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Chick Publications
P.O. Box 3500
Ontario, Calif. 91761

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Price: $14.95

This DVD comes with 8 languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Hebrew, and Russian.

Two great ways to order this DVD:

1. Order individual copies.
(Packaged in plastic, Amaray cases).


2. Order in bulk to give to friends and relatives at fantastic savings!
(Packaged in cardboard sleeves)

Order 'The Light of the World

The Truth as You've Never Seen it Before

This 78-minute film takes you on an unforgettable journey, showing the biblical account of the creation of man and the entrance of sin into the world.

See why Jesus Christ came to earth and how He dealt with the sin issue once and for all. Follow the Lord's life, from His miraculous birth to His agonizing crucifixion and glorious resurrection. Lost people will suddenly realize the horrible price Christ paid for their sins, and understand why He is the only way to heaven.

The Bible Comes to Life
Thanks to more than 360 breathtaking oil paintings, you will feel like you are actually there, watching the Bible unfold. Your emotions will soar as you hear David Jeremiah's moving narration rise above composer John Campbell's magnificent original musical score. Add the unforgettable sound effects and you will experience the Bible as never before. Many who have seen advanced screenings of this film have been moved to tears.

No Punches Pulled
In a day when many Christians are producing watered-down, politically-correct films, The Light of the World provides exactly what you would expect from Jack Chick-a straightforward, biblically accurate, no-punches-pulled presentation of the gospel with a compelling salvation appeal.

Know any unsaved people who watch TV?
Millions are addicted to television, which makes this a great way to reach them. Invite unsaved family, friends, neighbors, etc. to watch the film in your home. Or loan it to them to watch at their convenience. Either way, they will receive the gospel in a way they will never forget. You may also want to show it when you have lost people in a Sunday School class, youth group, adult group, home Bible study or cell group.

      • Meet the Artist
      • 1200 Saved Watching Chick Gospel Video

Order in bulk to give to friends and relatives at fantastic savings!

We have had requests from those who want to give "The Light of the World" away like a tract. Now, it is available in a low-cost format, in a nicely printed cardboard jacket, that lets you do just that! They are packaged in tens, and must be ordered that way. Look at the fantastic savings!

Also available in Spanish.

You pay only:
Price Ea.
1 ten-pack (10 DVDs) $32.75 $3.28
3 ten-packs (30 DVDs) $92.82 $3.09
5 ten-packs (50 DVDs) $142.80 $2.86
10 ten-packs (100 DVDs) $261.80 $2.62
50 ten-packs (500 DVDs) $952.00 $1.90
100 ten-packs (1,000 DVDs) $1,487.50 $1.49

Order by the pack.

Ways to use the film

Show a small section to your Sunday School class each week, then discuss it. The DVD is divided into short chapters to make this easy.

Show it at Bible studies or cell groups, looking up the Scriptures
as you go.

Youth pastors: Show it to your youth group.

Christian school teachers: Show it to your students.

Place a copy in your church library.

Invite friends and neighbors to watch it in your home.

Give a copy as a gift to friends or relatives who need Jesus.

You Can Help!

Pastors and missionaries worldwide are ready to use this film, but first it needs to be translated into their language. If you would like more information about how you can help make other translations of the film a reality, please write to us at:

In your email, please tell us the language you are interested in and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Let's work together to reach the lost for Christ!!

Thanks and God bless you!
Chick Publications

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) KJV







A proven soul winner not just in America, but worldwide!!

"I showed 'The Light of the World' to my youth group. At the time, I didn't know there was an appeal to receive Christ at the end. I was surprised to hear most, if not all, of the kids repeating the sinner's prayer with the narration. I even saw one kid praying before the movie was over." — F B E-mail

"I played 'The Light of the World' in the prison yard. At the crucifixion scene every eye was on the cross and Christ. One man burst out in tears. Many men prayed for forgiveness and salvation." —Arizona

"My 6 year old son reads Chick tracts all the time, and has received the Lord Jesus. He loves the movie "The Light of the World" and it has been a tool to help us in raising hhim up in the love and fear of the Lord." —L C E-mail

"We received the DVD "The Light of the World" and it is awesome! I will show it tonight at our church's HALELUJAH NIGHT SERVICE. While the devil is wrecking havoc in the streets our young people will be in church lifting up the name of Jesus and watching the DVD." —D H E-mail

"I received the DVD "The Light of the World" today and my wife and I both watched it in its entirety. It was more than a masterpiece, and all Biblical. Thank you, God Bless and I will always support you." —Wheelus 56 E-Mail

"My father got saved about two weeks ago by watching "The Light of the World." Before he passed away he watched it about 5 times a day. He would fall asleep and wake up and have someone play it again over the course of 5 days. Thank you very much for making this film." —SRH Voice Mail

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Also available in these languages:

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