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John Howard: Safeguards needed now in same-sex marriage vote

John Howard has intervened in the marriage equality debate, personally authorising a full-page newspaper advertisement calling for legal protection of religious freedoms ahead of the ballot result.

The former prime minister has used the full imprimatur of his status and office as a one-time Coalition leader in a public statement carried in The Australian newspaper on Saturday. The national broadsheet advertisement bears Mr Howard's photo and signature.

Mr Howard said it was incumbent on the Coalition government to spell out, before completion of the postal survey, the steps it will take to guarantee "parental rights, freedom of speech and religious freedom in the event of same sex marriage becoming law".

The case was compelling "given the experience of UK, US and Canada".

As conservative Christians framed themselves as possible victims of discrimination should same sex marriage be supported by a majority of Australians, Mr Howard warned education activists were at the ready to renew their push to introduce classroom material unacceptable to mainstream Australian parents.

These concerns were not red herrings or distractions but legitimate concerns, Mr Howard wrote.


Malcolm Turnbull has offered Mr Howard an opportunity to contribute to the terms of a final bill to be drafted after the postal vote results are revealed on November 15.

On the evidence to date, Mr Howard said, the proposed bill offered no more than protections for a minister, priest, rabbi or imam to refuse to perform a same-sex marriage.

"It is completely disingenuous to assert that a change of this magnitude to a fundamental social institution does not have consequences.

"It is precisely because parliament should reflect the will of the people that the people are entitled to know what, if anything, the Government will do on protections before the survey is completed.

"Otherwise people will not have been fully informed when they cast their votes."