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Shocked Muslims a New Witnessing Opportunity

For several years, reports have filtered out of the Middle East of thousands of Muslims converting to Christ. Accurate numbers are hard to come by because of the persecution and death threats against anyone who leaves Islam. Family members carry the primary responsibility to discipline, or even execute, anyone who disrespects Allah or his Prophet, Muhammed.

Recently, however, there seems to be another situation developing that soul winners should be alerted to. First of all, the rise of the radical Islamist Jihadist movement, ISIS, has sent shock waves through the Muslim world. Many "moderate" Muslims have been uncomfortable with Islam's attack on America and other Western countries, but knew of no reason in their holy book, the Qur'an, to seriously object because it seemed to declare violence to anyone who refuses to accept Allah.

But now, much of their violence is being directed to fellow Muslims. Tens of millions of people have been driven into refugee camps by the fighting. Add to that the gruesome videos of brutal beheadings so brazenly flashed to the world by social media.

Many "moderate" Muslims are beginning to say to themselves: "Is this the Islam that I belong to?" Millions have moved to the West and are tasting freedom or have become aware of its existence through modern technology.

But when they search for alternatives in the West, all they see is the decadence, fractured families, and godlessness, of the "secular" society. Even when they look at the so-called "Christian" option, the history of the Vatican's Crusades against the Muslim "infidels" gets in the way. No one is likely to be around to explain that the Pope is Christian in name only, head of Satan's clever counterfeit "church."

Up until a few decades ago, the Muslim Imams counseled their members to avoid immigrating to the U.S. for fear they would be led to the truth in Christ. Today, so little true evangelism occurs that they no longer worry. Our government is even bringing in tens of thousands of Muslim refugees.

So, what will we do with these lost, confused "children" of Allah? Again, it is a mission field that has come to us, saving us the trouble of going to them. 

Chick Publications has a number of tracts specifically designed to reach Muslims. They can be reviewed at

Popular ones include:

Allah Had No Son
The Allah of Islam is not the God of creation.
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Is Allah Like You?
After angrily beating his son, Abdul discovers a list of questions for him to answer from the Qur'an. Seeking the truth, Abdul finds the loving God of creation in the Prophet Jesus. An emotional tract for Muslims.
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Your Best Life
The most popular Chick tract, This Was Your Life, adapted for Muslims, not just in the Middle East, but also Europe and the Americas.
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For those who do not feel confident in understanding Islam, two paperbacks are available, Christ, Muhammed and I, and Anatomy of the Qur’an. A how-to book, When the Mosque Comes to Town, is a practical guide to witnessing to a Muslim neighbor or friend detailing how to avoid offending them and deal with subjects that are likely to come up.

The task may seem huge, but souls are still won one at a time. Just be aware that that new Muslim neighbor, coworker, or casual contact at the grocery story is likely to be confused enough by current events in his world to be open to the better way that Christ offers. You can be the one person he meets who dares point him to the God of love that he has been looking for.

Christ, Muhammad and I

What kind of god would send a prophet like that?

This book contains the facts from the literature of Islam that shows why Allah can't possibly be the True God. Many of the stories in the book will be unfamiliar to the Western reader, but very familiar to Muslims. It is this “inside view” of things that makes the book so powerful as a witnessing tool for Muslims.

By: John, FL
I read the book and found it to be well written on a scholarly level. The author, an Arab and former Muslim came from a position of strength and knowledge and explained the problems with Islam from the very beginning. Because He came to Christ and he explain his struggle and the new liberty and freedom he found in Christ it is an excellent book to share. However I would prep the reader to realize he holds nothing back from criticizing Islam.

By: Rexlion, OK
This book contains valuable information about the grossly sinful nature of Muhammad's life. Although the writing quality is not up to usual American expectations (the author is not a native English speaker), everyone should read this book and learn the thieving, murdering roots of Islam. This is a great book to hand to a Muslim or to a person who thinks Islam is a peaceful, respectable religion.

Anatomy of the Qur'an

Help in witnessing to Muslims

Christians need to know how to answer Muslims, and this requires knowing something about the Qur’an. This book by Moshay shows how the material in the Qur’an is really a disorganized mass of contractions, historical blunders, misunderstandings of the Bible, folk tales and the outright selfishness of Mohammad himself. Moshay even proves that parts of the Qur’an did not even originate with Mohammad.


By: Lolo, IN
Exactly what I expected and needed. I think it would benifit greatly if it was available in Arabic. I work closely with Muslims, and having them read this book in their language rather than explaining it would have a greater effect.

By: Pastor John, AL
For those who have never read the Qur'an, this is a very good book. It is well written and very informative and easy to follow. It is best to have a Qur'an along side as you study this book.

When the Mosque Comes to Town

What should Christians do?

Whether Muslims move into the house next to you, a few blocks over, or begin gathering at their newly-built mosque, the question has undoubtedly gone through your mind:

What now?

By: J.J., GA
This little booklet is a very good guide for the average American Christian who wants to know how to work with Muslims without offending them culturally, which of course would shut down any evangelistic efforts. Most Americans don't have a clue about this area,and will learn a lot of practical, useful info.

By: Sultan Rahim, Rockford, IL
AMEN! As an Ex-Muslim, who got saved in 1993, and now a King James Bible believer and Preacher, this book is excellent for the American Christians to read and practice to win the Muslims in their neighborhood or work!