
Hikoi ki Tamaki

Yesterday around 10,000 people took to the streets of Auckland to oppose the National-ACT place governance of Auckland under the control of one 'Super City'.

We want the Crown to honour its exisiting agreements with Tangata Whenua.

To create better and more diverse representation in local government
To protect mana whenua rights

To protect the land, sea and people


Special thanks to Ngahiwi Apanui for the use of Stand Up for your People & Resistance photography for the images


Solidarity Action Melbourne: Protest compulsory acquisition of Indigenous town camps

Solidarity Action Melbourne: protest compulsory acquisition of Indigenous town camps (more info below)

Jenny Macklin's office
Thursday May 28
149 burgundy st, heidelburg

see you there

PLS pass on

Dear all,

Please consider endorsement of the following statement. Stop theIntervention Collective in Sydney is working with town camp
representatives, including Barbara Shaw from Mt Nancy camp, to build opposition to the federal government's draconian takeover policy.

Pasted below is also a media release from the Intervention RollbackAction Group in Alice Springs and media articles which give more detail of the takeover.

Endorsements are requested from individuals and organisations. Please circulate amongst your networks. Please reply to this address or
stoptheintervention@gmail.com before 5pm on Thursday 28th of May to
indicate support.

In Sydney, the statement will be delivered to the federal Minister for Housing, Tanya Plibersek, at her office, 111-117 Devonshire Street Surry Hills this Friday May 29 at 12:30pm. We will hold a protest at the office and encourage supporters to join us. Protests are also being planned in Alice Springs and around Australia.

in solidarity
Paddy Gibson
Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney

Statement Opposing the Commonwealth’s Proposal to Compulsorily Acquire
the Alice Springs Town Camps

We recognise the right of Tangentyere Council and town camp residents to self-determination. Town camp residents have called upon governments to address overcrowding and poverty in their communities over several years. More often than not, their demands have been ignored.

We support the recent decision by the Council to reject the Commonwealth’s proposal that would transfer control of housing and tenancy management to the Northern Territory Government. Representatives from all town camps voted to maintain community control. This is vital because of a long history of neglect and indifference to the needs of Aboriginal people by Northern Territory Housing. People rightly fear eviction and rent-increases that are beyond their capacity to pay. It is critical that Aboriginal people have the power to shape their own destinies.

We condemn Minister Macklin’s proposal for the Commonwealth to compulsorily acquire the town camps of Alice Springs. We call on the Commonwealth to respect the independence of the Tangentyere Council and to act in good faith in all of its negotiations with the Tangentyere Council.

We recognise the long struggle for land by both town camp residents and Aboriginal land holders throughout Australia. We condemn the Federal Government’s policy of withholding funding for desperately needed housing in Aboriginal communities, before Aboriginal people relinquish control of their land.

It is disgraceful that the party who championed the first land rights legislation in Australia is holding impoverished Aboriginal
communities to ransom. This Government has lost its moral compass. We offer our full support to the Tangentyere Council in their struggle.


Media release *For immediate release 24 May 2009* Media Release

Takeover of Aboriginal Land marks Opening of Reconciliation Week

Today Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin marked the opening of Reconciliation Week by announcing that Alice Springs town camps will be compulsorily acquired. The announcement has been met with outrage by town camp residents. The move comes after Tangentyere Council, acting on behalf of town camp residents, rejected a 40 year lease deal which precluded all Aboriginal control and management of camp housing which would put decision-making and resources into the hands of
Territory Housing.

The community housing model proposed by Tangentyere Council and the ability of residents to have input into housing management has been flatly rejected by the government. The community housing model was to be run by the Central Australian Affordable Housing Company, which Minister Macklin helped establish in March last year but has now been
rejected in favour of a government takeover.

Residents represented by Tangentyere are opposed to Territory Housing management of the camps due to the high rate of evictions and predicted rent increases under government management. Many Aboriginal people who have been former residents of NT Housing, have already experienced evictions, with the most common reasons being for cooking
kangaroo tail in the backyard or for having relatives from the bush visit. People are concerned they will have nowhere to go if evicted from town camps under Territory Housing, which already has a three year waiting list for new occupancy.

“This is an appalling decision by the federal government. It marks the start of a takeover for all Aboriginal communities who reject government leases. If the government were genuine about consultation with communities it would not be blackmailing people with long-term leases and the threat of compulsory acquisition” said Hilary Tyler from the Intervention Rollback Action Group in Alice Springs.

“You can’t take someone’s land without free, prior and informed consent. It is very hypocritical of the Government to endorse the United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples when the Intervention contravenes at least 26 articles. By keeping the Racial Discrimination Act (1975) in place it goes to show the Government of Australia is in fact racist.” says Barbara Shaw from Mt Nancy town camp.

A rally of town camp residents targeting both the NT government and federal government over its announcement of outstation closures and the compulsory acquisition of Alice Springs towncamps will take place later this week in Alice Springs.

Contact: Barb Shaw on 0401 291 166, Hilary Tyler on 0419 244 012 or
Lauren Mellor on 0413 534 125

Or visit www.rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com


Town camps takeover illegal: lawyer

The Commonwealth's threat to compulsorily acquire Aboriginal town camps in Alice Springs breaches international law, a prominent lawyer says.

The Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister, Jenny Macklin, says "the time for negotiation is over" after the Tangentyere Council rejected a $100 million Government bid to lease the camps for 40 years in exchange for new infrastructure development.

There are up to 3000 Aboriginal people living in the 18 town camps, with 188 houses and 72 tin sheds accommodating them.

Ms Macklin has given the council an ultimatum: sign the lease by July 5 or have the town camps compulsorily acquired.

"There is a period of notice of just over a month and during that notice period Tangentyere can reconsider their position, come back to the table," she said.

But lawyer George Newhouse, who is representing several town camp residents over a separate matter, says the forced resumption of leases would go against the Government's commitments to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

"The Government can correct poverty without resuming people's land," he said.

"There is no other group or people in this country that has to give up their land to get basic government services.

"You don't have to give up your land to get an education. You don't have to give up your land to get social services. You don't have to give up your land to get basic healthcare."

Mr Newhouse has warned forced acquisition will have a massive impact on the Budget. "This action is going to cost the Government hundreds of millions of dollars.

"The Government's been talking about paying rent to Indigenous land owners or lease owners, but since the Warrigal case, the Government's going to be required to pay just terms compensation.

"And that's more than just rent and it's more than just the unimproved land value."


Folk The Po-Lice: G20 Fundraiser

Tim D.F.
14 June 2009
18:00 - 22:00
Hermann's Bar, Sydney University
Corner of City Road and Butlin Avenue (opposite university main gates)
Sydney, Australia
Over June and July, 3 people will finally go to trial for their role in the G20 protests in Melbourne in November, 2006. These people; Sina Brown-Davis, Tim Davis Frank, and Sunil Menon; are facing charges ranging from Riot to Unlawful Assembly, with Aggravated Burglary and Assault Police in the middle. (The maximum sentence for Agg. Burg. is 25 years!!!)

On the day of rest - Sunday the 14th of June - there will be a fundraiser to help pay for the legal defence of these people and keep them out of gaol!!! All proceeds from this gig will go to the G20 Defence Fund.

Bands playing are:
and friends...

Ticket prices: $10 (students/centrelink recipients) - $15 (others)



Southall Riots; Rewind to 1979

Documentary about the Southall Riots 1979. An extreme right-wing organization chose Southall Town Hall to hold its St George's Day election meeting.

The area has one of the country's biggest Asian communities, who along with anti-racism demonstrators, tried to make their way to the town hall but were blocked by police.

In the confrontation that followed,

Blair Peach, a New Zealand-born member of the Anti-Nazi League and teacher for special needs children in east London, was killed. Witnesses said his injuries were caused by police baton blows.

Che Guevara, Imperialism speech 1965

Failed (Settler) States:The Abuse of Power & the Assault on Democracy

Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one of the foremost critics of U.S. foreign policy. Professor Chomsky discusses "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."

He examines how the United States is beginning to resemble a failed state that cannot protect its citizens from violence and has a government that regards itself as beyond the reach of domestic or international law.

Concluding observations of the Committee against Torture NEW ZEALAND

Protection of minorities from torture and ill-treatment

5. While taking note of the Maori Strategic Plan developed by the Department of Corrections, as well as the various initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Justice to reduce Maori offending, the Committee is alarmed at the disproportionately high number of Maoris and Pacific Islands people incarcerated, in particular women who, according to information available to the Committee represent 60% of the female prison population. The Committee is further concerned at the over-representation of Maoris at all levels of the criminal justice process, as well as at the insufficient safeguards in place to protect the rights of minorities from discrimination and marginalization, which put them at a higher risk of torture and ill-treatment. (art.2)

The Committee recalls that the protection of certain minorities or marginalized individuals or populations especially at risk of torture is a part of the obligation of the State party to prevent torture and ill-treatment. In this regard, the State party should take further measures including legal, administrative and judicial measures, to reduce the over-representation of Maoris and Pacific Islands people in prison, in particular women. The State party should also provide adequate training to the judiciary and law enforcement personnel that takes into account the obligation to protect minorities, and integrates a gender perspective. Also, the State party should undertake an in-depth research on the root causes of this phenomenon in order to put in place adequate safeguards to ensure full protection of minorities from discrimination and marginalization, which put them at a higher risk of torture and ill-treatment.

Use of taser weapons

16. While taking note of the assurances by the State party whereby tasers are only to be used by trained and certified staff and only when the officer has an honest belief that the subject is capable of carrying out the threat posed and that the use of the taser is warranted, the Committee is deeply concerned about the introduction of these weapons in the New Zealand police. The Committee is concerned that the use of these weapons causes severe pain constituting a form of torture, and that in some cases it may even cause death. In addition, the Committee is concerned at reports whereby during the trial period tasers were predominantly used on Maoris and youths. (arts. 2 and 16)

The State party should consider relinquishing the use of electric taser weapons, the impact of which on the physical and mental state of targeted persons would appear to violate articles 2 and 16 of the Convention.

Full Report here


'Boiling the Billy', Opportunities and Challenges of Radical Unionising

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Melbourne will host a conference on Sunday 7th June.

'Boiling the Billy', Opportunities and Challenges of Radical Unionising.

Speakers include Gary Foley.

10am - 4pm
Entry by gold coin donation

Food available.

Melbourne Anarchist Resource Center
62 St Georges Rd

For more info, call 0404 105 403 or email asfsec@gmail.com




RASCAL AND BONEZ (violin and accordian madness)
SCUM SYSTEM KILL (3rd last australian show ever - you know us - we're loud and obnoxious)
VOTING WITH BRICKS (fast political punk with a trombone)


S.N.A.G (Sensitive new age gang)
BROWN COUNCIL (amazing sydney performance group)


PLUS SPEAKERS talking about what is still happening in regards to charges brought against folx post g20 protests

The Red Rattler Theatre
6 Faversham St.
Marrickville NSW 2204


Public Lecture: PACER A Tool To Recolonise The Pacific - Jane Kelsey

Public Lecture: PACER A Tool To Recolonise The Pacific - Jane Kelsey

Prof. Jane Kelsey will present a public lecture at AUT University's School of Art and Design, focusing on recent developments in the negotiation of free trade agreements in the Pacific.

In her 2001 reports for the Pacific Network on Globalisation, Big Brothers Behaving Badly and A People’s Guide to PACER, Jane Kelsey outlined what the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) between Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands Countries might mean for Pacific peoples. Australia and NZ are now pushing for Pacific leaders at the Forum Leaders’ meeting in Cairns in August to agree to negotiations for a free trade agreement known as PACER-plus. Jane Kelsey’s talk will examine the geopolitical, social and economic implications of a ‘trade’ treaty that is the latest tool for recolonising the Pacific.

Prof. Jane Kelsey is one of New Zealand’s best-known critical commentators on issues of globalisation, structural adjustment and decolonisation. She is an active member of a number of international coalitions of academics, trade unionists, NGOs and social movements working for social justice. She has written numerous books and articles on the neoliberal restructuring of New Zealand since 1984, including the best-selling ‘The New Zealand Experiment. A World Model for Structural Adjustment?’. Her latest book on globalisation, ‘Serving Whose Interests? The Political Economy of Trade in Services Agreements’, was published in 2008.

Jane Kelsey will be welcomed by Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul (School of Art and Design), Isabella Rasch (Pacific Media Centre), and Wayne Hope (School of Communications). I'u Tuagalu, Pasifika Academic Lecturer, will provide a response to Prof. Kelsey’s presentation. The lecture is open to the public.

Venue and Time:
WE240, Art and Design Building, Gate 4 (off Lorne Street)
Thursday, May 21, 5-6pm
The lecture is co-hosted by AUT University’s School of Art and Design, the Pacific Media Centre, and the School of Communication.



October 15th Solidarity in the Kulin Nations

The October 15th defendants will be appearing in the High court on May 15th where they will once again have to plead guilty or not guilty. The court case has been moved to the high court as the police are charging several of the defendants with "participating in an organised criminal group". The police are doing this in an attempt to salvage some credibility after the original terrorism charges were not allowed to go forward. This will also be exactly one and half years since the state's 'terror' raids and invasion of the defendant's homes and the community of Ruatoki in 2007. The October 15th Solidarity Group in Tamaki-Makaurau are calling for a morning solidarity picket. This is will the only time (as far as we know) when all the defendants will be up in Auckland this year.

Remember the state terrorism and support Tino Tangatiratanga and Te Mana Motuhake o Tuhoe! Show your solidarity Please bring banners, placards and flags.

The struggle continues! Ka whawhai tonu matou!

October 15th solidarity in the Kulin Nations

Friday May 15th

NZ Setter Consulate
350 Collins Street
Occupied Aboriginal Australia


Bart Willoughby "We have survived"

Bart Willoughby sings the Indigenous Australian Anthem "We have Survived" Live @ open studio

Kia Ora


Solidarity Picket for October 15th defendants May 15th

8:30am - 9:30am outside Auckland High Court

The October 15th defendants will be appearing in the High court on May 15th where they will once again have to plead guilty or not guilty. The court case has been moved to the high court as the police are charging several of the defendants with "participating in an organised criminal group". The police are doing this in an attempt to salvage some credibility after the original terrorism charges were not allowed to go forward. This will also be exactly one and half years since the state's 'terror' raids and invasion of the defendant's homes and the community of Ruatoki in 2007. The October 15th Solidarity Group in Tamaki-Makaurau are calling for a morning solidarity picket. This is will the only time (as far as we know) when all the defendants will be up in Auckland this year.

Remember the state terrorism and support Tino Tangatiratanga and Te Mana Motuhake o Tuhoe! Show your solidarity at the Auckland High Court, corner of Anzac ave and Princes St, Auckland CBD at 8.30am Friday May 15th.

Please bring banners, placards and flags.

The struggle continues! Ka whawhai tonu matou!


Australia and New Zealand call emergency meeting to fast-track Pacific free trade deal


Australia and New Zealand call emergency meeting to fast-track Pacific free trade deal

Australian and New Zealand Trade Ministers will this weekend attempt to convince their Pacific counterparts to ignore the Islands' own trade officials and press ahead with a free trade deal - warns regional trade justice campaigners.

Trade Ministers from 13 Pacific island countries have been invited to Auckland for a last-minute meeting with their Australian and New Zealand counterparts to discuss extending the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) to a regional free trade agreement. Any new free trade deal would be named PACER-Plus.

Coordinator of the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG), Maureen Penjueli, said Australia and New Zealand were pushing hard to launch PACER-Plus at the 2009 Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting - to be held in Cairns in mid-August. "This timeline is all about the political priorities of the Australian government in particular," said Ms Penjueli. "It certainly has nothing to do with the development needs of the Pacific." She said the meeting had been called to try to secure a 'ministerial mandate' for negotiations on PACER-Plus in the lead up to a meeting of Pacific, Australian and New Zealand trade officials in Vanuatu next week.

The invitation letter for this weekend's meeting, from New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser, said discussions would "serve to give high level direction to the final meeting of regional trade officials in May".

At the 2008 Pacific Islands Forum Leader's Meeting, Pacific trade officials were mandated to prepare a roadmap for possible negotiations. The draft roadmap, prepared earlier this year, indicated PACER-Plus negotiations could not go ahead until the Pacific had ceased trade negotiations with the European Union, a regional office for a Chief Trade Advisor had been established, national consultations were undertaken in each country, and consultations about the coverage and modality of negotiations were completed. The roadmap gave a detailed timeline for these things to happen, indicating formal consultations would not begin until 2011, with actual negotiations to begin in 2013.

However, the Australian and New Zealand governments are unhappy with the proposed timeline and will this weekend push for agreement to begin negotiations much earlier. Ms Penjueli said this tactic served to drive a wedge between the Pacific Trade Ministers and their own officials.

Pacific Island Leaders issued a press release at the 2008 Forum Leaders' Meeting in Niue stressing the need for "careful preparations by Forum Island Countries (FICs) both individually and collectively, before consultations began with Australia and New Zealand." [1] Ms Penjueli said it was important for Pacific Trade Ministers to take heed of this decision. "To tie ourselves down to beginning negotiations early is just not in our interests," said Ms Penjueli. She said that if Pacific countries got PACER-Plus wrong, they could face massive losses of government revenue, business closures and job losses, a loss of policy space needed for development, an undermining of access to essential services and a loss of indigenous land rights.

Dr Jane Kelsey, from the New Zealand-based ARENA network said the meeting had "all the hallmarks of an Australian and New Zealand ambush". "The current Solomon Islands roadmap for PACER-Plus has two sets of square brackets - one for the slow process proposed by the Pacific island countries, and the other for the rapid timeline sought by Australia and New Zealand," said Dr Kelsey.

Adam Wolfenden, campaign coordinator for the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET), said the informal ministerial was nothing more than "informal bullying". "This informal Ministerial will once again see Trade Ministers from Australia and New Zealand spin the same stories about PACER-Plus being a blessing for the Pacific despite an AusAID feasibility study stating that it can't be sure just what the benefits will be for the Pacific," said Mr Wolfenden. "There may well be an increase in trade, but it's going to be an increase in Australian and New Zealand exports to region. "With Fiji out of the picture it seems like Australia and New Zealand are trying to get what they can out of the rest of the region."

The 'informal' meeting of Pacific Trade Ministers and their Australian and New Zealand counterparts will be held at the Westin Auckland hotel on Friday May 8 and Saturday May 9.


NZ Govt ambushing Pacific on trade - ARENA

Arena accuses NZ Govt of ambushing Pacific on trade deal

This weekend’s meeting of Pacific trade ministers in Auckland to progress the launch of PACER+ trade negotiations has all the hallmarks of an Australian and New Zealand ambush, the Arena network said today.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said last Friday that he and the Australians have agreed on a joint strategy to link aid and trade ahead of a meeting with Pacific trade ministers on the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER),” Arena spokesperson Dr Jane Kelsey said.

“This sounds like the bullying tactics of old, with aid used as a carrot or stick to get Pacific Island Countries to agree to what the ‘big brothers’ are demanding.”

“The current Solomon Islands ‘roadmap’ for PACER+ has two sets of square brackets – one for the slow process proposed by the Pacific Island Countries, and the other for the rapid timeline sought by Australia and New Zealand.”

The agenda for the weekend’s meeting suggests they plan to push Pacific ministers to agree to a date for launching the negotiations before the senior officials meet in Vanuatu in mid-May, Jane Kelsey said.

“The studies on PACER+ that will be discussed on the weekend have mainly been commissioned by Australia and New Zealand to bolster their case.”

“The ‘consensus’ approach to decision making means once Pacific countries have been pressured into an agreement even informally, Australia and New Zealand will insist on a consensus to change it.”

“At this stage not all the Pacific trade ministers have agreed to come to Auckland, which will further undermine any claim to consensus.”

“Fiji also thinks it is still invited, although New Zealand says otherwise.”

“The government pretends that its aim is to promote Pacific development. NGOs and churches in the region point out that it is really about ideology and old colonial powers using trade agreements as a weapon to dominate the region.”

Arena supports the call for the PACER negotiations to be abandoned in favour of a genuine development programme for the region, Jane Kelsey said.


About Arena:

Arena is an Aotearoa/New Zealand network of individuals and organizations committed to resist corporate ‘globalization’ in all its forms. Arena stands for an alternative development model based on self-determination, social justice, genuine people-centered development and environmental sustainability.


Guam's Intervention at the UNPFII - Julian Aguon

Seventh Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -- April 2008 -- New York, NY

Item # 6
Topic: Pacific
Presenter: Julian Aguon

Collective Intervention of the Chamoru Nation and Affiliated Indigenous Chamoru Organizations; Society for Threatened Peoples International (ECOSOC); CORE (ECOSOC); Western Shoshone Defense Project; Flying Eagle Woman Fund (ECOSOC); Mohawk Nation at Kahmawake; Cultural Development and Research Institute; Famoksaiyan; Organization of People for Indigenous Rights; Colonized Chamoru Coalition; Chamoru Landowners Association; Chamoru Language Teachers Association; Guahan Indigenous Collective; Hurao, Inc.; Landowners United; Chamoru Veterans Association; Fuetsan Famaloan

See also

EZLN Revolution

Tributo al Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional! Viva la revolución!!!

thanx 2


PORGERA IN FLAMES: Mining Multinational Ordered Military Force burns down hundreds of homes in PNG

By Sakura Saunders and Tanya Roberts-Davis
Hundreds of homes in the Porgera valley of Papua New Guinea are being set aflame. Local human rights organizations in Porgera claim that these fires are part of a strategy to clear people out of the way for the expansion of Barrick Gold's Porgera mine.

On April 27th, without prior warning, the indigenous land owners of the villages surrounding Barrick Gold’s Porgera open pit mine were violently evicted by a police and military operation with 200 troops. “Operation Ipili” was launched during the middle of the day to allegedly make way for the expansion of a Barrick gold mine. This effective State of Emergency in Porgera was motivated by situation reports presented by Barrick (PNG) Limited, according to Laigap Porgera Member of Parliament Phillip Kikala.

Households of third generation landowners were purposefully razed to the ground, causing residents to flee for fear of their lives. According to eyewitnesses, eighty houses in Ungima, two houses in Yokolama and four houses in Kulapi had been torched within the first 2 days of the operation. By April 30, community reports put that number at close to 600.
Click on image for a larger version

Barrick burns houses 2.jpg
PORGERA IN FLAMES: Mining Multinational Recommended Military Force burns down hundreds of homes in PNG
Click on image for a larger version

Barrick gold burns houses.jpg
PORGERA IN FLAMES: Mining Multinational Recommended Military Force burns down hundreds of homes in PNG
According to the Akali Tange Association, a human rights organization in Porgera, none of the residents were given time to gather any of their possessions. Anyone who spoke up was reportedly physically attacked by the security forces and some were arrested.

Increasing numbers of people are reporting injuries, as are those who are being detained. Although the landowners received no formal warning that they were to see their houses destroyed – according to the ATA – Barrick Gold had demanded that the land be cleared of local villagers, some of whom are small scale artisanal miners eking out a living beside the mine.

Barrick Gold’s personnel claim the land owners are ‘illegal’ and last week, issued a memorandum calling on them to stop their subsistence activities and leave their homelands. The chief landowner, Nixon Mangape, recently alerted their local Member of Parliament as well as media outlets about the impending threats from the mining company. To date, there has been no acknowledgement that villagers have been demanding compensation from Barrick if the confiscation of their land was to move forward, given their resulting loss of livelihood, possessions and ancestral territory. Now, these communities are suffering from brutal attacks by security agents and faced with the situation that their homes – with all their possessions – have been burned to the ground, in clear violation of national and international legal precedents.

Jethro Tulin, Executive Officer of ATA traveled to Canada this week – along with other international affected communities – to tell shareholders at Barrick Gold's annual general meeting about the on-going human rights crisis in Porgera. As Mr. Tulin traveled to Canada to attend Barrick's AGM, the Papua New Guinea government sent 200 heavily armed troops to the Porgera area. He has since been receiving regular updates about landowner's houses being searched for incriminating materials and burnt to the ground.

"Barrick Gold and the Government of Papua New Guinea must immediately start to address the catastrophic problem in Porgera pro-actively rather than over reacting with high level security installations and branding it as a law and order problem. Calling a State of Emergency is not the right method to fix these extensive and irreversible damages, the ordinary people are already victims of what as gone wrong."

Last year the Norwegian Pension Fund divested $230 million CAD from Barrick Gold for ethical concerns related to the Porgera Mine.