
आपण @UD_j1mb0 यांना अवरोधित केले आहे

आपणास निश्चितपणे ही ट्विट्स पहायची आहेत? तसे केल्याने @UD_j1mb0 यांना अनब्लॉक केले जाणार नाही.

  1. पिन केलेल्या ट्विट्स
    ४ फेब्रु, २०१६
    पूर्ववत् करा
  2. २८ मार्च

    how funny would it be if Benedict cumberbatch won this

    पूर्ववत् करा
  3. २८ मार्च

    what uhh… what just happened?

    पूर्ववत् करा
  4. २८ मार्च

    what is this Andre Garfield true detective shit

    पूर्ववत् करा
  5. ३० जाने

    every cop will show up to a public funeral for a single officer killed in action but thousands of them will refuse to get a vaccine to protect themselves, their fellow officers, or the public from the number one cop killer: covid

    पूर्ववत् करा
  6. ५ जाने

    it’s cool that all competing forces combine to result in the worst outcomes for almost everyone, all the time, because of endemic flaws in American legal and social structure lol

    पूर्ववत् करा
  7. २० नोव्हें, २०२१

    how do I install my dryer without burning my house down. Does any single fucking human work at this company, or is it all robots? So far it seems like all robots

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  8. २० नोव्हें, २०२१

    fucking shit company. never buying another one of your products after this terrible experience

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  9. १० नोव्हें, २०२१

    you’re worse than somehow

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  10. १० नोव्हें, २०२१

    dipshit motherfuckers can’t even read

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  11. १० नोव्हें, २०२१

    turn my internet back on you colossal turds

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  12. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ९ सप्टें, २०२१

    Lamar Jackson weekly rushing projections

    पूर्ववत् करा
  13. ४ सप्टें, २०२१

    A “day” is from when I wake up until I go to bed. Midnight means nothing to me. Fuck your clock, nerd.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  14. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २ सप्टें, २०२१

    . should host a free clone of as a public service to citizens unable to receive digital broadcast signals in their area. No one should have to subscribe to Cable just to get over the air TV.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  15. २१ ऑग, २०२१

    Mandibles. It’s like Dumb and Dumber if instead of finding a briefcase full of money, they found a giant fly that that they try to train to rob banks for them. It’s in French and subtitled, but the comedy still works. Only 77 minutes! $7 to rent most platforms

    पूर्ववत् करा
  16. २८ जुलै, २०२१

    why is Holly Hunter announcing men’s Olympic diving

    पूर्ववत् करा
  17. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २४ एप्रि, २०२१
    पूर्ववत् करा
  18. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ९ जून, २०१८

    laughing imaging a gritty Wonka movie just called "Willy" and the trailer is Ryan Gosling solemnly sucking a lollipop in an empty factory while "Hurt" plays. this would easily make $1.2 billion worldwide btw

    पूर्ववत् करा
  19. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ६ जुलै, २०२१

    This is the cover image for an article I didn't read about something I'm 100 percent committed to lying about

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  20. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    ६ मे, २०२१

    I think it's 👍 very cool 👍 that all of our discussions about free speech and censorship continue to center themselves around Facebook/Twitter while state GOP legislatures are busy making it literally illegal to attend a protest and giving people license to run protesters over.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  21. ४ मे, २०२१

    wearing a mask is literally so simple and so costless. that there is so much opposition to them means that we, as a species, are hopeless. Never again will anyone ask you to do so little for such benefit. We may as well all just spit in each other’s mouths and die quickly

    पूर्ववत् करा

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    आपण मला सुद्धा विचारू शकता
