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George Nexus

From Prison to Ph.D.: The Redemption and Rejection of Michelle Jones (repost)

Michelle Jones was released last month after serving more than two decades in an Indiana prison for the murder of her 4-year-old son. The very next day, she arrived at New York University, a promising Ph.D. student in American studies. In a breathtaking feat of rehabilitation, Ms.

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A New Class Politics (repost)

Class is back on the agenda of the European left. That is good news. The reasons, however, are unfortunate. It is primarily the growing working-class support for right-wing parties and movements that troubles left-wing authors, activists, and organizers. Two poles have emerged in the debate.

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Islamophobia Is the Glue That Unites Diverse Factions of the Far Right (repost)

Women bradish US flags and shout at the “March Against Sharia” at Foley Square on June 10, 2017 in New York City. (Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / Getty Images) The nationwide “March Against Sharia” rallies on June 10, 2017, brought an unholy alliance of far-right actors into the streets.

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The Birth of Canada’s Armed, Anti-Islamic ‘Patriot’ Group (repost)

In front of Calgary City Hall a couple dozen of them stood, shoulder-to-shoulder, in an attempt to make an unbreakable human wall. Each of them wore a uniform consisting of a black T-shirt emblazoned with a Roman helmet—a look that wouldn’t be out of place in a biker gang.

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