LIVELive footage from polling stations in Barcelona


  • Kurdish puzzle
    'CrossTalk' is RT's flagship program. This TV debate experience presents hot-topic discussions on...
    Kurdish puzzle
    The modern international order centers on two basic principles: the sanctity of sovereign borders and self-determination. In this regard the Kurdish question is particularly vexed and even dangerous. Will some 30 million Kurds ever have either?...
  • Episode 1130
    Keiser Report
    Markets! Finance! Scandal! Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals...
    Episode 1130
    In this episode of the Keiser Report from Aspen, Colorado, Max and Stacy take a look at the trillion-dollar mystery of muted inflation. While central banks are stumped, the Keiser Report suggests that the insanely concentrated wealth and flushing...
  • Narco song of Sinaloa
    RT's documentaries give a varied and unique view on different aspects of life worldwide. They...
    Narco song of Sinaloa
    Sinaloa isn’t just a state in Mexico; the word has become synonymous with a vicious gang. The CIA says it’s the most powerful drug cartel in the world. Life here is largely dependent on what the gangsters do, and so is death. On the...

RT asks

So what will meddling, cheating, bullying bad-boy Russia be accused of next?