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SONGS OF SUBVERSION: an interview with Vi Subversa by Lynna Landstreet

The following appeared in the Toronto anarchist newspaper Kick It Over #14 Winter 1985/86:

Poisongirls, who recently played in Canada for the first time, at Lee’s Palace in Toronto, are a British band who have their roots in the punk movement, but have grown much more musically diverse over the eight years they’ve been together. One thing that has remained consistent, though, through the five LP’s two EP’s, and numerous singles (I think that’s right) that the band has released, has been their commitment to their anarchist feminist political convictions, expressed through both their lyrics and their involvement in the ...........READ MORE

Poison Girls

Poison Girls preforming at the squatted Zig Zag Club
in London, December 1982 (photo: G. Burnett)

The Poison Girls were a British anarcho-punk band, at one point a part of that scene around Crass. The female singer, Vi Subversa, wrote songs that kicked patriarchy in the teeth, bringing the kind of punk energy associated with “anarcho-punk” to bear on women’s experiences and struggles. From what i understand, Vi got turned on to punk when two of her kids formed their own band (The Fatal Microbes – they went on to be half of Rubella Ballet) – she figured this was ...........READ MORE