risograph (Workshop - *FULLY BOOKED*) The Risograph is an increasingly popular printing option for comics and zine creators, capable of creating truly mesmerising visual effects. Caldera Press founder Ashley Ronning will run you through the ins and outs of Risograph printing, sharing her personal experiences, and demonstrating how to operate the machinery!

3PM - Gender Trouble (In Zines & Comics) A discussion of gender and activism in zines and indie comics. Queensland zinesters Jess Rankine and Nadia Brady, Alex Campbell of Slubs, and Alisha Jade of Oh My! Comics talk art and making trouble.

4PM – Where Music and Zines Intersect A conversation between 5 musicians and zine makers on where the two worlds meet. We'll look at DIY expression in print and in song.

6.30PM - Dr Sketchy's live drawing Costumes, live models, music, theatre and visual arts come together! All ages welcome - see the events page: https://www.facebook.com/events/874397269275610/

8.30PM - AFTERPARTY!!! Live music @ Visions Gallery featuring HTML FLOWERS // GONZOVILLAIN // JESS LOCKE // NANA VIGILANTE // BAD BANGERS: https://www.facebook.com/events/1639831069627935/


12PM - Zines101 pt.2 (Workshop - FREE!) This workshop is designed to give you guys the basic skills for making and distributing your zines. The workshop covers creating content, formatting zines, and printing; and will get you to think about how you'll sell or trade your zines with others!

1PM - UQ Poetry SLAM! UQ Poetry Symposium presents Des Skordilis, Simon Kindt, and Big Joe Simington for two days of spoken-word splendor. Sign on at our table during the day and join us at 1pm both Saturday and Sunday!

2PM - Twenty Years of Alternative/Underground Comix in Brisbane A potted history of independent, underground and alternative comics in Brisbane since the 1990’s, with indie comix publishers; Will Kelly (Heroic Heroes), Brad Daniels (Groovy Gravy), Alisha Jade (Seven, Seeds of Svalbard) and Giles Kilham (Phatsville). This panel will explore the development of Brisbane’s emerging indie comix culture by discussing the artists involved over the years and their influences. We'll look at the importance of having a comics scene, and how Brisbane's stacks up to the rest.

2.30PM - The wonderful world of the Risograph (Workshop - *FULLY BOOKED*) The Risograph is an increasingly popular printing option for comics and zine creators, capable of creating truly mesmerising visual effects. Caldera Press founder Ashley Ronning will run you through the ins and outs of Risograph printing, sharing her personal experiences, and demonstrating how to operate the machinery!

3PM - In Conversation with HTML Flowers, Nicky Minus, and Simon Hanselmann. Featuring three of the biggest names in Australia's alt comic scene, Simon Hanselmann (Megahex), Nicky Minus and HTML Flowers will discuss what it means to achieve success in the comix world, the role of the internet, and travelling the world through art.

***** Start planning your weekend early! (Eyeball-friendly images coming soon) :O;):D

Source: facebook.com

They’re close to their goal, but they’re going to need help to make it! The line up is incredible, anyone who loves art and lives in Brisbane should be supporting this!

Simon Hanselmann the Megahex creator will be there! girlmountain

HTML Flowers ( htmlflowers ) will be there and also will be playing a live show!

Ashley Ronning ( ghostghost ) will be there and there will also be a risograph!

Philip Dearest ( philipdearest ) and all of his beautiful zines. 

Nicky Minus! ( nickyminuscomics ) will be there as well!

It’s a not for profit, it’s a community run zine and indie comic event, it’s hella lgtbqia friendly, it’s just friendly in general, it’s people who are the hypest shit in art, it’s amazing and diverse art and it’s counter culture in Queensland. 


I know it’s irritating to see stuff thrice (apologies if you’ve peeped it already)  3 hours to go!

Source: pozible.com

We've made a tradition of gathering at @polygonecowboy each year to screen print shirts designed by rad local artists. You can get yours on pozible.com/zics15 or at the event on the 22 - 23 of August at @slqedge Art courtesy of Will Kelly and Giles Kilham


Also! If you’re looking to expand your zine library with one fowl monetary swoop, don’t forget to choose a ZICS PACK reward tier! It’s a carefully curated care package filled with new/old zines and comix from mostly Australia based artists! We mail it to ya or you can rock up on one of the three days to grab one.

Source: pozible.com
