Links to pics, videos and articles from SEX WORKERS RIGHTS DAY!

Dear Friends,

We had a tremendous time in San Francisco. If you have pictures from your area please share them with us. Below are links to pics, videos and a article by Laura Agustín, I know you will enjoy. Thanks to everyone for participating in this important day. We really appreciate all our allies who showed up to march, play music, speak and to support your local sex workers.

http://www.indybay. org/newsitems/ 2008/03/04/ 18483679. php

http://www.daylife. com/search? q=prostitution

http://www.alternet .org/reproductiv ejustice/ 78499/

http://www.sexworke Trouble/Burnout/ Trouble%20and% 20Harlot. html

Victory! SF BOS votes to audit SAGE, SFDA, and SFPD FOPP!

Victory! SF Board of Supervisors vote 7 to 4 for a complete audit of the First Offenders Prostitution Program, run by SAGE, SF District Attorney, and SF Police Dept.

by Robyn Few
March 5, 2008

On Tuesday March 4th San Francisco Supervisor Jake McGoldrick was supported by his fellow Board members to have a full audit of the controversial program that has been raining havoc on the street prostitution community since 1996, the First Offenders Prostitution Program (FOPP).

A local prostitute named Norma Hotaling, after being arrested numerous times, decided to hang up her high heels and start working with the San Francisco Vice Squad to get prostitutes off the streets.  SFPD would arrest the prostitutes in sting operations and send them to Norma’s new program at Standing Against Global Exploitation, (SAGE). Hotaling’s brain child, the First Offenders Prostitution Program (FOPP), is a shame based program, that prostitutes and their clients are forced to pay to attend by the court system. Money taken in by the FOPP is distributed between the SF District Attorney’s Office, the SF Police Department and our local non profit, SAGE. The worst news about the program is it has been duplicated in 25 cities around the US.

Once there, if you are a client or ‘John’ you pay your hefty fine of anywhere from $1000 to $1500. During your visit to SAGE and the FOPP you may be shown pictures of rotting penis’s, or perhaps be ridiculed and yelled at by ex hookers. Maybe you will be threatened, because if you don’t pay up your fine and be a good student in the program the police will contact your family and tell them all about your arrest.

Unfortunately, this program targets the most marginalized members of the sex worker community, street workers and their clients. The majority of men who are arrested and placed in ‘John’s School’ are men of color who don’t speak english. The prostitutes are not given any other choices and are forced by the courts to attend the FOPP. They are sometimes fined anywhere from $500 to $1000, depending on their ability to pay.

Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) has been working with Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, the Erotic Service Providers Union (ESPU) and US Prostitutes Collective (US PROS) to expose the FOPP. For the last few years, the ESPU has requested information through the SF Sunshine Taskforce about the finances and the role of the District Attorneys office in the FOPP. Supervisor McGoldrick has held meetings with the DA and SFPD about the FOPP. He has met countless times with sex workers trying to find out information on the program. To date we have not been given any information. Not even basic info, like how many participate in the program a year, what is their race and gender . Never mind the main question we want to know, where does the money go from the fines and how does that fine money pay for the expensive sting operations that bring in the clients for the program.

The FOPP reeks of corruption and mismanagement. It is time that sex workers fight against discriminating programs that are being run by politicians. We must stop the profiteering by law enforcement and NGO’s off the criminalization of prostitution. We should be given choices by the courts to do diversion programs that we choose not programs that we are forced into that separate and stigmatize us from the rest of society. We must decriminalize prostitution so that we are not afraid to ask for help when we are ready to exit the sex industry. We need programs that are not shame based but respect us for the choices that we have made and trust that we will leave the sex industry when we are ready, not when you force us out for our own good.

God Bless Sin in Las Vegas

Sex Workers Appreciation Day, October 5th, 2007, had more than 25 people show up in solidarity and support of Sex Workers Rights at the Glitter Gulch on Las Vegas, Nevada’s fremont street. In 2 hours, we collected over 150 signatures from people all over the United States. Tourists from all over, and locals took our pictures and learned about Sex Workers rights, many for the first time.

Our signs:
“Farley, Don’t Tread on me”

“No sex worker phobia will be tolerated”

“Support your local sex workers”

“Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights”
“We Honor Ourselves With Respect and Empowerment”

The scene: 4 people from California, 2 sisters of Perpetual indulgence, 1 ACLU lawyer, 2 totally wasted men(who held a sign for us) and around 15 local advocates, allies and sex workers.

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Text of Petition to Support Sex Workers’ Rights

Petition to Support Sex Workers’ Rights
Support Nevada’s State Rights!

When sex work is a part of the underground economy, workers have no labor rights; they suffer violence, stigma, isolation, fear and criminalization.
Support the basic labor rights and human rights of your local sex industry worker!
Sex Workers Outreach Project asks the people of Nevada to:
• Support the right for sex industry workers to be free of violence and exploitation.
• Support the rights of individuals to choose sex work.
• Support sex industry workers’ rights to work and travel just like other workers.
• Promote labor rights for those who freely choose sex as their work.
• Support the rights of consenting adults to make individual choices about their sexuality.
• Stand up and fight against coercion, deceit and violence against women.
• Spend our tax dollars to combat sexual assault, rape, and abuse.

Sex Workers Protest ‘Feminist’ Attacks

October 5th, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robyn Few 1-877-776-2004

Event: Sex Workers Protest ‘Feminist’ Attacks
Date: Friday, October 5th
Time: 6 PM
Location: in front of the Glitter Gulch, 20 Fremont Street
City: Las Vegas

Sex Worker Showdown in the Streets of Las Vegas

On Friday, October 5, 2007 sex workers from Nevada and California will meet in the streets of Las Vegas to gather signatures for support of prostitutes rights in Nevada. Sex workers, advocates and allies will gather at 6pm in front of the Glitter Gulch, 20 Freemont Street to counter-protest the self-proclaimed, ‘radical feminist’ “Day of No Prostitution March.”

“Prostitution is a legal industry and the workers should be supported, not subjected to discrimination and stigma from so called feminist fringe groups,” says Robyn Few, co founder Sex Workers Outreach Project USA. “We are here to say, NO SEX WORKER PHOBIA WILL BE TOLERATED TODAY.”

“Anti-prostitution zealot, Melissa Farley has descended upon Las Vegas with manipulative statistics and rhetoric, claiming to help prostitutes by criminalizing their industry. Of course that forces it further underground. Fundamentalist feminists like her are harming, not helping prostitutes,” says Carol Leigh of Bay Area Sex Worker Advocacy Network.

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To Vegas with Busts

Look out you non-feminist here we come to celebrate Day of Prostitution Oct 5th.

4 of us lovely ladies and 18 hours of driving just for you Melissa Farley. Please come out and say hi to us! We’d love for you to talk with actual sex workers that are fighting for their rights. So, we have food a laptop with internet access and are headed to ’sin city’, except no actual sexual sinning is allowed. Nevada, don’t become sheep like the rest of the states! Keep your rights, and make a stand about prostitution. Come out and join us on the streets, we will have petitions to sign and loads of fun! Trafficking is NOT prostitution. Forced Trafficking is wrong, of this we can all agree.

As we said before (Just in case you weren’t watching the screen hard enough Melissa.. ahem), forced prostitution is wrong. But when sex workers choose to be sex workers, then how does that equate to trafficking? We independent sex workers are looking to find a way to make our jobs legal, it takes a lot to manage ourselves, our time our lives and our money. We are workers, not slaves to our 9-5 jobs. We make choices and descisions on our own, we are mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins and even GRANDPARENTS. We love who we are and we are not giving up the fight for our rights as Sex Workers!!!!

What are we doing to help women get out of prostitution?

by Robyn Few

Melissa Farley wants to know, ‘What is Desiree Alliance doing to help women get out? What are the UNLV faculty and their students doing to help women get out of prostitution?” That is always the question asked by the prohibitionist.

Well Miss Farley, what makes you think that is our focus. There are tons of non-profit and governmental agencies focused on saving women from prostitution and they are funded. Unfortunately, there are very few agencies that focus on the sex workers who have chosen to work in the sex industry and support improving conditions in their workplace. Billions of dollars are wasted trying to abate prostitution in this country while zero dollars are spent enforcing labor laws in the sex industry workplace.

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