Policy that Keeps Prostitutes From Carrying and Using Condoms. From First Person

I wanted to post a reply to the thread but for some reason I’m not getting an option to do that.  So.  I’m starting a new thread.

Geniuses that endorse this policy………  I’m putting it in first person so you can try to put a human face to a blanket policy.  I”m a sex worker.  That’s my job.   I need more than one condom with me because one condom doesn’t always work.  And while  a client stopped with multiple condoms will just be James Bond scoring with babes or considered an evolved man for using condoms.  I’m female.  If I do it than I’m a criminal.

So let’s do a bit of Sex Work for Dummies.  Pun intended.

Since I’m female and will risk arrest.  You leave me with two choices.  Take a legal risk or take a fatal risk.  Because………  If the first condom breaks as a sex worker I’m screwed.  And in a way that I don’t to become pregnant.  Because……  Without the back up condoms it becomes unprotected.  Unprotected sex risks pregnancy.  pregnancy isn’t the deal for either the client or the provider.  I don’t want to become pregnant by a client.  I can hear the geniuses.  “The don’t be a hooker”.  I’m an escort for a reason.  So save it.  I don’t want to become pregnant from a client.  I also don’t want to catch a disease from him.  Since I’m the sex worker it’s up to me to provide the condoms.  And beyond that I don’t want to trust my health or a pregnancy risk to a client.  Let’s face it.  Anyone who has been an escort for some time learns that many clients have no idea how to bathe.  They don’t know that the little towel, wash cloth, is for scrubbing to be clean.  They don’t know that standing in the shower and letting the water drain by their feet isn’t cleaning their feet.  Given this fact.  I don’t want to trust my safety or my pregnancy risk to them.  Thus I need condoms.  Otherwise, when I get pregnant, I will abort a child.  Because I’m not having a child with a client.  Nor does he want me to.  I prefer not to have an abortion if I don’t have to.

Since I am an escort.  Since it’s my body.  Since I’m doing it out of need.  Since I’m adult woman.  I”m grown up enough to make my own choices.  I choose to not be pregnant and not have a disease.  Geniuses who pass these laws.  Does this make sense?

You’ll say it fights trafficking to do this.  Umm.  How?  Trafficking victims don’t get pregnant or diseases?  Oh, well, if the escort can’t use a condom she’ll go become an accountant or manage a retail store……….  Umm,… No.  Not real world.

Actually geniuses who endorse this legislation.  Here’s the actual deal.  You’re clueless.  You don’t know what you are talking about.  Maybe you’re well intentioned.  Maybe you’re just a jerk.  Either way you are uniformed.   You are legislators.  As such you can pass laws.  You can keep prostitution illegal.  Nothing we can do about that.  But don’t put our safety on the line to make it easier for the police to make an arrest.  If you want police to arrest for prostitution than them earn it by proving prostitution rather than using a condom as cheap shot on the arrest goal.  Because that kills us.  And since most who write these puritanical laws tend to be pro life.  Here is reality.  If we get pregnant by a client.  We are going to very likely abort the child.  Even if you outlaw that.  If you are so pro life than don’t force scenarios that ensure an abortion.  If you don’t want unborn babies to be killed.  Then don’t create a dynamic in which they are created when they aren’t desired.  Maybe you don’t like this.  Maybe it’s distasteful.  Maybe you want to throw your cliché rhetoric.  But this real world.  It is how life really works.

You would know this if you asked us…………

Lazy law enforcement empowered by clueless puritanical legislators.  Gee.  That sounds like a great path for social change to me………  Pathetic.

5 Responses

  1. The thing is – they DO NOT care if you catch a disease or not – catching a disease is a PLUS for them … a way they can enlist GOD in the fight against you.

    It’s pretty sick really. I wonder how many women who aren’t sex workers even know about this? I’m sure a lot of responsible women like to have protected sex and … aren’t condoms sold in packs? LOL – where besides a gas station toilet can you buy just ONE condom?

    These people are crazy.

  2. As usual, you’ve hit the nail on the head. While I’m not only long past the age of childbearing (and had my tubes tied in my twenties besides), I’m never going to be beyond the age of catching a deadly disease if I have unprotected sex. Good for you for still speaking up and speaking your mind.

    Oh, and I especially like the phrase you used: “You would know this if you asked us.” Oh no, no, no, my Dear Jill! Those self-absorbed, irresponsible and self-righteous folks can’t possibly afford to hear what we REAL sex workers think! After all, we’re supposed to be downtrodden, self-hating, and irredeemable – unless we find their religion or whatever social cause they’re touting.

    Ah me, when will people learn that you simply cannot tell a full-grown adult what to do with their lives? “A man persuaded against his will is of the same opinion still.” Don’t know who said that, but it fits for women too.

  3. thumbs up! like. i’m a policy-maker in training and i hope to be able to bring a new perspective to that process (though i’m not overly optimistic about being able to create change through traditional channels). strong voices like yours help though – their categories of “criminal” or “victim” suddenly don’t work. oh oh…then what? 😉

  4. insane policy indeed. Nonsence to not to carry a condom. regular woman should carry one all the time.

  5. Once again they are trying to control the womans reproductive system. They want to do away with things like planned parenthood too. Even is a “working woman” is on birth control condoms do not keep her from getting HIV or some other disease. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the pharmceutical companies help pay for national and local government campaigns each year or that Obama is pushing hard core for a ObamaCare. It’s sad that we had humans have no rights as long as dirty pockets are being lined. As for the comment above that God can take it from a certain point, that is rediculious that anyone would think that. Anyone that believes in knows that God does not want his creatures killed and that on some level we are here on earth with the laws of nature to partly govern us. I do have a question…can male prostitues carry more than one condom at a time? I know they are out there.

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