12th March: ‘Resisting Left Melancholy’

At this discussion group we will be looking at Wendy Brown’s analysis of the affective/emotional state of the Left. Sometimes this one gets a bit dense with its jaunts into psychoanalysis, but it’s a short reading otherwise! It’ll be rad to nut this one out together 🙂

The reading can be found online here: http:/http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/boundary/v026/26.3brown.html

 p.s. to find out the location of the event and/or be kept in the loop and/or to be sent the readings by email, contact us at ifwecantdance@gmail.com . Or look for us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifwecantdance/

26th Feb: ‘privilege theory’ and the post-new left


Join If We Can’t Dance as we discuss two articles which bring up lots of interesting questions about language, privilege, oppression and the possibility of revolutionary solidarity in the context of contemporary social movements.

The readings this week are:

“the rise of the post-new left political vocabulary” by S. D’Arcy

 and “privilege politics is reformism”


p.s. to find out the location of the event and/or be kept in the loop and/or to be sent the readings by email, contact us at ifwecantdance@gmail.co. Or look for us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifwecantdance/

12th Feb: Women in the 1871 Paris Commune

Join If We Can’t Dance as we discuss selected short pieces by Louise Michel & others about women in the Paris Commune in 1871.

This reading is accessible here: https://www.facebook.com/download/728554730496717/Louise%20Michel%20reading.pdf

p.s. to find out the location of the event and/or be kept in the loop and/or to be sent the readings by email, contact us at ifwecantdance@gmail.co. Or look for us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifwecantdance/

29th of Jan—Sara Ahmed and Happiness!

Join If We Can’t Dance as we discuss happiness!

Specifically, we will be looking at Sara Ahmed’s article ‘Happiness and Queer Politics’. In this piece Ahmed examines the political and social work that happiness does, how conceptions of happiness orient and influence our lives.

The reading can be accessed online and as a pdf here: http://www.worldpicturejournal.com/WP_3/Ahmed.html

p.s. to find out the location of the event and/or be kept in the loop, send us an email at ifwecantdance@gmail.com or look for us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifwecantdance/

18th Dec—Film screening of ‘All Power to the People’

The last ♥ If We Can’t Dance ♥ of the year! Oh my gosh!

New friends and old welcome and encouraged to come hang and watch a rad documentary about American race relations, the Black Panther Party, and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. It covers slavery, civil-rights activists, assassinations and methods used to divide and destroy key figures. (Thanks Wikipedia)

Show up at 6pm for a 6:30pm film screening, followed by discussion. I don’t think anyone is on snack duty so bring some if you’re keen!

We’re being hosted by the delightful Liberte Arts at 495 High St. They’ll have something out for a gold coin donation if you can spare it.

~Relevant Trigger Warnings~ for the film: racism, sexism, violence, police brutality, footage of people now deceased.

~Accessibility Info~ there is a step leading into Liberte Arts. We’ll be contacting the venue on Monday to see whether or not they have a ramp, and then we will update this notice.

4th December—Let’s talk about Facilitation!


This wedz If We Can’t Dance will be looking at some readings on facilitation and meetings 🙂

On running meetings: http://plantowin.net.au/2013/01/better-activist-meetings/

And on facilitation (skip to page 33, “Right Facilitation”): http://www.starhawk.org/Empowerment_Five-Fold-Path.pdf
n.b. ***Venue accessible from 7.15pm, discussion starting around 7.30pm! ***
To find out the location of the event and be kept in the loop, send us an email at ifwecantdance@gmail.com or look for us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ifwecantdance/